WWE/AEW & General Wrestling Thread


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Dec 31, 2014
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Oh yah wont disagree thats wwe booking. Put a guy with the hot hand to get him over. Thats HHH booking as he ran his entire career putting himself next to the hot hand but at least HHH brought something of his own a long the way. Im not a reigns fan and never have been. I agree the cosmetic look dictates a lot of the booking in the wwe even though im sensing a change and i cant wait until we get more guys like Steen..eeer Owens...on the main roster getting real pushes. Steen is my fav wrestler the last 6-7 years im not that fan base where i need hulked up buff wrestlers. Steen wrestles the style i like and has the personality i like in wrestlers.

I understand wwe wrestling and the business end and the merch etc etc. it doesnt really bother me that much. I know they are the corporate of wrestling but i can still really enjoy it and hate a lot of it at the same time. I think wrestling fans are funny that way and what makes us a different breed of fan. Guess its smarking..we all enjoying being a little smarky. The one thing the wwe does better than anyone else because of the money and its of no surprise is production value. I buy into a good production as much as i buy into a more grainy organic wrestling like the indies. I like it all for different reasons. Im a complete wrestling nerd have been since i was 7 and i saw the first wrestling illustrated magazine cover of ric flairs bloody head. Mmmmmm ric flairs bloody head.

My biggest beef with the wwe is how they are taking away wrestlers moves or outlawing moves. Guys like Steen should be able to do their package piledrivers. Thats my biggest wwe piss off. I know why they do it but it still pisses me off as a wrestling fan and a fan of certain individual workers.


Oh yah wont disagree thats wwe booking. Put a guy with the hot hand to get him over. Thats HHH booking as he ran his entire career putting himself next to the hot hand but at least HHH brought something of his own a long the way. Im not a reigns fan and never have been. I agree the cosmetic look dictates a lot of the booking in the wwe even though im sensing a change and i cant wait until we get more guys like Steen..eeer Owens...on the main roster getting real pushes. Steen is my fav wrestler the last 6-7 years im not that fan base where i need hulked up buff wrestlers. Steen wrestles the style i like and has the personality i like in wrestlers.

I understand wwe wrestling and the business end and the merch etc etc. it doesnt really bother me that much. I know they are the corporate of wrestling but i can still really enjoy it and hate a lot of it at the same time. I think wrestling fans are funny that way and what makes us a different breed of fan. Guess its smarking..we all enjoying being a little smarky. The one thing the wwe does better than anyone else because of the money and its of no surprise is production value. I buy into a good production as much as i buy into a more grainy organic wrestling like the indies. I like it all for different reasons. Im a complete wrestling nerd have been since i was 7 and i saw the first wrestling illustrated magazine cover of ric flairs bloody head. Mmmmmm ric flairs bloody head.

My biggest beef with the wwe is how they are taking away wrestlers moves or outlawing moves. Guys like Steen should be able to do their package piledrivers. Thats my biggest wwe piss off. I know why they do it but it still pisses me off as a wrestling fan and a fan of certain individual workers.

There are good looking people who are talented out there. That's what frustrates me about the WWE. They don't want talent. for whatever reasons... I don't know if it has to do with paying for in ring injuries or that they just want "yes men". When all that stuff went down with DeMott... that's what every one said... the only way you'll make it to the main roster is if you just do what you're told. The best example I can think of off hand when it comes to good looking talent that was squashed by the WWE was John Morrison... Now as Johnny Mundo he is incredible and definitely in my top 3 in LU as a wrestler.

Yeah If you have an ounce of talent they take it away and make you the Dean Ambrose sloppy kicks and punches. So Sad.


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Dec 31, 2014
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There are good looking people who are talented out there. That's what frustrates me about the WWE. They don't want talent. for whatever reasons... I don't know if it has to do with paying for in ring injuries or that they just want "yes men". When all that stuff went down with DeMott... that's what every one said... the only way you'll make it to the main roster is if you just do what you're told. The best example I can think of off hand when it comes to good looking talent that was squashed by the WWE was John Morrison... Now as Johnny Mundo he is incredible and definitely in my top 3 in LU as a wrestler.

Yeah If you have an ounce of talent they take it away and make you the Dean Ambrose sloppy kicks and punches. So Sad.

Johnny Mundo rules. I thought the wwe gave up on him way to fast when he was john morrison. That guy won me over right away with the full package. Great inring, great mic, great gimmick, greeeeeat enterance. Hes awsome in Lucha and glad he found his home and that Lucha respects and saw his talent enough to be one of the workers to build a product around to start. There is indeed a massive amount of talent out there so the more promotions the better. I yearn for the territory days again and in some sense with the indies and smaller promotions getting more exposure on the internets its kind of happening again.


they can call her the anti-diva but that doesn't really mean anything... does it?

I didn't want to be a dick when I posted earlier because I hadn't seen the promo... Just saw it... It sucked. She's not good on the mic. This is my house... God stop saying that crap.


Feb 9, 2011
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Can't speak on the promo but I think she's usually pretty good in the mic

This is my house... God stop saying that crap.

I definitely agree with this though. It's like out dated 90's basketball trash talk


Can't speak on the promo but I think she's usually pretty good in the mic

I definitely agree with this though. It's like out dated 90's basketball trash talk

Very few people are good on the mic nowadays. And the people like Sandow who are phenomenal on the mic are kept off of it.

PJ Black (Justin Gabriel) said it best yesterday on Twitter

PJ Black ‏@Justin__Gabriel 19h19 hours ago
After my match tonight some kid went "u still got it". I never fucking lost it kid! Lol Just had some proverbial corporate handcuffs on.


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Apr 16, 2013
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There are good looking people who are talented out there. That's what frustrates me about the WWE. They don't want talent. for whatever reasons... I don't know if it has to do with paying for in ring injuries or that they just want "yes men". When all that stuff went down with DeMott... that's what every one said... the only way you'll make it to the main roster is if you just do what you're told. The best example I can think of off hand when it comes to good looking talent that was squashed by the WWE was John Morrison... Now as Johnny Mundo he is incredible and definitely in my top 3 in LU as a wrestler.

Yeah If you have an ounce of talent they take it away and make you the Dean Ambrose sloppy kicks and punches. So Sad.

What? Johnny Nitro does spots. He is a pretty decent wrestler but not a great wrestler. His mic skills are awful. It takes a lot to be a face of a company or a head guy. Daniel Bryan deserved it not because he is incredible in the ring but because he became so much better on the promo's. I will not protect WWE with squashing some good talents but John Morrison was not one of them. Also, Ambrose is really good in the ring. His style is different for a reason.

Also, couple of reasons moves were taken away. We live in a different society now where everyone sues. Also, people don't want to become paralyzed by some douche pulling a ridiculous move. AJ styles has almost killed two people this year. Another thing, HHH pushed for certain maneuvers to be banned.

Wrestling needs to get away from the you have to put someone through 4 tables and 2 finishers to pin them. Harley Race finishing move was a suplex. I respect the **** out of Cena and like his rope stunner move but that has to be the finisher. Making that not the finisher is a wasted move. It serves no purpose. Why is NXT so good? They don't saturate it. It comes on once a month as a two hour show. It feels fresh because you don't have a guy hitting his finisher every week and people kicking out. Wrestling needs to go back to the basics. The attitude era really hurt wrestling going forward. Great when it happened but it made everything so insane. Paul Heyman even talked about how towards the end of ECW it wasn't enough to put someone through a table on fire. Thats insane.


What? Johnny Nitro does spots. He is a pretty decent wrestler but not a great wrestler. His mic skills are awful. It takes a lot to be a face of a company or a head guy. Daniel Bryan deserved it not because he is incredible in the ring but because he became so much better on the promo's. I will not protect WWE with squashing some good talents but John Morrison was not one of them. Also, Ambrose is really good in the ring. His style is different for a reason.

Also, couple of reasons moves were taken away. We live in a different society now where everyone sues. Also, people don't want to become paralyzed by some douche pulling a ridiculous move. AJ styles has almost killed two people this year. Another thing, HHH pushed for certain maneuvers to be banned.

Wrestling needs to get away from the you have to put someone through 4 tables and 2 finishers to pin them. Harley Race finishing move was a suplex. I respect the **** out of Cena and like his rope stunner move but that has to be the finisher. Making that not the finisher is a wasted move. It serves no purpose. Why is NXT so good? They don't saturate it. It comes on once a month as a two hour show. It feels fresh because you don't have a guy hitting his finisher every week and people kicking out. Wrestling needs to go back to the basics. The attitude era really hurt wrestling going forward. Great when it happened but it made everything so insane. Paul Heyman even talked about how towards the end of ECW it wasn't enough to put someone through a table on fire. Thats insane.

clearly you have not watched lucha underground. Johnny Mundo is a phenomenal athlete. He doesn't just do spots like he did in the WWE.
John Morrison was a victim of bad booking and misuse of talent by the WWE.
Instead of elevating talent they expose weaknesses because they are incredibly stupid. Johnny Mundo doesn't talk much on LU but when he does its actually really good.
The WWE has a guy like Damien Sandow who is incredibly talented on the mic and what do they do? They make him Mizdow... who is basically a fucking Mime. Its disgusting and unfair to the talent and the fans.
I'm still entertained by the WWE but they have insane flaws. they are the richest promotion on earth and they are not half as good at elevating their talent as a small tv show like LU.

U want to be entertained? Here's the first episode of LU on daily motion..

Its not a wrestling promotion its a tv show with an ongoing storyline.
AAA is the promotion these wrestlers come out of.
Best wrestling on tv today.


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Apr 16, 2013
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clearly you have not watched lucha underground. Johnny Mundo is a phenomenal athlete. He doesn't just do spots like he did in the WWE.
John Morrison was a victim of bad booking and misuse of talent by the WWE.
Instead of elevating talent they expose weaknesses because they are incredibly stupid. Johnny Mundo doesn't talk much on LU but when he does its actually really good.
The WWE has a guy like Damien Sandow who is incredibly talented on the mic and what do they do? They make him Mizdow... who is basically a fucking Mime. Its disgusting and unfair to the talent and the fans.
I'm still entertained by the WWE but they have insane flaws. they are the richest promotion on earth and they are not half as good at elevating their talent as a small tv show like LU.

U want to be entertained? Here's the first episode of LU on daily motion..

Its not a wrestling promotion its a tv show with an ongoing storyline.
AAA is the promotion these wrestlers come out of.
Best wrestling on tv today.

Ive watched Lucha underground. Its not even comparable.

I don't think people realize that there is only room for so many at the top. Not everyone is going to get there and yes, WWE does screw the pooch on some wrestlers. But, people get enamored with a one dimensional wrestler.


Ive watched Lucha underground. Its not even comparable.

I don't think people realize that there is only room for so many at the top. Not everyone is going to get there and yes, WWE does screw the pooch on some wrestlers. But, people get enamored with a one dimensional wrestler.

reigns= one dimensional wrestler.


Have to agree on the finishers, they need to be sold more and not so watered down

the finishers in WWE are AWFUL! when CM Punk did the GTS.. every time he puts the sleepy face on right before. reigns cocks his fist EVERY TIME. Ryback does the Feed me More. Wish it was more organic. Oh well.

P.S. Ambrose DDT Looks like SHIT


CCS Enforcer
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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reigns= one dimensional wrestler.

the finishers in WWE are AWFUL! when CM Punk did the GTS.. every time he puts the sleepy face on right before. reigns cocks his fist EVERY TIME. Ryback does the Feed me More. Wish it was more organic. Oh well.

P.S. Ambrose DDT Looks like SHIT

True when hogan did the leg drop you were not getting up. When get f5'd by lesnar, should never kick out


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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the finishers in WWE are AWFUL! when CM Punk did the GTS.. every time he puts the sleepy face on right before. reigns cocks his fist EVERY TIME. Ryback does the Feed me More. Wish it was more organic. Oh well.

P.S. Ambrose DDT Looks like SHIT

Why? Its a double arm DDT that he snaps back on. Its not the greatest finisher ever, but its not performed badly.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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Have to agree on the finishers, they need to be sold more and not so watered down

Yes, people have kicked out of the Attitude Adjustment almost every week. Thats insanely stupid booking. Now, if they did that to make the stunner his finisher I could get it but they are not.


Reigns has gotten better, they booked him wron in the beginning

I think it was smackdown... I actually watched smackdown... but he had a match with sheamus and I fucking rolled my eyes 1,000 times. Why I watched I have no idea. But it was a great match. very physical and impressive by both of them. One thing about reigns.. I always liked his muay tai style elbows.
hes gotten better but does not deserve the title run hes about to go on. IMO
