The Patriots' chamionships are tainted because they cheated (allegedly). The Hawks' Cups aren't tainted in that regard, nor are any of Kane's accomplishments.
But if this turns out bad and he is convicted, I'll never remember them in a good light.
I don't view it like that. Big Ben seems to be doing fine in legacy as a football player. How much does this change my perception of Kane as a sloppy drunk douche bro?
Kane always surprises me because you expect him to be like Gronk. (who also works hard at practice).
But Kane is more than that. His skill level is Pistol Pete Maravich. The guy works on his skills every year, comes back better, does harder drills and does them with tighter focus than anyone else. He wills himself into being one of the best players in NHL at 170lbs. I will never forget him as a hockey player that leaves me in awe at how hard he was able to master his discipline and MAKE HIMSELF GREAT.
Ovechkin? Thats the type of dude that is born like Lebron. Kane is blessed with the hands sure, but he made himself. Without his dad he would be nothing, without his effort he would be nothing. And look at what him and Toews have done together.
And yet for all that hard work nobody on this team ever mentions Kane as an example, as a leader, as a guy you look to. I he that big of a bro douche? It seems like it.
It taints nothing from his hockey accomplishments. I hope the video sets him free but the Hawks really crack down on him. He needed rehab 5 years ago, and yet I feel like this Hawks team as a whole has an ambivalent view of drinking that its just what dudes do. Crawford, Sharp, etc...Shaw....we kind of have a frat house mentality still.
Which is scary...because these guys could be even better at Hockey if they all switched to cannibis and gave up the drink.