WWE/AEW & General Wrestling Thread

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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They are putting him back to the position where the fans originaly loved him. Just a big ass security figure as he was in The Shield. Its smart. Him and Ambrose work together as buddies for now. How they turn him for the Shield three way in the future will be interesting.

But yah letting reigns be himself a bit more. No more stupid blue contact lenses, less mic work just let him be a big bad ass. I'll never be a complete fan of his but it's better so far. Let him get over Organically again.

You watching RAW live tonight?


CCS Enforcer
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Fight Owens fight


CCS Enforcer
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Lol at this promo


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Dec 30, 2014
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Prime Time Players showed out tonight. Good match. And great hot tag from Titus O'Neil. Also, New Day is the best thing to happen to the tag division in a long time.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Prime Time Players showed out tonight. Good match. And great hot tag from Titus O'Neil. Also, New Day is the best thing to happen to the tag division in a long time.

Titus has a move set I never knew he had until last night. Feels like they have been given the green light to go a bit more. Hopefully this time around they get booked right as they are entertaining. I never have a problem with a tag team of one huge son of a ***** doing power moves and a lighter guy doing more of the mat wrestling. Always been a fan of that since the Hart foundation and more so the British Buldogs.

But yah tag division is getting back to where it always should be. Bringing back respectability to the division with the WWE and those belts meaning something (even though they are ugly freaking belts). Good teams in the division unless that team is called Los Matadores. Last nights EC match I even had a moment of being impressed by The Ascention.


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Dec 30, 2014
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Titus has a move set I never knew he had until last night. Feels like they have been given the green light to go a bit more. Hopefully this time around they get booked right as they are entertaining. I never have a problem with a tag team of one huge son of a ***** doing power moves and a lighter guy doing more of the mat wrestling. Always been a fan of that since the Hart foundation and more so the British Buldogs.

But yah tag division is getting back to where it always should be. Bringing back respectability to the division with the WWE and those belts meaning something (even though they are ugly freaking belts).

Titus recently won some celebrity father of the year award or something, over people like Stephen Amell, Vin Diesel, David Beckham, etc. And he is also best friends with Batista who tweeted his congratulations to Titus and pleaded to "push Titus" as well. Maybe this is the reason for the PTP sudden push who knows. Regardless, I am glad to see some new blood in the tag team division step up.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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Titus recently won some celebrity father of the year award or something, over people like Stephen Amell, Vin Diesel, David Beckham, etc. And he is also best friends with Batista who tweeted his congratulations to Titus and pleaded to "push Titus" as well. Maybe this is the reason for the PTP sudden push who knows. Regardless, I am glad to see some new blood in the tag team division step up.

PTP are hilarious... I've just been watching again for over a year and in the last few months I have seen PTP for the first time.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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What a show!!!

Reigns is making me like him more and more... creative doing a good job there.


Anyone else watching?


New member
Dec 30, 2014
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What a show!!!

Reigns is making me like him more and more... creative doing a good job there.


Anyone else watching?

I can listen to Heyman and Steve Austin shoot a breeze all day lol. Two legends.


New member
Dec 31, 2014
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Work this week is just not allowing full WWE enjoyment. Welcome to summer!!

Fucking stupid Summer keeping me from nerding out and marking out

female co-workers arent helping this cause this week either. Yah I went there. Wish I worked with NXT women and not these shitty WWE main roster ones.


Did Vince die and no one has found out yet?

The last 2-3 weeks have been incredible.

Ohhhhh gaaaaayyyyyyyy.... they are making Reigns run the gauntlet tonight.

Did you even realize that you just answered your own question.

Incredible?! Nothing on WWE can be described as incredible since Rollins won the title at WM. Elimination Chamber was pretty bad except the Cena/Owens match. Every other aspect was terrible. Looking forward to MITB.


Work this week is just not allowing full WWE enjoyment. Welcome to summer!!

Fucking stupid Summer keeping me from nerding out and marking out

female co-workers arent helping this cause this week either. Yah I went there. Wish I worked with NXT women and not these shitty WWE main roster ones.

I need to know... Whats the difference between an NXT woman and a WWE woman?
Paige was an "NXT woman" and she absolutely sucks on the main roster.
NXT Women are like real life women. They make you believe they are one thing, then you find out that they're just like all the other cunts you ever dated.
Guess what... their only goal in life is to become a Diva which means go up to the main roster and do the same shit the Divas have always done. follow the WWE formula.

Sorry, I've been spoiled by the luchadoras.. NXT women are not that great.


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Dec 31, 2014
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The complete sexist booking on the main roster, the amount of time the female wrestlers get on nxt compared to the main roster and the fact that they arent using the nxt wrestlers to promote a shitty reality tv show is the difference.

Paige was an absolute amazing in ring worker in the indies and good on nxt. Once any wrestler gets mixed up in a story line of the Bellas they are ruined as wrestlers. Paige would actually be a great worker for Lucha Underground. Every company books female wrestlers better than the wwe main roster shows. Even TNA does a better job.


The complete sexist booking on the main roster, the amount of time the female wrestlers get on nxt compared to the main roster and the fact that they arent using the nxt wrestlers to promote a shitty reality tv show is the difference.

Paige was an absolute amazing in ring worker in the indies and good on nxt. Once any wrestler gets mixed up in a story line of the Bellas they are ruined as wrestlers. Paige would actually be a great worker for Lucha Underground. Every company books female wrestlers better than the wwe main roster shows. Even TNA does a better job.

So basically they get more time. Because they're not really booked any differently.. They don't wrestle men.
The reality TV show has nothing to do with anything.

So they get more time... so what. I'm really not THAT impressed. All that did was make the Divas matches even longer with that stupid Give Divas a chance crap. NXT Isn't that much better. Just saying. Not to mention that they're all doomed once they hit the main roster because at the end of the day NXT is WWE.
It's Triple H's guise to make him look like he's different from Vince but he's not. All you have to do is look at how much boring ass Sheamus is getting paid to see that.


New member
Dec 31, 2014
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So basically they get more time. Because they're not really booked any differently.. They don't wrestle men.
The reality TV show has nothing to do with anything.

So they get more time... so what. I'm really not THAT impressed. All that did was make the Divas matches even longer with that stupid Give Divas a chance crap. NXT Isn't that much better. Just saying. Not to mention that they're all doomed once they hit the main roster because at the end of the day NXT is WWE.
It's Triple H's guise to make him look like he's different from Vince but he's not. All you have to do is look at how much boring ass Sheamus is getting paid to see that.

Im going to fight you!!

Good point on wwe and nxt women not wrestling men like they allow women to do on lucha underground and other indy promotions. So you win that battle!!

Errrr i dont know. Total Divas really damaged the womens division in wwe in my opinion. Not the womens division was ever consistently great but at least they used to put that belt on wrestlers not just models turned wrestler. Wwe has been guilty of this many time but shiiiiiiiiiiiiit nobody can tell me brie and nikki bella are the best wrestlers in the promotion and are holding the stupid divas title based on anything other than that reality show.


I love a good fight. I'm not easily offended at all so it's too bad there's nothing to fight about here :(

It's easy to blame Total Divas for the Bellas success but then how do you explain Reigns and his run at the title, which although postponed, he will inevitably end up as WWEWHC. The WWE is not about wrestling Talent... it hasn't been for a long long time. Its about Looks, Muscles and Sex. Even if TD didn't exist and even if Bellas didn't retain the title for this long... it would just be passed around from talentless hack to talentless hack.
The rub they give Reigns off Ambrose and Bryans popularity is sickening. Putting the WH title on someone who has no charisma. no acting skills and minimal wrestling skills just because he's drop dead gorgeous is sickening... That's the real story.
