Louie is a comedian that has become better as he has gone along. His latest stand-up set was awesome and the show really does follow that trend of "gets better". Funny cat, I like em.</p>
Idiot Abroad is awesome! I have a blast with that show and one of the few shows of its type where I dont thing he is acting in these situations or intentionally trying to add drama and comedy. I truly believe he is just like that. </p>
I saw mention of Vikings, love the show and Se 2 is just as good as Se 1. I also like it is based on ancient fables and historical events, culture, etc., mixed with some artistic licence of course.</p>
Sherlock, I might have mentioned here before, BBC show, takes away all the corny of how other wanted Sherlock Holmes to be and made the REAL Sherlock Holmes: A brilliant functional sociopath. Not some corny old guy in a trenchcoat or some pretty boy who kicks ass super smart and the ladies love him. THIS is as Sherlock should be. Each season is like 3 "books" 90 minutes a piece, into se 3. </p>
Silicon Valley is fun too, certainly more so if you are a geek or have worked in the Valley at all. </p>
Enjoying Fargo as well. </p>