Trades.. list cubs players you think are on the move


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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As we enter June, Trade Rumors should start coming about soon..

The Cubs are on a nice run now, but in reality we be lucky if they can get to playing .500 ball then making a playoff run..

looking over their roster i see some players i hope they keep going forward and dont try to trade off this deadline just for the sake of trading and getting a couple of prospects in return.

Heres my list of players i think they should/could try and move if they can..

1. soriano
2. marmol
3. feldman
4. villanueva
5. Ransom
6. barney
7. dejesus
8. hairston
9. scierholtz
10. sweeney

their not going to get high level talent for any of these guys, they will basically be moving them to add quantity to the system and to open up roster spots for guys they want to move up and get a look at for the rest of the season


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Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Feldman, Garza, Gregg and Dejesus.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Rectal Cavity
All the players listed are fairly insignificant to a contending team and will most likely bring more insignifcance in trade return.

Darts are cheap. So keep on throwing them.

I'm not so sure it's darts they are throwing.

More like plungers.


Driving Wreckless DA Best
May 10, 2010
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I think Soriano, DeJesus, Gregg, Feldman and Schi9erholtz will be traded.

Possibly depending on how they perform for the next month of so: Marmol, Garza.

Players I can't see being moved: Ransom - no point, cubs won't get anything. Sweeney will take one of the OF's spot who is traded, Hairston was signed to a 2-year contract and by his play so far, the Cubs will get shit, Villananueva also signed a 2-year contract and untless the Cubs are overwhelmed by the offer, he isn't going anywhere. Unless the Cubs trade Barney with another player to get better return, he won't be traded by hisself.

Also, Garza can go either way now... I would look into signing jhim to an extension and if no offer is good enough to pull off the trade, I would so that then.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
If it is me: I'd trade Dejesus and Barney. I would move Valbuena to 2B and promote Vitters. No platoon at 3B. Ransom can move to 2B. In CF I would give Borbon the first shot. Sweeny is intriguing but they would need to replace a lead off. Next I would field offers on Sori and Schierholtz. See what bites if a solid return is offered for either then back fill with Sweeny. If they can get solid returns on both then move Hairston to LF and play him F/T. Bog is another possabity to promote with the 40 man openings. SP wise I would first try to extend Garza. If he says F/A then trade out and promote Villenueva back to the rotation. If he be honest there is nothing wrong with the rotation and I'd concider extending Feldman. Gregg also. Just dump Marmol and Camp and back fill with MR with better track records.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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soriano should net them the best return, dependant on how much they take on of his remaining contract and his play in the next month..

marmol wont go anywhere til closer to or on july 31st and it will all depend on how he plays, contending teams are always looking for an extra bullpen arm.

feldman and villanueva , same as marmol. contending teams will be keeping eyes on them and they will most likely be moved closer to or on the 31st to a team needing a starter due to injury or upgrade to end of rotation.
feldman if he shows he can be effective out of pen for cubs, could go to a team looking for a long reliever/emergency starter..

ransom, hairston, sweeney are just guys contending teams could be interested in if their looking to add veteran bench help..

schierholtz could be needed for bench help or if a team needs an Ofer to hold a spot down because of injury to their regular starter..

barney could go to a team in need of 2nd base help, he could be one of those guys added to a team and end up being a key piece to a playoff ..
sore up an infield defense and or having quality ABs down the stretch..

like i said above i dont expect quality in return for these guys if their traded..
maybe soriano, marmol, and feldman would net back the best returns depending on their play the next month or so..
just think some of these guys could be moved just to open up spots for guys they want to bring up and get a look at.


New member
Apr 18, 2013
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Feldman, Garza, Gregg and Dejesus.

I would have to think that the Cubs will trade only the ones that have ANY substance.

Maybe Gregg

Schierholtz stays to platoon in right next year again because Hairston is on a 2 year deal.
Garza gets extended because the Cubs have no pitching.
Villanueva stays because of no depth.

Depending on how Baker does pitch IF he pitches this year, the Cubs will bring in a CF'er, a pitcher, a short term OF'er, and a few odds and ends pieces for the bullpen.

I also think one of the outfielders will be of substance.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Rectal Cavity
like i said above i dont expect quality in return for these guys if their traded.

Then really what is the point of this thread. Most smart baseball people already know that you get garbage for garbage.

Just more babble from the board's genius I assume.

Nice to know that your hands are full of KY-Jelly with the thoughts of contemplating the obvious.


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Apr 16, 2013
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All of the players listed outside of Garza will probably only net a mid level prospect at best.

So it would be yet another step back in the overall talent level of the organization. Trading major league players for mid level prospects is a step backwards no matter how much Keith Law blows them.

Garza MUST be extended.

Otherwise it is another step back for the organization.

Flipping major league talent for minor league prospects is not progress unless you get very, very lucky.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
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like i said above i dont expect quality in return for these guys if their traded...

And yet you will be one of the first ones rushing to the board to claim what great progress the organization is making because they added mid level at best minor league players while creating even more holes at the major league level.


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May 1, 2013
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I wouldn't like it, but I could see the Cubs getting a really good haul for James Russell. If Theo and Jed think that Rusin or Raley could fill the hole left by Russell, they will pull the trigger on a deal.

The Braves would make sense given their rash of bullpen injuries and the Cubs trade history with them. If Cubs could get one pitcher (Alex Wood or Lucas Sims) and a position player (Edward Salcedo or Josh Elander), it would be a fair trade for the Cubs.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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I wouldn't like it, but I could see the Cubs getting a really good haul for James Russell.

russell could net them a couple of young starters/players like they got for sean marshall BUT i dont see them moving russell now, who is still under their control for 3 more years.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
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russell could net them a couple of young starters/players like they got for sean marshall

Russell's numbers are great so far this year, but I don't think he holds as much value as Marshall. Russell looks more like a situational lefty than Marshall.


New member
Apr 18, 2013
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Russell's numbers are great so far this year, but I don't think he holds as much value as Marshall. Russell looks more like a situational lefty than Marshall.

They better not trade Russell. He is one of the few bright spots in the BP.

Silly me! What was I thinking? I forgot that BP arms are a dime a dozen. :lmao:


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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Flipping major league talent for minor league prospects is not progress unless you get very, very lucky.

i dont disagree with that, and i wasnt suggesting they should trade all of them..

soriano and marmol will be gone if they can net a decent return, and again the return will be determined by how they perform in the next month and how much of the remaining contract their willing to soak up ( mostly with soriano )

the rest are basically if they get a decent offer and if they feel they need to move in order to bring someone up that they want to look at for the remainder of year.


New member
Mar 20, 2013
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Then really what is the point of this thread. Most smart baseball people already know that you get garbage for garbage.

Just more babble from the board's genius I assume.

Nice to know that your hands are full of KY-Jelly with the thoughts of contemplating the obvious.

I'm newer here, so I haven't seen all your posts from when you joined. That being said, do you ever post anything constructive; or are all your posts telling people how wrong their opinions are compared to your own?


New member
Aug 19, 2012
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Rectal Cavity
I'm newer here, so I haven't seen all your posts from when you joined. That being said, do you ever post anything constructive; or are all your posts telling people how wrong their opinions are compared to your own?

I don't care if you are newer here. I could care less if you haven't read all my posts. That's not the point.

The factual point still remains that you can't read and comprehend. So now, fueled by ignorance, you have further tried to change the subject, with a "twist", to punctuate your stupidity even further. If that's truely possible.

Some on this board are concerned with it's overall intelligence. So I'll be kind enough to point out for you that you are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your INFORMED opinion. NO ONE is entitled to be ignorant. You've been called out on being ignorant.

And this is an open forum, anyone can comment. And why the hell are you speaking for him anyway?

It's funny how people demand freedom of speech as a true compensation for the freedom of thought which, in this case, they seldom use.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Right now the only players that make sense are Barney and Dejesus. Vitters can promote with the 3B platoon going to 2B. Borbon can take over CF. team would not be worse after the trades and the returns not great but most likely not bad either. The 2 players that could nab impact returns are Castro and Garza. I'll wait til after the draft on this. They get Appel and fast track to next year. Then they deal Garza to either Texas (Olt). Nats (Anthony Rendon) liking Rendon and 3B is locked up with them. I believe looking forward the Cubs with a legit 3B and Appel are better then Garza and 3B in question or blowing the pick on Bryant who projects in 2-3 years. Other then that no deals are even worth making.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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Then they deal Garza to either Texas (Olt).

why are people so high on this kid ? other then hitting 28 hrs last yr, he really hasnt shown much more then josh vitters and is actually struggling so far this year in AAA hitting just .163 2 HR 8 RBI..

hopefully vitters gets over this injury bug soon and can get some more ABs in AAA and then by some point in July he can get a call and finish out the year with the cubs.. If he shows progress, then he a keeper going into 2014 IF not then they need to address 3B in the off season..

I think they need to keep garza, even if they draft Appel.. 1. theres no guarantee Appel going to have success at major league level or how long it will take for him to get there. 2. If Appel does come in and succeeds right away, you have a solid rotation going with garza, samardzija, and Appel
