<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="BlackhawkPaul" data-cid="204650" data-time="1372863888">
As long as my experience isn't ruined I don't care. I have noticed that it's been more enjoyable watching it on my HDTV or experiencing it with the people I became friends with on the boards. Being at the Fox and Hound with a good portion of friends was a great time in 2010 and 2013. </p>
You can go to any sports venue in Chicago and there can be some turd that scores tix next you that can either be a good/bad experience.
I try to make the best of it and let the other crap roll off of me, but there are times in which it can be annoying
(people standing up every time the puck crosses the blue line--not waiting for the whistle--paying $500 for a SC ticket then leaning toward me and asking who #4 is-- or paying $500 for a SC ticket and waving/texting to friends 3 sections over to prove you're at the game). I'm not sure if the above can be attributed to "bandwagon" fans or just plain shitty "fans." I've found that there are some Blackhawks fans that have been following the team forever can be just as bad as those who discovered the team in 2010.
Maybe I'm just too old school.</p>
I pay for a ticket to a hockey game. I expect to watch hockey. All the sideshow shit is secondary. </p>
I wont lie, things like this used to bother me too. Until I realized that it really doesnt deter from my enjoyment. When I would "correct" people on misinformation, most of the time it was not to help educate someone on a hobby of mine, it was out of annoyance of someone spewing forth dumb information and I wanted to belittle them because they were delivering the information with just gusto that must be tied somewhere to my own ego.</p>
Now? I dont care at all if they are right or wrong. Nor is it my job or my enjoyment to correct them.</p>
As far as paying for tickets and asking who a player is, as per your example? I simply answer them. It is their money. If I dont want to be bothered, I will simple ignore them. I dont know them, what do I care?</p>
Now, the standing while puck is in play? First time is a mention as many wont know that it is rude, because it really isnt in other sporting events, or any event really... Ignorance is not a fault. However do it again...

But as far as the banter that occurs around me and some of the ignorant comments I may hear, so be it.</p>