TV Thread


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
I have Dish. Tis true. I just got the Hoppppaaaahhh and some Joeys too! Good stuff - except when it freaking pours...


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May 14, 2010
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I love dish's DVR. It stole all the best parts about tivo and then improved it. I miss it so much it was so much smarter than the POS I have.


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May 14, 2010
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So Truebies - what did you guys think of the finale? I personally was happy with this season even it if was slower and kind of all over the place. I was getting really tired of these horrible, evil sup-bitches being so dark and impossible to vanquish. The minot chick a few seasons ago was so fucking annoying because she wouldn't go away and that Marnie witch-***** last season was just plain annoying!

So, has anyone figured out who/what Warlow is? Who else is hoping for an orgy with Erik's "family" next season??
Finally saw it last night. It was just ok, but I still think it wasn't a very good season. At least a major shift in the storyline finally happened instead of having the whole season be about something happening and then just trying to get back to normal. I'm really really really really tired of charecters flip flopping on if they love or hate vampires. And Pam and Tara making out, while decent in itself was more of a what the ****. I mean in their "culture" it's normal i guess as it would seem that "family" members get it on all the time because it's not really blood lines, but sister and brother and maker and child just hit that taboo note because they treat makers like parental units. And Pam even called eric a grandpa when she made tara. It's just another strange thing or whatever. I just want storylines to start having a purpose, and start actually doing something instead of being a constant teenage struggle of angst and shit. Tara, i'm a vampire but I hate vampires, but I love the power it gives me. Sookie, I'm a fairy but I don't want to be a fairy or do I. LC, I don't want to be a pack master, but I have to be a packmaster. Jason, I hate I love I hate I love I whine I hate I love. Bill, I'm the one true unique vampire that feels love and compassion, but I'm the chosen one or am I, yeah I am. Jessica, Hoyt, Jason, Hoyt, random fun, Jason, no one, jason. It just doesn't even have a purpose anymore it's just about how self-absorbed the charecters have gotten and how they can write the script to make sure there is nudity. I do like the end though because they can really do something with it next season in making it an actual full story instead of just all this individual crap that they try to tie together. Jason all of a sudden becoming a super commando who is faster with his gun than a vampire coming for him? Right.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
Wow that must have taken a lot of energy to write, Mass. Did you take some V before you started typing? lol

I can't argue with any of the points you brought up. I guess I saw it all as a happy alternative to the evil, dark, marauding women the last few seasons.

The ending was fun. There are a few people missing from the equation at the end that could play baddies next summer. Where is Steve Noolan? Who is Warlow? Will the Bon Temps defenders gang sing cumbya around a bon fire now? They were a happy little family again in the final scene.

The Mule

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Dec 11, 2011
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I agree that the season was all over the place, but I've just kind of given into the craziness of True Blood and appreciate the parts that I've always enjoyed: really attractive, semi-nude people, hilarious one-liners, Eric, Eric, Eric. I think it's more of a character show than a plot show, even though the plots are completely insane. I already miss Russell Edgington. That guy is the greatest. I'm not super in love with the fairy stuff, but there were some funny moments. Pam and Tara=NO! I just think those characters have no chemistry.

Here are my questions/comments:
  • Why are the Stackhouse parents so crazy racist towards vampires? Or was the just Jason projecting his thoughts onto them? No matter, it was my LEAST favourite part of the whole season and I love stupid Jason.
  • So glad LaFayette got awesome again by the end of the season. He had so many great lines. I did not enjoy bummed out, serious Lala.
  • That PTSD story line was offensive on so many levels. I fucking hated it. Almost as much as racist Stackhouse parents.
  • RIP Sheriff Dearborne. That was some crazy shit.
  • Sookie did not get naked once all season. I think they were being a-holes because she's pregnant, as though you could even tell for most of the season. C'mon writers, give the pregnant ladies some love!
  • As heavy handed as the political commentary gets, I still like it. The women's rights, the church and state, the crazy religious nutjobs. It all fits into the world of the show.
  • Will there be a new vampire authority?
  • What is going to happen with hot sauce covered Bill? It's obvious that he's supreme evil now and a deity or something. Creepy. I hope he gets killed.

I guess that's all until next year for the folks of Bon Temps.


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May 16, 2010
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Just started Season 4 of Sons of Anarchy.

Can't say enough good things about the show... just so well done and Katey Sagal is fucking brilliant!


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May 14, 2010
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Wow that must have taken a lot of energy to write, Mass. Did you take some V before you started typing? lol

I can't argue with any of the points you brought up. I guess I saw it all as a happy alternative to the evil, dark, marauding women the last few seasons.

The ending was fun. There are a few people missing from the equation at the end that could play baddies next summer. Where is Steve Noolan? Who is Warlow? Will the Bon Temps defenders gang sing cumbya around a bon fire now? They were a happy little family again in the final scene.
Yeah, I will give you the ending for the most part, as far actually doing something, finishing up some of the storylines and such and leaving some good ones going forward. Warlow will be the big one, I was thinking it was Russel, but not now obviously. It's going to be a new character all together I guess.

I agree that the season was all over the place, but I've just kind of given into the craziness of True Blood and appreciate the parts that I've always enjoyed: really attractive, semi-nude people, hilarious one-liners, Eric, Eric, Eric. I think it's more of a character show than a plot show, even though the plots are completely insane. I already miss Russell Edgington. To me he had run his course cause they stopped developing his character they just threw him in for comic relief and flamboyant slaying, I would have much rather them do more with him this season but if that is what he was going to be I'm glad he's dead. That guy is the greatest. I'm not super in love with the fairy stuff. I hate it, it's the most annoying storyline to me. I'm fine with Sookie being a Fairy and all that but we don't need all the other shit. I mean, they didn't **** up the shifter storyline too much, but man did they marry the Fairy shit, and to just drop 4 kids on Andy when we're just really starting to like him even with that witch... just bad. And I bet she stays with him now. Who in their right mind would stay with a guy who cheated on them with a fairy and got 4 kids dropped on him. but there were some funny moments. Pam and Tara=NO! Yeah no shit, what the ****. I just think those characters have no chemistry.

Here are my questions/comments:
  • Why are the Stackhouse parents so crazy racist towards vampires? Or was the just Jason projecting his thoughts onto them? No matter, it was my LEAST favourite part of the whole season and I love stupid Jason. I would assume it has to do with all of the above. i mean a powerful vampire did kill them. And at least the mom was a fairy who is a swarn ememy of fairy's. Not to mention Jason now hates vampires yet again so I think it's probably a manifestation of it all.
  • So glad LaFayette got awesome again by the end of the season. He had so many great lines. I did not enjoy bummed out, serious Lala. Yeah, by far one of my favorite charecters, except int he margarita scene he over played it a bit and became the stereotype, what the **** was with all the bouncing while he walked. Anyway, I hope they really do something with him instead of just making him take all the abuse from the charecters around him.
  • That PTSD story line was offensive on so many levels. I fucking hated it. Almost as much as racist Stackhouse parents. NO SHIT. Completely worthless and unnessessary. It's like they are throwing a dart at a wall of supernatural lore and seeing what sticks and then figure out a way to throw them in. Next season I'm sure they'll have a Hobbitt, chupachabra, and Goatboy
  • RIP Sheriff Dearborne. That was some crazy shit.RIP indeed. THis actually was one of the few things to catch me off guard. I thought the dragon was Hoyt's mom. Mostly because of the cheeto smell they eluded to.
  • Sookie did not get naked once all season. I think they were being a-holes because she's pregnant, as though you could even tell for most of the season. C'mon writers, give the pregnant ladies some love! Hahah you don't have to tell me about prego love... too soon? But anywho, how are they going to do it if her charecter isn't pregant?
  • As heavy handed as the political commentary gets, I still like it. The women's rights, the church and state, the crazy religious nutjobs. It all fits into the world of the show. Missed the women's rights stuff I guess, some of the religious stuff I got was fine but they really started to confuse me, especially because everyone was flip flopping. One thing I didn't like about the authority was that they went from this huge sacred mainstream movement to all of a sudden having 3 (including the kid that they found the vids on the computer) of the most powerful vampires in the world be traders? I mean, can you imagine if 3 of Hitlers closest advisers were not nazi's... ok bad analogy but you get what i mean.
  • Will there be a new vampire authority?
  • What is going to happen with hot sauce covered Bill? It's obvious that he's supreme evil now and a deity or something. Creepy. I hope he gets killed. I was praying he was already dead but i knew they wouldn't let it happen. Next season will be all about running from him until they figure a way to get him back to normal. I'm interested in how the Authority is going to proceed. They are all dead, missing, ect. we'll see I guess. Hope Dexter starts soon.

I guess that's all until next year for the folks of Bon Temps.

Oh and Pete, nah, no V... just been sick all day and have a pounding headache so I haven't been able to sleep, it's been keeping my mind off the throbbing. And I'm hopped up on lot's of drugs.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
Finished season 4 of Breaking Bad last night. The wife and I have watched all 4 seasons in the last 2-3 weeks. Fucking brilliant show. Sucks I have to wait to see Season 5 now, but hopefully it won't be long until it hits Netflix.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Finished season 4 of Breaking Bad last night. The wife and I have watched all 4 seasons in the last 2-3 weeks. Fucking brilliant show. Sucks I have to wait to see Season 5 now, but hopefully it won't be long until it hits Netflix.

Thats the draw back of having assloads of seasons on netflix. You get SO into it, when you are watching the series at will. then when you finish and actually have to wait for the next season, and only 1 episode a week its like FFFUUUUUUU.

I don't get so emotionally involved in shows when I watch them at a normal pace, but when i consume like 4 seasons in a month, Im like living it. I did that with mad men, Supernatural, and BSG. never watched an episode of mad men till this year (same with supernatural) then after i finished all the seasons on netflix, I bought the current seasons on amazon instant video, now i gotta wait.

I also watched Star Trek: Enterprise on Netflix. I've always been kind of a sidelines fan of star trek, my parents were into it huge, and by proxy I had watched alot of star trek in jr. high and HS, its just not something I would normally watch on my own. I actually liked the series alot and was surprised it got cancelled. Arguably it was a different approach from previous star trek series as they didnt do the single episode story arch format anymore, they adopted the serial format. I think strictly trek fans werent into that and preferred the previous format, and star trek isnt main stream enough to get non-trek fans. I think alot of non-fans would have gotten into it, if they gave it a chance, it was definitely a darker and grittier take on star trek.

The Mule

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Dec 11, 2011
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Breaking Bad season finale. What did people think? Disappointed? Too easy? Satisfying?

I think it moved the story forward and in a way went back to the earlier episodes in the series that were less MacGyver and more believable. I was getting tired of all the fancy footwork and hey look at how clever I am bullshit with Walt. It was becoming so over the top, in my opinion, as exciting as some of the plot points were.

The montages were fantastic and filmed so beautifully. And great acting this episode too. However, at the end I wasn't dying for it to be next year so I could see new episodes. I can wait. I think this season was overall too tightly packed and heightened. I needed a bit of breathing room.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
Shit now I'm going to have to stop reading posts in this thread so nobody spoils season 5 of Brreaking Bad

The Mule

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Dec 11, 2011
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I did not give out any spoilers, but I do want to discuss the finale, so people, tell me when you're ready.


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May 16, 2010
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Few things..

1. does anyone have Hulu Plus? If so, is the latest season of Sons of Anarchy - Season 5 started on it? Irritated that neither On Demand nor Itunes have it available. Or, does anyone know any other online places (legal or not) where I might be able to catch the new eps?

2. I caught a few episodes of Matthew Perry's show "Go On" the other night - while it's really not breaking any new ground, I really enjoyed it and laughed out loud a few times (which isn't real easy for me to do with network television). While I'm not sure it will survive, I think it has the makings of a decent show and given some time, could really get good. I personally thought the "dry" humor of his last show "Mr. Sunshine" was good - I have a feeling this one will fall victim to the same fate.


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May 14, 2010
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SOA has only had one episode? Do they delay it any before they put it out there? I don't do hulu plus because to pay for that service and still have them feed you commercials you can't skip is asinine to me. I don't want to get in the argument about it again though.

I tried to watch Go On, only got through about one segment. Nothing wrong with it per se, just not smart enough to really hold my attention. I see a lot of Mr. Sunshine in it and used to watch that show some, but like Mr. Sunshine I think you are right and it will fall victim to the same fate. I only really watch these shows cause of Matthew Perry, but they keep failing because he doesn't have anyone ever equally as good to play off of. I think he'd do much better in more of a buddy show or another ensemble instead of as the leading man. Hell, I'd like to see him as Cousin Larry in a Perfect Strangers remake...


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
SOA has only had one episode? Do they delay it any before they put it out there? I don't do hulu plus because to pay for that service and still have them feed you commercials you can't skip is asinine to me. I don't want to get in the argument about it again though.

I tried to watch Go On, only got through about one segment. Nothing wrong with it per se, just not smart enough to really hold my attention. I see a lot of Mr. Sunshine in it and used to watch that show some, but like Mr. Sunshine I think you are right and it will fall victim to the same fate. I only really watch these shows cause of Matthew Perry, but they keep failing because he doesn't have anyone ever equally as good to play off of. I think he'd do much better in more of a buddy show or another ensemble instead of as the leading man. Hell, I'd like to see him as Cousin Larry in a Perfect Strangers remake...

The commercials for the show didn't even seem to good to me. I'm looking forward to the Sherlock Holmes show though. Seen a long ass preview for it before the Batman flick and it seemed solid


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May 14, 2010
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No fucking way am I going to touch Elementary. I already feel like it's going to be weak if they have to use a gimmick like Lucy Lu as Watson. I'll stick to waiting for Sherlock to come back around. I was going to give it a show and put it on my DVR but keep forgetting so now I won't bother.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
No fucking way am I going to touch Elementary. I already feel like it's going to be weak if they have to use a gimmick like Lucy Lu as Watson. I'll stick to waiting for Sherlock to come back around. I was going to give it a show and put it on my DVR but keep forgetting so now I won't bother.

Meh different strokes I guess
