Not necessarily--especially if the 'hawks feel they don't need wiggle room.</p>
The 'hawks right now are $2,216,795 over the cap. If TT starts in the A, that means we are only 1,322,628 over. If we attempt to bury Versteeg (assuming we don't get lucky and someone claims him off of waivers, which would solve the problem) We then are over by only 397,628. </p>
From there, there's 2 routs the 'hawks an take: They can attempt to bury Rosival (again, if he's claimed off waivers it solves it) it gives us 527,372 in cap space (and this is assuming that Rosie's current contract is not on a 35+ (I don't believe it is,but I may be wrong). They could also attempt to buy Rosival out, which would give us 769,039 in cap space, but handcuff us by 583,333 in 2015/16. If I'm wrong and Rosie is on a 35+ contract, this won't work since we only save 100k, not the full 925k</p>
The last idea would be sending Runblad through waivers, we get his full salary off the books, and thus end up with 387,372 in cap space. The problem is in all likleyhood he would be claimed.</p>
Unfortunately, I'm not sure how buyouts work on RSA contracts, like Versteeg. Capgeek is spitting out a number based on his full contract, not the 2.2M we actually pay in cap.</p>
All are really up against it, but still plausible. We'd have no wiggle room unless we had an LTIR injury. Still, in those secnarios we can lose TT off the roster if he starts in the A (which I think is a foregone conclusion), and 1 more forward and still ice the usual 12. We can also lose 1 d-man and still have the 6.
Assuming no one is traded, the ideal scenario would be keeping TT down for the beginning of the year and Versteeg is claimed off of waivers, and if not him, then Rosival. We'd make cap then.</p>
Of course, the complete ideal situation is that we manage to move one or both of Rosival and Versteeg for a 7th round pick (maybe one for each).
