"Bandwagon" Blackhawks Fans?


CCS Donator
Oct 25, 2010
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Demolished, No Longer Standing
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="R K" data-cid="203673" data-time="1372486581">

It was fucking funny.  </p>


Even funnier?  After she said "Toes" the WGN reporter stated apparently the Bandwagon starts in this section of the parade.  He must be a groupie as well.  </p>


Probably, they come in all shapes and sizes.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="puckjim" data-cid="203683" data-time="1372512942">

From the end of the Bobby Hull era until Bill Wirtz died, the Blackhawks played in relative obscurity.

Sure there were periods where they sold out games and had a certain amount of on-ice success, but for the most part there were too few people in Chicago that cared because no one knew of this success.

They weren't on TV except for road games, and even those were only on cable. With so many other sports options becoming available, it's not hard to understand why the Blackhawks turned into an urban legend. There were just enough die-hards to buy tickets to fill the building when they were successful, but even most of those abandoned the team when they were bad.

Of course everyone loves a winner, and many will be attracted by the next shiny thing that comes along. But some will stay and they will bring their kids. That's how you grow a fanbase.

As far as history goes, the Blackhawks history isn't that great. Wish I didn't know as much as I do.</p>


I pretty much disagree with a lot of this.   All teams go in cycles.  Every one of them.  It's the nature of sports.</p>


And don't worry, I forgive you for thinking you know so much.  Always have.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Section 325 - Row 12
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago White Sox
  1. Chicago Fire
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="R K" data-cid="203689" data-time="1372518316">

I pretty much disagree with a lot of this.   All teams go in cycles.  Every one of them.  It's the nature of sports.


And don't worry, I forgive you for thinking you know so much.  Always have.</p></blockquote>

My Blackhawks knowledge would fit on a fortune cookie slip.


So would all of ours but in Bills time the only reason he didn't win a Cup was two major reasons.  Edomton Oilers and Pittsburg Penguins.</p>


Now from 97ish through 05 when he initiated Peter to start building what we saw in 2010, it was a mess.  No question.</p>


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="R K" data-cid="203697" data-time="1372519584">

So would all of ours but in Bills time the only reason he didn't win a Cup was two major reasons.  Edomton Oilers and Pittsburg Penguins.</p>


Now from 97ish through 05 when he initiated Peter to start building what we saw in 2010, it was a mess.  No question.</p>



And Pulford</p>

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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I think any attention to hockey is good attention as far as new fans go.  I will happily sit at a bar all night with a new hockey fan and explain as much as I can/answer any questions to EDUCATE the new fans.</p>


I have a problem with the guys who just started watching the playoffs in 2010 or 2013 and act like they know everything about hockey like they've been watching for decades.  DOUCHE BAGS!!</p>


That being said... the more the merrier!  All aboard the Blackhawks/Hockey bandwagon!!!</p>


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May 17, 2010
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Dear oh dear...you 'educating' anyone?

Unless it's giving blumpkins...you offer nothing


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Jun 29, 2013
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Fans are fans. There are good fans and bad fans. there are fans everywhere who are knowledgeable, and there are fans who know little about the sport, but just want to enjoy themselves at a baseball game or a hockey game. there are fans who are responsible and courteous, and fans who drink and swear knowing that there are women and children sitting right in front of them. I attend a good many sporting events in other cities, and find that fans are generally the same everywhere.</p>


I do not attend sporting events in Chicago any longer, but it is not because of the fans. It is because I know that a portion of everything I purchase, be it the ticket, the parking, concessions, or whatever, is going to go to those corrupt bastards who run the city and county. I go out of my way to avoid purchasing anything in C(r)ook county. I now only go to see my team play when they are on the road. It costs more, of course, but the fact that I know that I am depriving the political hacks in Chicago and Cook County, of any of my money is almost as enjoyable as the game I am watching.</p>


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Jul 24, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="topacobe" data-cid="203717" data-time="1372531997">

Fans are fans. There are good fans and bad fans. there are fans everywhere who are knowledgeable, and there are fans who know little about the sport, but just want to enjoy themselves at a baseball game or a hockey game. there are fans who are responsible and courteous, and fans who drink and swear knowing that there are women and children sitting right in front of them. I attend a good many sporting events in other cities, and find that fans are generally the same everywhere.</p>


Right. Exactly.</p>


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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I really enjoyed Puckjim's wife and hotkarl840 comments. They get the reason why I started this thread. I know I was a "bandwagon" fan at some point and surely some in here would have pointed it out at the time.</p>


Personally, I find some seasoned fans to be as bad or even worse then some of the newer fans to the team, the sport and other fans.</p>


The wife, daughter and I spent two nights downtown before and after the rally. Did we see some obnoxious fans? You bet! We actually saw alot of them but you know what? I loved being there with 1,999, 997 other fans to celebrate our team's success. There was alot of pride and enthusiasm all around the city. How awesome is that!</p>

To see the class our fans bring to the parade, rally and post win is important to me personally. You did not see Chicago fans destroying property or as a means to loot did you? Have you at either celebration?</p>


I love our team, our city and collectively, our fans.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I don't mind Bandwagon fans if they recognize it and don't pretend like they are diehards form the day they were born yet don't know who Andrew Ladd is. Bandwagon fans that jump on and not back off at the drop of a hat are how you get more good educated fans and a better hockey culture in the city. Since the first cup we've added a lot of these fans, which have then added their idiot friends to the wagon, by this time next year when we win another cup there won't be much of a bandwagon left as they will all already be on. This is a Hockey town again... be afraid Bears... hah.</p>


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Apr 23, 2013
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="hotkarl840" data-cid="203632" data-time="1372455890">

Long time lurker, very infrequent poster here.  I’d like to say that I cared enough about the Hawks for a sufficient period of time to not be considered a bandwagon fan.  Unfortunately, I can’t deny the fact that I never went to a game until November of 2007.</p>


I’m not sure why that is, exactly.  One of the biggest was not having played the game.  I might have asked to join a league once but with Little League and Pop Warner already my parents probably didn’t want to commit the time and money for another sport.  When I was a little older my brother and a few friends would attempt to play roller hockey in the street but it was never more than screwing around.  We only had two sticks for one but the main reason for that dying off was I couldn’t skate worth a damn.  I still can’t. </p>


The biggest was that they simply weren’t on t.v.  A lot of people have used that reasoning but it really is a significant one.  My parents also refused to get cable so that even shut out the possibility of road games, most of which would’ve been on too late anyway.  By the time I was in college and later, got my own apartment, I’d watch parts of games here and there but it never really took.  Doubling the amount of games available, seeing a home game, hearing a Wayne Mesmer anthem performance and the roar of the Stadium crowd at an earlier age might have helped.</p>


I can definitely say that I was never one of those “who cares about hockey?â€� people.  I started reading the sports section of our paper at an early age and would always see how the Blackhawks did regardless of how the season was going.  My cousin’s boyfriend at the time had season tickets and he would always give me some of the fan giveaway items at family dinners.  I had several team pictures, pennants, cards and a youth-sized sweater that I loved so much I’d sleep in it.  Jack O’Callahan lived across the street from one of my other cousins for a few years and meeting a real live Hawk was one of the coolest things ever for a kid!</p>


I’d always watch Olympic hockey when it was on and I can tell you for certain that I watched pretty much every game during Fox’s brief run with that goofy streaking puck experiment.</p>

I have to unfortunately admit though that there was nothing stopping me in my 20s from picking up some cheap tickets on my own or making an actual point to watch a few away games in my apartment rather than just flipping around. </p>


Even the game I went to in ’07 was courtesy of free tickets.  In fairness to me, my ex was telling me about all the free shit vendors would offer her at her new job.  I believe the conversation went something like this:  “One guy even asked me if I ever wanted his company’s Blackhawks tickets, but I was like, pfffff.â€�  Me:  “What are you, NUTS?  Snatch those ******* up!â€�  She got the tix but she didn’t even go the first time.  (Now that I think about it, my ex fits the “Bandwaggonerâ€� label quite perfectly.  It wouldn’t have surprised me to see her at the parade today holding up a sign that said, “I want to blow you, Kaner!â€�)</p>


Anyway, the point of this diatribe is that one live game was all it took for me to be hooked.  I registered for the O-Boards the day after and read the comments during games to get a much better understanding of the sport.  A lot of you guys here were some of the more knowledgeable posters over there so I made the jump as well.</p>


I still don’t feel comfortable commenting on anything concerning the skills or faults of specific players but I’ve definitely learned a lot over the years to come off as pretty damn knowledgeable if a friend or date asks a question or if some jackass says something idiotic at a bar.  You guys were the start of that and on this celebration day, I’d just like to say, Thanks!</p>


…..well, MOST of you at least.  Some of you are a buncha jerks  <span style="font-family:wingdings;"> :icon-lol:</span><span style="font-family:wingdings;"> </span></p>


Wow buddy....I could have copied and pasted most of this and called it my story. My parents never had cable either and the Hawks were never on TV. Shit...I didn't have cable until I went to college!! If I wanted to catch a game, I would listen to it on the radio. So it was very convenient for me to be just a casual fan growing up. Especially since the Bulls were doing their thing each winter in the 90s.</p>


However, I was lucky enough to go to a few games in the old stadium when I was a kid. My dad has always been a big Hawks fan. He would tell me about the old days with Hull, Mikita, Esposito, etc. I've always wanted to see the Hawks succeed in the 90s, but I never really lived and died with each game until about 2008-2009 (after the Hawks got Toews and Kane). Now I can't get enough of the team.</p>


Does this make me a "bandwagon" fan? Maybe....</p>


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Jun 4, 2010
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North Muskegon, MI
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Tater" data-cid="203706" data-time="1372524068">

No no, Rahmfather is right.

Bobby Hull IS looking down on the Hawks.....from a skybox.</p></blockquote>

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I was thinking the city was being run by someone who talks about things he does not understand...now I feel better. Grin.


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Jun 4, 2010
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North Muskegon, MI
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="WiHawksFan" data-cid="204276" data-time="1372692755">

Wow buddy....I could have copied and pasted most of this and called it my story. My parents never had cable either and the Hawks were never on TV. Shit...I didn't have cable until I went to college!! If I wanted to catch a game, I would listen to it on the radio. So it was very convenient for me to be just a casual fan growing up. Especially since the Bulls were doing their thing each winter in the 90s.


However, I was lucky enough to go to a few games in the old stadium when I was a kid. My dad has always been a big Hawks fan. He would tell me about the old days with Hull, Mikita, Esposito, etc. I've always wanted to see the Hawks succeed in the 90s, but I never really lived and died with each game until about 2008-2009 (after the Hawks got Toews and Kane). Now I can't get enough of the team.


Does this make me a "bandwagon" fan? Maybe....</p></blockquote>

I don't see fans who cared about the Hawks but never came to a game (for whatever reason) as "band wagoners."

To me the band wagoner is the person who comes to the rink and takes up a seat but does not care about the game. This person was given the seat by a business associate of they just bought it because they thought the game was the cool social event ofthe evening. This person annoys everyone by not waiting for the whistle, gets up from the middle of the row 11 times during the game always during play, gets so drunk they get really obnoxious and spill beer on people, only cheers for the Zamboni race on the scoreboard...etc.

I love it when there are a lot of fans there to yell for the Hawks and fire them up when they are a little flat...the crowd can make a difference and if we care about the game, the players get fired up from the energy and we all see a better game!


The same group that chants Detroit Sucks in the smoking area during the Boston Bruins Final game.  I get it.</p>


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May 15, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="EspoForever" data-cid="204388" data-time="1372737738">

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I was thinking the city was being run by someone who talks about things he does not understand...now I feel better. Grin.</p></blockquote>

Love the Rahmfather moniker. Not sure if John Kass made that up or stole it from someone but it is funny as hell.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Speaking of fans at the UC....Does anybody know the story behind the guy who always dances the jig to DropKick Murphy??? Or the story about the long black haired fella who looks like he's screaming into the camera, trying to get the crowd into it??</p>


Both are consistently shown on the jumbotron each home game at the UC...</p>


Sep 28, 2010
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Somewhere in Indiana
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="WiHawksFan" data-cid="204617" data-time="1372853930">

Speaking of fans at the UC....Does anybody know the story behind the guy who always dances the jig to DropKick Murphy??? Or the story about the long black haired fella who looks like he's screaming into the camera, trying to get the crowd into it??</p>


Both are consistently shown on the jumbotron each home game at the UC...</p>

I don't think I saw him at all during 2013 (I attended aboot half of the home games).  I don't think he was there prior to 2010.  I can live without him. </p>

The "screaming guy" has been around for a while. </p>
