TheHockeyGuy on Youtube made a video saying that "everyone knew the alligations were true"
I didn't read the report, but it that a fact?
I get that everyone is saying Q, McD, and Bowman didnt want a distraction, but what's a bigger distraction? Putting a video coach on leave, and firing him as soon as the season ends? Would anyone notice? Would anyone even inquire into why?
Or would a bigger distraction be keeping a creep on the bench and having him party with everyone which you would think every player would avoid Aldrich like the plague.
I think some of the management and maybe Q specifically put the blinders on and didnt want to believe a fringe player until it was undeniable.
They all made horrible decisions and it has tainted the 2010 Cup and how I personally view Q.
Also, the Penn State scandal came out a few years later. I wonder if the response would have changed if they knew what happened there. I'm sure they all were pissing their pants thinking "at least we got rid of our creep... And it was a crime against an adult male and not kids." Idiots.