Is it just Stan you look at as to the teams failures not to repeat as cup champions? Theres a lot of that going on at the O boards seems you'd fit right in. Theres more much more that makes a team successful from how their skates are sharpened all the way to Rocky sending letters to lure dog shows to Chicago. So I like to sit back and see the big picture. Thing is when a pixel goes out on your television you tend to focus on that one pixel and miss everything else around it, there maybe 4 or 5 more bad pixels you missed. I'm not saying I'm a Stan lover but I've followed and supported this team for a long time and if Rocky is comfortable with having Stan as HIS GM making the decisions for HIS team then who am I to question it. I'm sure Rocky has set a timetable to go with a plan to win another cup and I will support those decisions until he changes them. The business side of the organization is much the same as the entertainment side of it,you play,adjust and make whatever moves to win and every team is doing the same.
Repeat as Champions? I never expected a repeat of Champions. You should really stick around to explore our opinions, most of which Adam would make sure didn't stick around on your sensored board. You should also realize that some of us actually know a person or two or three and for the most part have some inside information. Although be it a lot less since the Scrooge has been in charge.
I'm quite sure Rocky doesn't give a shit as long as he's selling Beer, Parking, Frozen Pizza and has 10,000 people waiting to buy the over priced seats. If he did he'd have not allowed the real GM to be fired, while hiring someone with ZERO hockey knowledge to replace him.
Ultimately you are right Rocky is responsible. He's the idiot that hired the clown from Addison to take over knowing ZERO about the fucking game.
You do also realize the Cup team was built by the Old man NOT Rocky? If you've been buying tickets since they were 3$ you must have some insight yourself. You must know Peter ran off Pulford and with Tallon built the team you watched win a Cup right? Then you must know the qualifying offers were a ruse, fabricated so someone could get rid of one of the only guys who wouldn't kiss his ass.
Must be awful strange for Stan still. Sitting in GM meetings where most are all good old boys, and ALL of them knows how he climbed up the ladder.