In reference to having opinions, I offer this.
After Game 5 or 6 of the ECF, I posted that the Bulls should get Jason Richardson. It's my thinking that he could provide some scoring that is desperately needed from the 2. I looked at some of his stats, compared it to a couple others (I don't remember the others), and that is how I formed the opinion of the Bulls looking to go after him.
There were many others who disagreed with me, for a variety of reasons. A couple people made claims of, "I never liked him, don't want him on the Bulls." Well that's great that you don't like him, but why don't you like him? What about his playing has made you form the opinion that the Bulls don't need him.
In the end, it was Rami I believe, who made a strong argument against Richardson and it was that argument that made me backoff the Richardson thing. I still think he would be helpful, but I don't think he is the be-all, end-all like I thought he was. And I only thought that because the Bulls had just lost the series (maybe, if it was Game 5 then I was just upset at a Bulls loss), and was basing my opinion on emotion at the time. Which as it turns out, was the wrong opinion to hold.