I think Rose is more Dwyane Wade than Iverson personally...I think offensively he is a better player than Pippen...Pip never garnered the attention of defenses the way Rose does, even in Pip's prime. And I still say Rose doesn't have to win titles to be better than Pippen...those were Jordan's titles, he was the man. Rose doesn't have a Mitch Richmond, let alone a Jordan.
Is Parish greater than Robinson? Rodman better than Barkley? I don't think so. All 4 are great players...but I can say from watching all 4, I would take David Robinson over Parish and I would take Barkley over Rodman...yet Rodman and Parish have rings...that changes nothing for me...Notice Shaq was on the top 50 list too, at that time, he had won no titles...yet he was considered already an all time great.