Annoying Cars.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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I've found that smegma-encrusted douche-nozzles seem to be drawn to Priuses, Leafs, Volts, Teslas, and any other electric or hybrid car like a moth to a flame or like Roseanne to a buffet.

It's like the felchers think that because of some imaginary carbon credits it gives them the right to commit multiple moving violations.

It's why I also cheer any large diesel truck that rolls coal on their hipster natural fire asses.

While part of your post is true - Prius drivers are ass clowns, I gotta put the 'rolling coal' dipshits on that list too.

Don't care if you are a flat brimmed hat Colin Kaepernick lookalike driving a stanced 'hella flush' Civic with a fart can exhaust and 'Illest' decals on it, or a camo hat wearing bro driving some lifted flat black spray painted pick up truck with pipes shooting black 'coal' into the air like it's damn Indiana steel mill - each is equally and incredibly annoying.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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People that drive SUVs the size of a semi to the grocery by themselves. Or to run their kids around in them. I have anger management problems around those morons.

Why? Why do you care?

My wife falls into that category. She's probably at Target right now in her big SUV. By herself.

Why? Because that's her car. She's in it by herself because the kids are at school. Later today, after school, that big SUV will be filled with her, my three kids, the neighbor kid, probably our dog, and 4 big bags of hockey gear.

That same SUV will be used multiple times this year to go back and forth to Michigan (275 miles) and will be loaded to the gills with our family and dog and all that shit that having a family and dog will entail.

That same SUV will be used multiple times each month to haul shit like plywood or whatever.

That same SUV will be used multiple times per year to haul a 23' boat on a trailer. It will also be used to haul a 20' enclosed car trailer.

The point? People drive what they want. Why should anyone care?

More than likely that one lady you see driving that SUV to the grocery store at 10am will have a shit ton of kids in that same SUV at 4pm. Why the **** would anyone drag their kids to the grocery store?

Is it any different than the ONE guy you see driven the big ass pickup which often is sitting on the same chassis as the SUV, with the same power plant and often, the nearly similar curb weights. I doubt that every big ass pick up driver is a contractor hauling a big trailer full of tools and 4x8 sheets of plywood all day long.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Look, I don't feel good about telling someone what they can or can't drive. But in my personal opinion, people that drive a truck but only haul shit once or twice a year are fucking dumb. They pay that extra gas and dump all that extra CO2 and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere so they can help someone a buddy move every now and then? Fuckins stupid imo.

Its like we all have to share one pie and some asshole takes a piece twice as big as everyone else for no good reason. And then, when we get in the elevator, dude farts it up and we all have to breathe his ass cause he ate too much pie.

Why stop there?

Why not take into consideration the actual mileage driven in said vehicles.

My wife's big SUV is driven, by her, probably 100 miles total on M-F. It's used for local shit and carting the kids around.

By comparison, my next door neighbor has a new Honda Accord. He drives like 30 miles to work each way, which probable includes a solid hour plus of sitting stuck in traffic.

Who is consuming more fuel and dumping more shit in the atmosphere?


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Are you REALLY getting a 30hp bump just from exhaust? Not sure what year that is and/or if it's VTEC, YO!!! - but from my precursory view, it's a K20 lump, correct? I know there's a TON you can do to K20 and K24 engines, but I saw they deliver 155-197hp depending on configuration.

So, JUST an exhaust swap gave you a 15-20% HP bump? Doesn't seem right. Did you do anything else (intake, headers, de-cat)?
I think that depends on how restrictive the factory exhaust is--dito with intake gains.

While part of your post is true - Prius drivers are ass clowns, I gotta put the 'rolling coal' dipshits on that list too.

Don't care if you are a flat brimmed hat Colin Kaepernick lookalike driving a stanced 'hella flush' Civic with a fart can exhaust and 'Illest' decals on it, or a camo hat wearing bro driving some lifted flat black spray painted pick up truck with pipes shooting black 'coal' into the air like it's damn Indiana steel mill - each is equally and incredibly annoying.
For the most part I agree...but keep in mind my location--it's infested with greenies. Not the, "Hey, I'll ride my bike to work and stay far on the shoulder" greenie, the "I'll ride my bike to work and take up all lanes of traffic even though I have enough space to ride on the shoulder and punish the assholes who eat animals" greenie. IMHO the best way to get back at them is unfortunately rolling coal. Overall though any diesel (or other IC engine) that smokes continuously like a turd on a cold January afternoon is anoying, though.

Besdies, the pickup truck drivers (read: not SUV) around here drive worth a smeg. No so the Prius assholes.
Why? Why do you care?

My wife falls into that category. She's probably at Target right now in her big SUV. By herself.

Why? Because that's her car. She's in it by herself because the kids are at school. Later today, after school, that big SUV will be filled with her, my three kids, the neighbor kid, probably our dog, and 4 big bags of hockey gear.

That same SUV will be used multiple times this year to go back and forth to Michigan (275 miles) and will be loaded to the gills with our family and dog and all that shit that having a family and dog will entail.

That same SUV will be used multiple times each month to haul shit like plywood or whatever.

That same SUV will be used multiple times per year to haul a 23' boat on a trailer. It will also be used to haul a 20' enclosed car trailer.

The point? People drive what they want. Why should anyone care?

More than likely that one lady you see driving that SUV to the grocery store at 10am will have a shit ton of kids in that same SUV at 4pm. Why the **** would anyone drag their kids to the grocery store?

Is it any different than the ONE guy you see driven the big ass pickup which often is sitting on the same chassis as the SUV, with the same power plant and often, the nearly similar curb weights. I doubt that every big ass pick up driver is a contractor hauling a big trailer full of tools and 4x8 sheets of plywood all day long.
By my use the SUV--especially for hauling & hauling people at the same time. There are a couple of Cow-irkers here in the same boat. They have boats/campers, multiple kids and dont have a plethora of vehicles. That's not where my ire lies. It's mostly with the people who can't drive the vehicles they own, and with the SUV owners around here that lies with the multitude of single/married with no children people that own something like a Ford Excusion that has hauled no more cargo than 3 asses at once, and the only offroad it's seen is the owner's driveway...yet they drive it in inclement weather like it's an M1 Abrahms tank.

I know Chicago has those fartknockers, and they should be taking the bus.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2010
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Are you REALLY getting a 30hp bump just from exhaust? Not sure what year that is and/or if it's VTEC, YO!!! - but from my precursory view, it's a K20 lump, correct? I know there's a TON you can do to K20 and K24 engines, but I saw they deliver 155-197hp depending on configuration.

So, JUST an exhaust swap gave you a 15-20% HP bump? Doesn't seem right. Did you do anything else (intake, headers, de-cat)?

At the time it had a gt3076r...k20z3, same as the Atom.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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I think that depends on how restrictive the factory exhaust is--dito with intake gains.

For the most part I agree...but keep in mind my location--it's infested with greenies. Not the, "Hey, I'll ride my bike to work and stay far on the shoulder" greenie, the "I'll ride my bike to work and take up all lanes of traffic even though I have enough space to ride on the shoulder and punish the assholes who eat animals" greenie. IMHO the best way to get back at them is unfortunately rolling coal. Overall though any diesel (or other IC engine) that smokes continuously like a turd on a cold January afternoon is anoying, though.

Besdies, the pickup truck drivers (read: not SUV) around here drive worth a smeg. No so the Prius assholes.

By my use the SUV--especially for hauling & hauling people at the same time. There are a couple of Cow-irkers here in the same boat. They have boats/campers, multiple kids and dont have a plethora of vehicles. That's not where my ire lies. It's mostly with the people who can't drive the vehicles they own, and with the SUV owners around here that lies with the multitude of single/married with no children people that own something like a Ford Excusion that has hauled no more cargo than 3 asses at once, and the only offroad it's seen is the owner's driveway...yet they drive it in inclement weather like it's an M1 Abrahms tank.

I know Chicago has those fartknockers, and they should be taking the bus.

Ok, that I don't understand. I'm not sure why anyone would WANT a car like an Excursion if you didn't have to haul people or tow shit or deal with a lot of snow. It would just be a pain in the ass on mileage, parking, etc.

As a guy who loves and drives sports cars and sports sedans, I HATE driving SUVs. I had SUVS as my daily for the last 15 years. I went to a performance sports sedan (Audi S4) and will never go back. It's got enough room to fit my family of 5 and it's fun. My wife has the SUV so we can always use that for all the other shit. Driving my wife's big ass SUV is like driving a school bus. I hate it.

And your context now makes sense. I couldn't imagine the fuckstains you have to deal with in the PAC NW (Assuming Portland or Seattle). I've spent enough time in each place to know that the official car is the Subaru Outback. Usually driven by a lesbian wearing glasses. The car will undoubtedly have a minimum of two bumpers stickers, including 'COEXIST', 'CELEBRATE DIVERSITY', 'KEEP TAHOE BLUE' or some other nonsense.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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At the time it had a gt3076r...k20z3, same as the Atom.

Very cool.

We have a local 'car person' here that we see a lot (comes to the 'supercar shows' and track days). She's like a 5' tall Korean chick who trains as an MMA fighter and drives (on the street and track) an Atom. She's certifiably crazy...and that's cool!


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Ok, that I don't understand. I'm not sure why anyone would WANT a car like an Excursion if you didn't have to haul people or tow shit or deal with a lot of snow. It would just be a pain in the ass on mileage, parking, etc.

As a guy who loves and drives sports cars and sports sedans, I HATE driving SUVs. I had SUVS as my daily for the last 15 years. I went to a performance sports sedan (Audi S4) and will never go back. It's got enough room to fit my family of 5 and it's fun. My wife has the SUV so we can always use that for all the other shit. Driving my wife's big ass SUV is like driving a school bus. I hate it.

And your context now makes sense. I couldn't imagine the fuckstains you have to deal with in the PAC NW (Assuming Portland or Seattle). I've spent enough time in each place to know that the official car is the Subaru Outback. Usually driven by a lesbian wearing glasses. The car will undoubtedly have a minimum of two bumpers stickers, including 'COEXIST', 'CELEBRATE DIVERSITY', 'KEEP TAHOE BLUE' or some other nonsense.
I've lived in PDX for the past 4½ years, and Seattle the previous 8, before then I was in PDX. Believe me, I've driven in Chicago when visiting family and was taught by my dad how to drive (except a manual--and I learned that by going to a parking lot before the road ;)), so I can safely say the people out here don't know how to drive--as a general rule. For as much rainas we get, they can't drive in it, and anything over 1/4" of snow cripples them (with 2" shutting the city down).

There are still plenthy of outbacks but Prii have taken over--mainly in the Greenit Granolahead slice of humanity.

I never got the SUV love either unless you had a real need (just like any vehicle). The only guesses I have is the false sense of security (in spite of the high Center of Gravity), the "image" of them (hey, it's not a minivan), and the fact it's the "new, in thing" and they think it's their money to spend--which is fine in theory but in practice doesn't get something you can't safely drive. Most people I see on the road have problems enough with your typical compact, much less a car that has a high center of gravity, incresed stopping distance, and in some cases worse visibility and a lessened sense of speed.

Ultimately my car ire goes to those who can't, or won't, drive within their own limitations. My experience is that they tend to accumulate within the Prii/E-vehicle/Hybrid types and the Outsized SUV types.

As for the rest, Thumbs up to the Audi S4. I like the same general bracket but I don't have as much money to spend (I opted for a Pontiac G6 GXP coupe--bback a few years when Pontiac was still a Make :(). My wife went more practical with a Mazda 3. It doesn't have the same seat-of-the-pants feel (reminds me of my old SunfireGT, which was not a bad car), but it kicks the snot out of all the SUV's i've had the displeasure of driving. Driving an SUV to me feels like driving a U-haul.


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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I bought my first SUV in 1979. I've had 7 SUVs, 3 4x4 trucks and 2 vans. Throw in 5 Muscle cars and we really only had 6 normal cars. You drive what you like and need. I used most of the 4x4s for work. That and I would put my daughters in a SUV in the winter. We live in the country. My vans hauled around a bunch of softball players for about 10 years.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Why? Why do you care?

My wife falls into that category. She's probably at Target right now in her big SUV. By herself.

Why? Because that's her car. She's in it by herself because the kids are at school. Later today, after school, that big SUV will be filled with her, my three kids, the neighbor kid, probably our dog, and 4 big bags of hockey gear.

That same SUV will be used multiple times this year to go back and forth to Michigan (275 miles) and will be loaded to the gills with our family and dog and all that shit that having a family and dog will entail.

That same SUV will be used multiple times each month to haul shit like plywood or whatever.

That same SUV will be used multiple times per year to haul a 23' boat on a trailer. It will also be used to haul a 20' enclosed car trailer.

The point? People drive what they want. Why should anyone care?

More than likely that one lady you see driving that SUV to the grocery store at 10am will have a shit ton of kids in that same SUV at 4pm. Why the **** would anyone drag their kids to the grocery store?

Is it any different than the ONE guy you see driven the big ass pickup which often is sitting on the same chassis as the SUV, with the same power plant and often, the nearly similar curb weights. I doubt that every big ass pick up driver is a contractor hauling a big trailer full of tools and 4x8 sheets of plywood all day long.

It's amazing how much your friends and family need shit moved once they find out you have pickup.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
I bought my first SUV in 1979. I've had 7 SUVs, 3 4x4 trucks and 2 vans. Throw in 5 Muscle cars and we really only had 6 normal cars. You drive what you like and need. I used most of the 4x4s for work. That and I would put my daughters in a SUV in the winter. We live in the country. My vans hauled around a bunch of softball players for about 10 years.

See, again, this falls under my definition of "need". You live out in the country, you use the 4x4's for work. Assuming you're in Chicago having a AWD SUV makes sense in the winter. I'm also operating under the assumption that you've been driving larger vehicles since the year of my birth means you know how to fucking drive one. Further, it would not make sense to own a cuscle car, an SUV/Van/Truck, and then require you to pick up an econocan for driving yourself.

You're not the problem.

Hauling just yourself and/or your SO, driving only on pavement in a vehicle meant for offroad, not needing them for work, and living in a climate where on average, you see about 1-2 inches of snow the entire winter spread out sporadically over a 3 month period (not all at once), and, mostn importantly, not being able to handle such a large vehicle--that's what I deal with here--and is a recipe for disaster.

That and I agree with Dogstar--everyone I know that has a large vehicle is always asked to move shit.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Why stop there?

Why not take into consideration the actual mileage driven in said vehicles.

My wife's big SUV is driven, by her, probably 100 miles total on M-F. It's used for local shit and carting the kids around.

By comparison, my next door neighbor has a new Honda Accord. He drives like 30 miles to work each way, which probable includes a solid hour plus of sitting stuck in traffic.

Who is consuming more fuel and dumping more shit in the atmosphere?

Don't think the choices other people make justify the ones you make.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Ok, that I don't understand. I'm not sure why anyone would WANT a car like an Excursion if you didn't have to haul people or tow shit or deal with a lot of snow. It would just be a pain in the ass on mileage, parking, etc.

As a guy who loves and drives sports cars and sports sedans, I HATE driving SUVs. I had SUVS as my daily for the last 15 years. I went to a performance sports sedan (Audi S4) and will never go back. It's got enough room to fit my family of 5 and it's fun. My wife has the SUV so we can always use that for all the other shit. Driving my wife's big ass SUV is like driving a school bus. I hate it.

And your context now makes sense. I couldn't imagine the fuckstains you have to deal with in the PAC NW (Assuming Portland or Seattle). I've spent enough time in each place to know that the official car is the Subaru Outback. Usually driven by a lesbian wearing glasses. The car will undoubtedly have a minimum of two bumpers stickers, including 'COEXIST', 'CELEBRATE DIVERSITY', 'KEEP TAHOE BLUE' or some other nonsense.

Its a good thing there is social pressure to a slightly more responsible member of the biosphere. Sorry it makes you so mad. Maybe someday your descendents will be thankful.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Why? Why do you care?

My wife falls into that category. She's probably at Target right now in her big SUV. By herself.

Why? Because that's her car. She's in it by herself because the kids are at school. Later today, after school, that big SUV will be filled with her, my three kids, the neighbor kid, probably our dog, and 4 big bags of hockey gear.

That same SUV will be used multiple times this year to go back and forth to Michigan (275 miles) and will be loaded to the gills with our family and dog and all that shit that having a family and dog will entail.

That same SUV will be used multiple times each month to haul shit like plywood or whatever.

That same SUV will be used multiple times per year to haul a 23' boat on a trailer. It will also be used to haul a 20' enclosed car trailer.

The point? People drive what they want. Why should anyone care?

More than likely that one lady you see driving that SUV to the grocery store at 10am will have a shit ton of kids in that same SUV at 4pm. Why the **** would anyone drag their kids to the grocery store?

Is it any different than the ONE guy you see driven the big ass pickup which often is sitting on the same chassis as the SUV, with the same power plant and often, the nearly similar curb weights. I doubt that every big ass pick up driver is a contractor hauling a big trailer full of tools and 4x8 sheets of plywood all day long.

There are pretty critical reasons to care about what people drive. Would you care if someone pumped more carbon monoxide than absolutely necessary into you living room?

Talk to a LA native and ask them if they think it is important to reduce auto emissions.


Three if by air
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Jun 25, 2010
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I agree with botfly here. That's why I gave up buying touring cars and SUVs for super fuel efficient vehicles. That doesn't mean you lose all of your fun and safety though. Heck, I love how many good cars have been made light and safe in the past that can benefit from an eco powertrain transplant. Much more power than the original, and yet, very light and durable. 50mpg when driving economically and still faster than a lot of unmodified muscle cars of yesteryear and not even have a hybrid.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I agree with botfly here. That's why I gave up buying touring cars and SUVs for super fuel efficient vehicles. That doesn't mean you lose all of your fun and safety though. Heck, I love how many good cars have been made light and safe in the past that can benefit from an eco powertrain transplant. Much more power than the original, and yet, very light and durable. 50mpg when driving economically and still faster than a lot of unmodified muscle cars of yesteryear and not even have a hybrid.
Yeah. And even if folks are doubtful about emissions, what about the price the US pays to maintain foreign oil supply lines?

We pay for our access to cheap oil with blood and war. That's the literal truth.

Want to support our troops? Show some respect for oil.
Last edited:


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Its a good thing there is social pressure to a slightly more responsible member of the biosphere. Sorry it makes you so mad. Maybe someday your descendents will be thankful.

Are you not willing to admit that a shit ton of hypocrisy exists though?

It doesn't make me mad. It annoys me when people generalize. The SUV that sits in my garage uses less fuel and belches less shit into the biosphere than my next door neighbors smaller, lighter, more fuel efficient cars. He fills his tank 2x a week. We fill ours every 2 weeks.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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I've lived in PDX for the past 4½ years, and Seattle the previous 8, before then I was in PDX. Believe me, I've driven in Chicago when visiting family and was taught by my dad how to drive (except a manual--and I learned that by going to a parking lot before the road ;)), so I can safely say the people out here don't know how to drive--as a general rule. For as much rainas we get, they can't drive in it, and anything over 1/4" of snow cripples them (with 2" shutting the city down).

There are still plenthy of outbacks but Prii have taken over--mainly in the Greenit Granolahead slice of humanity.

I never got the SUV love either unless you had a real need (just like any vehicle). The only guesses I have is the false sense of security (in spite of the high Center of Gravity), the "image" of them (hey, it's not a minivan), and the fact it's the "new, in thing" and they think it's their money to spend--which is fine in theory but in practice doesn't get something you can't safely drive. Most people I see on the road have problems enough with your typical compact, much less a car that has a high center of gravity, incresed stopping distance, and in some cases worse visibility and a lessened sense of speed.

Ultimately my car ire goes to those who can't, or won't, drive within their own limitations. My experience is that they tend to accumulate within the Prii/E-vehicle/Hybrid types and the Outsized SUV types.

As for the rest, Thumbs up to the Audi S4. I like the same general bracket but I don't have as much money to spend (I opted for a Pontiac G6 GXP coupe--bback a few years when Pontiac was still a Make :(). My wife went more practical with a Mazda 3. It doesn't have the same seat-of-the-pants feel (reminds me of my old SunfireGT, which was not a bad car), but it kicks the snot out of all the SUV's i've had the displeasure of driving. Driving an SUV to me feels like driving a U-haul.

Yes - absolutely hate driving SUVs. I drive small, lightweight mid engine sports cars for fun - think nimble, agile, direct steering/road input. LOVE throwing them around a track and twisty country roads. Driving my wife's big tank is like driving a damn school bus.

I do love the S4. Just got back from a 1,000 trip of multi city meetings. Got caught in the shitty ice storms and the quattro held like a champ. My first Audi and it's been great. Got that Audicare shit negotiated in so maintenance free. By comparison, a BMW M3 was a LOT more expensive for effectively the same car.

Never been a huge Pontiac fan, but the G8 (Holden) is good stuff and I did a track day instruction in a Solstice GXP. Very underrated car!

My nephew has a Mazda 3. He's 16 and did all that blacked out logo/plastidipped shit. I REALLY like hot hatches and Mazda is doing some very cool stuff now. Love that the concept 'Furai' has made it's way as a consistent design language across all of their cars.
