Art Thread


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May 16, 2010
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Looks like worst case scenario I may be able to just check it with them, but I would hate to need something and have to run back to the check. I'll figure it out, thanks for the heads up.

And here I figured you just wore Depends for that problem and that you'd be more worried about the baby.

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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Lonnnnnng overdue follow-up re the Lichtenstein exhibit at the AIC. In short, one of the BEST curated exhibits by the AIC in years IMO---really masterful, thoughtful job of executing their ideas BUT simultaneously the absolute WORST exhibit experience I have ever had in my life in any city. Hands-down the worst art museum experience EVER.

They simply have to man up and take a stand at the AIC---they need to go back to the old system where everyone non-member pays Gen. Admission to get into the museum and then pays extra to get into the special exhibits. This charging everyone more upfront and therefore allowing everyone into the special exhibits if they want is a complete and utter CLUSTERFUCK which reached it's apex of suck at the Lichtenstein. People who wouldn't have ordinarily given two shits about seeing these types of special exhibits now come in because they can and that kind of museum democracy I don't disparage at face value but I do in light of it being the 2nd decade of the 21st Century and people having the social graces and manners of fucking bonobos in heat all day. My god people! THE PHONE CAMERAS!

This was hands-down the worst I have ever seen it at any art exhibit. Like I almost was in despair I didn't have my iPod with me to put on some Classical and drown them out and because I couldn't put on a cell Classical radio stream because the AT&T coverage that deep into the museum was pointless. People seemingly more interested in taking cell phone pics than taking in the actual art. Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful. And to make matters worse this was absolutely the worst exhibit to have so many people trying to take pictures because about every third work had signs which EXPLICITLY said that photos were not allowed of that piece which since people didn't give a shit and weren't reading the provenance cards anyway meant they kept having to have guards come over and tell them they had to erase the pics in front of a Museum witness. And this happened over and over and over in gallery after gallery after gallery. There has literally never been an exhibit to my knowledge that had to have so many security guards stationed---it was insane. But this was the price to pay for getting the pieces on loan to flesh out the envisioned exhibit so thems the breaks. I mean, I just don't get it---I never grew up taking pics at exhibits so this compulsion is completely foreign to me. I go to see art, to read every piece of text posted, and to follow the course of the exhibit not listen to headphone tour hotspots (and boy did I think they were the worst until the past few years with cell phone camera bastards) or whip out my phone and try to snap a pic of every other goddamn piece of work. MADDENING!

As you can tell, I had many BAD FEELS about this legion of people who I feel ruined the museum-going experience for me, me, ME!

Im one of those assholes who try and sneak pictures in on my phone. I can't help it. Seeing a work I have always wanted to see in person is a moment I want to capture. Security guards don't like me. But I also spend hours at an exhibit. I def take in the works first and foremost. I usually circle back for sneaking a couple pictures. What I don't understand is why taking pictures is such a big deal. I understand the security aspect and I suppose I understand copyright aspects to an extent but **** me let me take a god damn picture of a god damn fucking piece of art which I want to strip down naked too and romance!!!!

Sounds like a shitty experience you had though books. Im not a big fan of crowded museums or galleries either. I like it quiet and too myself because Im a selfish prick.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
Im one of those assholes who try and sneak pictures in on my phone. I can't help it. Seeing a work I have always wanted to see in person is a moment I want to capture. Security guards don't like me. But I also spend hours at an exhibit. I def take in the works first and foremost. I usually circle back for sneaking a couple pictures. What I don't understand is why taking pictures is such a big deal. I understand the security aspect and I suppose I understand copyright aspects to an extent but **** me let me take a god damn picture of a god damn fucking piece of art which I want to strip down naked too and romance!!!!

Sounds like a shitty experience you had though books. Im not a big fan of crowded museums or galleries either. I like it quiet and too myself because Im a selfish prick.

Asshole. That's what postcards are for you douche.

Gah, remind me to never, EVER go to an exhibit of any sort with you since you clearly can't control your pasty ass. How is is that you were somehow "miraculously" able to attend exhibits as a kid and appreciate them for what they were without needing to ride your cell phone's camera jock but now as a tech spoiled adult you simply can't resist? I call bullshit shenanigans!

Dude, the museums don't care if people take pictures it's the owners of the pieces on loan. This exhibit is dependent on A LOT of sources (a lot from Cali surprisingly). It just varied from piece to piece---you could be looking a one piece that you could photograph then 3 ft away from it was one that was off limits and then 3 ft from that one another one where you could photgraph. Fucking insane. It should have been no photos period for the whole damn thing firstly because picture takers annoy my ass (and really, when am I not ALL about me, me, ME!) and secondly because it was a logistical nightmare this time. For reals, at least 2-3 guards required in every gallery. . .and having to WORK and earn their damn pay with this clusterfuck. So annoying.

I literally shudder to think what they are going to do with the 250 piece Picasso exhibit this coming winter---an artist most people and tourists have at least heard of. {{shivers}}


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May 15, 2010
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I am going to see Werther at The Lyric Opera this week. I cannot wait!


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
I am going to see Werther at The Lyric Opera this week. I cannot wait!

Have fun! A little passionate Massenet never hurt anyone, heh. I am not overly knowledgable with opera as opposed to the instrumental and choral Classical that I prefer but I do like Massenet, especially Thais. I must admit when The Lyric was sending me solicitations to subscribe to the 2012-13 season this summer I was impressed with how off-the-grid some of their choices were for the season---A Streetcar Named Desire, Simon Boccanegra, even Wether. Good on them.


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May 14, 2010
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Hey I'm new in town! I like to go to the Opera, take me! I've got my camera all ready to go!


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
Awwww. Look at that adorable Hoosier half-breed baby! Lovely. Is Olivia going to be a ginger?

Adorableness aside, babies (especially South Loop-living hipster babies!) need to keep their wrinkly, whining, crying asses OUT of the opera. . .and probably most cultural institutions (though the lawn at Ravinia and at Pritzker Pavilion are okay). Though I don't mind newborns in Baby Bjorn-type holders or slings at museums.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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**** you she ain't no Hoosier... If anything she's a Boiler... I can't tell if she's going to be a Ginger, her hair changes every day it seems. I sure hope so. Honestly, that's not a real good shot of her, I just like it cause it looks like she's holding the camera strap.

And way to get all ranty on her cuteness!


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
**** you she ain't no Hoosier... If anything she's a Boiler... I can't tell if she's going to be a Ginger, her hair changes every day it seems. I sure hope so. Honestly, that's not a real good shot of her, I just like it cause it looks like she's holding the camera strap.

And way to get all ranty on her cuteness!

No! F U man! Fucking attitudnial Hoosiers. The nerve!

Also, d'uh! As if babies, even adorable Masshole babies like Livvie are immune from my ranty-ness. Do you not know me at all?


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
Oh, STFU. It's not like you even shepherd this damn thread you started. We could be talking about weird Swiss BDSM games with hockey scarves, yodeling, and Gruyere up in this joint all the day long and you wouldn't have a fucking CLUE on the regular. Now go sit your ass back down on your stool in the corner.

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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My not frequenting this thread enough is part of my art.

either you get it or you don't. Obviously an unartistic mind such as yours does not get it.



New member
May 15, 2010
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Have fun! A little passionate Massenet never hurt anyone, heh. I am not overly knowledgable with opera as opposed to the instrumental and choral Classical that I prefer

Did I know this about you? At any rate, what a surprise we are SAMESIES here as well. I love opera and classical.

I agree about The Lyric too... evidently they have done some inventive new staging/interpretation with this production of Werther as well.

And that was so cute, Mass!


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
Did I know this about you? At any rate, what a surprise we are SAMESIES here as well. I love opera and classical.

I agree about The Lyric too... evidently they have done some inventive new staging/interpretation with this production of Werther as well.

And that was so cute, Mass!

Obviously you forgot! We've already had the whole convo re the cello being my favorite instrument followed by the rest of the strings and your playing cello growing up. #MemoryFAIL Samesies.
I listen to and am a fan of a lot of music but I would go to my grave defending my argument that Bach's 6 Suites for Solo Cello are the MOST perfect piece of music ever conceived by man, heh. You know the funny thing about growing up here and all the CSO acclaim and notoriety, all the excellence, all the CSO Grammys, etc. is that the cruel irony is that I am not particularly a fan of the modern full symphonic sound and even worse tend not to be a huge fan of the type of symphonic repetoire that is the CSO's specialty, LOLOL. I likely should have been raised in a town like Salzburg or Vienna, heh. And yes, I also adore choral/sacred (all those gorgeous "Stabat Maters" and "Requiems" with their "Agnes Deis"and all those "Missa Solemnis"!) and ancient music too and also period intrumentation specialty ensembles. It's ALL good! I can read magazines, online content, arty/coffee table type books, comics etc. with any genre of music playing but when it comes to reading my book of the moment it's GOTS to be silence or Classical---that's it, period.

And here is a little nugget for all you hockey Original Six fanboys but did you know that the CSO is part of a group that was historically called the Big Five in the global Classical music parlance?


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
Ugggh. Apocalyptica? No thank you.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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ohh **** you they are awesome. And classically trained better than most.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
ohh **** you they are awesome. And classically trained better than most.

No. **** you.

Better than most what exactly? Other formerly classically trained cellists who no longer perform in the Classical genre and and instead perform Metallica and other Rock covers? Well when parsed that way into an uber-niche I guess. . .but I also suspect that in that case the guys from 2Cellos might give them a run for their money.
