[quote name="Rdrhwke"]
[quote name="acco-redtribe"]
[quote name="Rdrhwke"]And where did Versus find those announcers?
Talk about a couple of clueless ass clowns.
Even when Foley and Nocheck are yukkin it up they have a better idea of what's going on than those two fucksticks.[/quote]
Dude, I so Agree with you I have never seen these ass clowns myself, even the camera angles were bad at times. We had the puck and the fuckin camera guy is showing Mortons Steak House on the boards. What a freakin joke.
a little art to go along with this post.. Niemi has been saying :naughty: to most shots at him. While Nabby has been
ray: when the hawks are coming at him. Joe thornton and his excuses :violin: and Povelski makes you :think: if he is the missing twin brother of Steeger.[/quote]
I also forgot their ass kissing of Thornton. How many minutes did they waste talking about how he got even with Ladd?
What a couple of fuckin idiots.
Ladder totally blew Thornton up. Dumbo got a decent shot on Ladd but he didn't get blown up by any means.
And thankfully, I had nothing heavy to throw at the TV when they were blowing Marleau for what seemed eternity....even going as far as talking about how many hat tricks he had when the game went into OT as if he were going to beat Nemo.
God help us if we have to listen to those Bozos the rest of the way.[/quote]
how many of you caught the part when one of the hawks I think it was Kane who shot the puck from the side circle at Nabby who held on and the announcer said he swallows. LOLOL that was the funniest shit. I had to give them a :clap: for that.