Lonnnnnng overdue follow-up re the Lichtenstein exhibit at the AIC. In short, one of the BEST curated exhibits by the AIC in years IMO---really masterful, thoughtful job of executing their ideas BUT simultaneously the absolute WORST exhibit experience I have ever had in my life in any city. Hands-down the worst art museum experience EVER.
They simply have to man up and take a stand at the AIC---they need to go back to the old system where everyone non-member pays Gen. Admission to get into the museum and then pays extra to get into the special exhibits. This charging everyone more upfront and therefore allowing everyone into the special exhibits if they want is a complete and utter CLUSTERFUCK which reached it's apex of suck at the Lichtenstein. People who wouldn't have ordinarily given two shits about seeing these types of special exhibits now come in because they can and that kind of museum democracy I don't disparage at face value but I do in light of it being the 2nd decade of the 21st Century and people having the social graces and manners of fucking bonobos in heat all day. My god people! THE PHONE CAMERAS!
This was hands-down the worst I have ever seen it at any art exhibit. Like I almost was in despair I didn't have my iPod with me to put on some Classical and drown them out and because I couldn't put on a cell Classical radio stream because the AT&T coverage that deep into the museum was pointless. People seemingly more interested in taking cell phone pics than taking in the actual art. Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful. And to make matters worse this was absolutely the worst exhibit to have so many people trying to take pictures because about every third work had signs which EXPLICITLY said that photos were not allowed of that piece which since people didn't give a shit and weren't reading the provenance cards anyway meant they kept having to have guards come over and tell them they had to erase the pics in front of a Museum witness. And this happened over and over and over in gallery after gallery after gallery. There has literally never been an exhibit to my knowledge that had to have so many security guards stationed---it was insane. But this was the price to pay for getting the pieces on loan to flesh out the envisioned exhibit so thems the breaks. I mean, I just don't get it---I never grew up taking pics at exhibits so this compulsion is completely foreign to me. I go to see art, to read every piece of text posted, and to follow the course of the exhibit not listen to headphone tour hotspots (and boy did I think they were the worst until the past few years with cell phone camera bastards) or whip out my phone and try to snap a pic of every other goddamn piece of work. MADDENING!
As you can tell, I had many BAD FEELS about this legion of people who I feel ruined the museum-going experience for me, me, ME!