Exactly... this per episode bullshit is driving me nuts. You end up paying 2-3 per episode which is more than the box set when it comes out and if you think about it that 30-40 bucks could have been used to upgrade your cable for the 3 months of the show. (I know this may not be the case all the time if you don't get cable or the channel the show is on, i'm more talking about stuff on HBO and such)
Anywho, I digress, let's just get straight to the lynching cause I know I will get crucified for this. We finally watched firefly, still waiting to watch Serenity. And I thought it was an excellent show, very funny and definitely a genre breaker and entertianing. If it was still on I would watch it. And here comes the but, I just don't get the extreme fanaticism for it though. The pedestal it was put on does not meet what the show actually is, I was expecting so much more. Especially because so little got revealed. The season itself didn't seem to be anything near as revolutionary as people make it out to be, if they had more time maybe, but I'm just not getting where the folks are coming from saying it could have been the best show ever and all that. I enjoyed it a lot, and it would have probably been one of my favorites. Great charecters, but they did no story arc development. Maybe the movie really ties it all together or I'm missing something, but from what I've heard the movie is not satisfying to the die hards. I'm not saying the show is bad by any means, I just don't think it's as good as people make it out to be. It's like a musician that was awesome but died too early. They magically got better after they died. I would welcome it back any day, I'm just not sure it lived up to the expectations that other put on it for me.