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From during the conference

In a blog post, Major Nelson has some good news. "Should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile," Nelson wrote. The blog post also mentioned that customers will be able to trade and sell their used games at retail outlets.
However, Microsoft executive Phil Harrison, in an interview with Kotaku, has some potentially bad news. The aforementioned 'fee' to play games on a second account? Full MSRP. So unless you want to use your account for your entire family, you'll be dishing out an extra $40, $50, $60 for siblings or friends to try out new games. Harrison did tell Kotaku that his company plans to allow gamers to 'trade' their used games online somehow - though declined to get into further details.
Hardware: Not impressive
Design: Meh
Backwards Compatibility: Fail
Name: Seriously Special person. XboxOne? So when you go to a gamestop and buy an Xbox1 game, they will constantly have to remind you in their condescending nerd voices that it wont play on the XboxOne, even though it's an Xbox1 game.
Innovation: What innovation?
Development team: Cocky and live in a bubble
I give this announcement 0.5 out of 5 stars.
I'm sure they can show some awesome demos at E3 and have an awesome ad campaign, but even that might not save it. 360 will wind up being one of those legendary consoles that people miss.
They are going to kill the used game market and seriously empower the hackers/pirates out there... idk what they are thinking... Crystallas is right, these guys are living in a bubble....
Hmmm, no user replacement of hard drive, but external drives are allowed.... so you buy external HDs, install cracked games on the external drive and then plug it in and play.... cracking Xbox games is about to become as easy as cracking a PC game
Xbox One will not only use Kinect for voice commands, but the camera will also talk to you and let you know if there is someone in the room it doesn’t recognize, and will ask the person to identify themselves.
According to source speaking with Polygon, the new person identified will then have their identity saved to the console, and then will be “welcomed” by the system.
Think of the ability for Kinect to talk in a similar fashion to Siri on iPhone or Kitt on Knight Rider. Hopefully, not as annoyingly sarcastic though.
The system’s voice capabilities may not be available at launch, as Microsoft may opt to patch it in later.
Xbox One will also feature remote play, according to the source. For instance: you are having a tough time killing a boss, you just Skype with a friend who has rad skillz, and then they can take over for you in your game and kill the boss for you.
A demonstration of the feature, the source said, showed a message on screen asking if it was okay for the person they were Skyping with to take over in the game. The initial player was then able to watch the new player take matters into their own hands. Both could end remote play just by pressing a button.
The source said the demo was shown via two console connected locally, yet was told Microsoft isn’t worried over any latency issues.
Microsoft has yet to respond to the report on these features.