What if his job is to keep the house/family safe? Nice dogs don't do the best job of that.
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Protection dogs are the most well trained dogs there are... that is unless the owners want them to be disposable.
Many places will put a dog down if it bites multiple times in a single attack.
My first boxer was a highly active, big for the breed animal. We took him to schutzhund training for fun and activity.
I learned there that the first and most important part of any guard/attack dog training is teaching them to make a bite and hold on...if the bite is lost, not to go back. That is a hard thing to teach a predator... but hard work and patience prevents a guard dog from being put to sleep for doing his job but biting multiple times and be seen as a mauler.
If you watch any of those real cop shows where they send a dog in, that is a trademark- establish a single hold on flesh- no more no less.