Just for the hell of it, a rough pre-Archean Timescale of events.
Preuniversal - ends 13750 MYA with Big Bang/Bounce
Prechaotian - starts 13750 MYA, ends 4568 MYA with formation of Earth
-Eoprechaotian - starts 13750 MYA, ends 13550 MYA with formation of first galaxies
--Precelestial - starts 13750 MYA, ends 13600 MYA with formation of oldest Celestial bodies with the exception of quarks that formed earlier
--Paleocelestial - starts 13600 MYA, ends 13550 MYA with formation of first galaxies
-Mesoprechaotian - starts 13550 MYA, ends 4680 MYA with the solar nebula becoming a closed system with respect to the Giant Molecular Cloud
--Eogalactic - starts 13550 MYA, ends 13200 MYA with formation of Milky Way
--Neogalactic - starts 13200 MYA, ends 4680 MYA with the solar nebula becoming a closed system with respect to the Giant Molecular Cloud
-Neoprechaotian - starts 4680 MYA, ends 4568 MYA with formation of Earth
--Nephelean - starts 4680 MYA, ends 4630 MYA with formation of proto-Sun
--Erebrean - starts 4630 MYA, ends 4568 MYA with formation of Earth/first light from sun around the same time
Hadean - starts 4568 MYA, ends 4030 MYA with earliest undisputed rocks - Acasta Gneiss.
-Chaotian - starts 4568 MYA, ends 4404 MYA with formation of first crustal materials - detrital zircons
--Hyperitian - starts 4568 MYA, ends 4560 MYA with series of continued proto-planetary collisions
--Titanomachean - starts 4560 MYA, ends 4510 MYA with Theia-Tellus collision
--Hephaestean - starts 4510 MYA, ends 4404 MYA with formation of first crustal materials - detrital zircons
-Zirconian - starts 4404 MYA, ends 4030 MYA with earliest undisputed rocks - Acasta Gneiss.
--Jacobian - starts 4404 MYA, ends 4280 MYA with tentative dating of Nuvvuaqittuq greenstone belt
--Canadian - starts 4280, ends 4200 MYA with unclear boundary
--Procrustean - starts 4200 MYA, ends 4030 MYA with earliest undisputed rocks - Acasta Gneiss.
could go a lot more in depth, but exact dates aren't a primary issue here, just something I'm clarifying