Briggs Coming Back?


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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Catch the Boers and Bernstein Transition 1-27-15?
According to Bernstein(and his source), Management was not happy with Briggs and Tillman.
They think Briggs and Tillman was the main reason(cause?) team did not buy in with Trestman system.
He also added that management will still leave everything to Pace
Well, I could completely understand Briggs.

I didn't see anything from Tillman though.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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@ FatBabies

I gave you James Harrison and Ray Lewis. Pretty sure Junior Seau as well played with the Pats (a successful organization) at an advanced age. Again, it happens dude. You just aren't looking hard enough for examples and every time I bring you a new example, you will just say they are an exception. Well duh, teams don't stack a full team full of 35 year olds. No one said they did. But having one or two vets that are in the mid 30s happens enough.

Again, the only consideration is whether they are good. Harrison, Lewis, and Seau were good enough for successful teams to play them. The only consideration Fox and Fangio need to consider is whether Lance still is.

And it is funny that you bring up New England when Bellichek has no problem adding players who allegedly quite (Dillion, Blount, Moss), and players who are well into their 30s (Wilfork, Seau). Bellichek doesn't get rid of players because they are old. He gets rid of players when he thinks they are about to decline or become too expenses. He has shown with both Wilfork and Seau that if he thinks you can contribute at an advanced age for the right years and price, he has no problem rolling with you because he doesn't have these hard and fast dumb rules that you speak of.

You are giving me three examples over the last 10 seasons:

- Seau - one of the best ever. Played 11 of 32 games his last two season with NE at the end of his career.

- Lewis - arguably the best ever. Was a shell of his former self and basically served as head cheerleader for that team. He's a dickbag murderer, but he was the leader of all leaders for that team. Played a role. As compared to the complete lack of leadership by Lance. Did Ray Lewis miss 17/32 games to injury? Did he show up out of shape?

- Harrison - was CUT at age 35. Brought back off the coach at age 36 because of an injury. Easy to bring back because it was the HC, DC and system he played under for 9 seasons. And was in playing shape. None of that applied to Lance.

But let's go by your logic. You say it comes to do skills and contribution. Do you think that his contribution will warrant a roster spot? What impresses you more - his injuries? his lack of being in shape? his attitude? Or the fact that he was the 3rd best player on the worst defense in the NFL?

You really like these apples to oranges comparisons don't you?


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Lance just trying to get a contract .

Of course. And frankly HEARING his comments as he said them versus reading them? Kinda pathetic.

Like the 'take me back, I'll promise I'll be better' yearnings of a 16 year old girl.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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My wording might not be the best and i'm not saying it is but i will 100% guarantee you that i know more about football and the Chicago Bears than you know now and will probably ever know.
Do you understand those words? lol

We'll let the peanut gallery determine who does or doesn't know more about football than any other poster.

As you are fluffing your peacock feathers and regaling us with your extensive knowledge of the game of football and the Chicago Bears, remember, it is you, not me, who is calling for the return of a 35 year old out of shape injured linebacker - 'at the right price'.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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He's a child that gets off on talking smack but that's what children do. It's quite laughable.

No, It's an opinion forum. I enjoy pointing out the folly of silly opinions that aren't well thought out and are predicated on emotion and not logic and a large helping of meatballs and bong resin.


Jordan Sigler’s editor
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Jun 20, 2010
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In the mod forum planning your ban
So do we agree that it is okay to let Lance go if we find a decent replacement?


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Well, I could completely understand Briggs.

I didn't see anything from Tillman though.

I did. As much as I love Tillman as a human being and I've heard nothing but great stories about him in that regard, did you ever see the shows he did with Pat Boyle on Comcast?

Will he didn't come across as a surly dbag ala Urlacher or the 'fuck it all' attitude of Lance, he did come across as 'off'. It just kind rubbed me the wrong way.

I get it. They all loved daddy Lovie. They didn't like Trestman or his system. Shit happens. Most NFL players don't have the luxury of playing for the same HC for 9 seasons. Most players will play for more than one team. They will play for 2 or more HCs and a multitude of coordinators and position coaches.

That is the reality of the NFL.

That said, I'd imagine there are dozens/hundreds of players who dislike any number of things about their team, from the dopey HC to the shitty city they are forced to live in (GB) to the locker room carpet color to the quality of potential baby mommas in said city. The key to being a professional is not to vocalize that shit.

Every one of us has in every profession at every level works with 'that guy' - the guy who bitches and moans all the time. Shut the fuck up. It gets old. Grow up and suck it up.

Tillman is a guy at the end of his career. He's most likely done. Even with his issues with Trestman, he was at the sunset of his career. Suck it up. Make your $3M per, finish out your career, retire one of the most loved and respected players to ever lace them up for the Bears. Go on to do your great charitable work and get your inevitable analyst job. Just don't go out like that.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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So do we agree that it is okay to let Lance go if we find a decent replacement?

There really is not 'let him go'. He's a free agent as of March. He's not a member of the Bears.

Yes, move on.

Time to rebuild. Time to get young. Whoever his replacement is might be great or might suck. That's the NFL. The oldest - and ironically worst - defense in the NFL needs to get young and Lance Briggs was the oldest player on that D.


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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So do we agree that it is okay to let Lance go if we find a decent replacement?

I don't think there is agreement on anything here. In my original post I thought it was a good idea to bring him back and between a couple of those posts got about a page and a half of positive rep from members of this message board. And there are plenty that would not like to have him back.

The difference though, is the ones that don't want to even give him a look, are posting their same opinion over and over again, 6 paragraphs at a time saying the same stuff over and over again. While those that would like to give him a look, just posted their opinion and left it at that.


Jan 21, 2014
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São Paulo, Brazil
You are giving me three examples over the last 10 seasons:

- Seau - one of the best ever. Played 11 of 32 games his last two season with NE at the end of his career.

- Lewis - arguably the best ever. Was a shell of his former self and basically served as head cheerleader for that team. He's a dickbag murderer, but he was the leader of all leaders for that team. Played a role. As compared to the complete lack of leadership by Lance. Did Ray Lewis miss 17/32 games to injury? Did he show up out of shape?

- Harrison - was CUT at age 35. Brought back off the coach at age 36 because of an injury. Easy to bring back because it was the HC, DC and system he played under for 9 seasons. And was in playing shape. None of that applied to Lance.

But let's go by your logic. You say it comes to do skills and contribution. Do you think that his contribution will warrant a roster spot? What impresses you more - his injuries? his lack of being in shape? his attitude? Or the fact that he was the 3rd best player on the worst defense in the NFL?

You really like these apples to oranges comparisons don't you?

Who do you put below him of these four (Young, Ratillif, Paea, Fuller)?
Honest question here.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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You are giving me three examples over the last 10 seasons:

- Seau - one of the best ever. Played 11 of 32 games his last two season with NE at the end of his career.

- Lewis - arguably the best ever. Was a shell of his former self and basically served as head cheerleader for that team. He's a dickbag murderer, but he was the leader of all leaders for that team. Played a role. As compared to the complete lack of leadership by Lance. Did Ray Lewis miss 17/32 games to injury? Did he show up out of shape?

- Harrison - was CUT at age 35. Brought back off the coach at age 36 because of an injury. Easy to bring back because it was the HC, DC and system he played under for 9 seasons. And was in playing shape. None of that applied to Lance.

But let's go by your logic. You say it comes to do skills and contribution. Do you think that his contribution will warrant a roster spot? What impresses you more - his injuries? his lack of being in shape? his attitude? Or the fact that he was the 3rd best player on the worst defense in the NFL?

You really like these apples to oranges comparisons don't you?

Lol, like I said, everything is an apples to oranges comparison. There is never going to be a player that fits all the parameters you come up with once I provide the examples you asked me to provide. You asked the question. I gave you the answer based on the question you asked.

Ratliff and Paea had good years despite the overall bad D. So your point about him being 3rd best is kind of silly. Especially when I already told you that he was rated the 10th best 4-3 OLB by PFF and the 8th best against the run despite limited playing time.

Your argument for cutting Lance is based on nothing more than emotion and your perception of what went on last year. Your perception is inherently flawed because you aren't a coach, you aren't a scout, you aren't an insider with direct knowledge of what went on last year, and you likely didn't watch enough film to really assess Lance's performance relative to what the scheme asked him to do, and you don't know how much of the problem was Lance or the players vs the fact the coaches didn't put them in a position to succeed.

Unless you can assert that some of the above applies to you, your opinion is worth as much as any opinion on these message boards which is jack shit. That includes my opinion as well. I just am not presumptuous enough to pretend I have all the answers like you guys are doing hence why I said I don't have enough information to truly make the call on Lance. All I am doing is repeating over and over that neither do you which is what you seemed confused about.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Who do you put below him of these four (Young, Ratillif, Paea, Fuller)?
Honest question here.

He is actually referring to where I said PFF had him rated. He was 3rd behind Ratliff and Paea. Fuller started off well but his grades actually plumeted quite dramatically in the second half to the point PFF had him graded as one of the worst CBs last year. I wouldn't put him that low but he did slump quite badly at the end there based on what I saw although he was playing banged up. Willie Young also didn't get a good grade from PFF. Behind Briggs was Jared Allen and Tim Jennings.


Jordan Sigler’s editor
Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Jun 20, 2010
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In the mod forum planning your ban
There really is not 'let him go'. He's a free agent as of March. He's not a member of the Bears.

Yes, move on.

Time to rebuild. Time to get young. Whoever his replacement is might be great or might suck. That's the NFL. The oldest - and ironically worst - defense in the NFL needs to get young and Lance Briggs was the oldest player on that D.

I prefer not to have someone who sucks replace briggs


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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@ FatBabies

I gave you James Harrison and Ray Lewis. Pretty sure Junior Seau as well played with the Pats (a successful organization) at an advanced age. Again, it happens dude. You just aren't looking hard enough for examples and every time I bring you a new example, you will just say they are an exception. Well duh, teams don't stack a full team full of 35 year olds. No one said they did. But having one or two vets that are in the mid 30s happens enough.

Again, the only consideration is whether they are good. Harrison, Lewis, and Seau were good enough for successful teams to play them. The only consideration Fox and Fangio need to consider is whether Lance still is.

And it is funny that you bring up New England when Bellichek has no problem adding players who allegedly quite (Dillion, Blount, Moss), and players who are well into their 30s (Wilfork, Seau). Bellichek doesn't get rid of players because they are old. He gets rid of players when he thinks they are about to decline or become too expenses. He has shown with both Wilfork and Seau that if he thinks you can contribute at an advanced age for the right years and price, he has no problem rolling with you because he doesn't have these hard and fast dumb rules that you speak of.
so, are you saying that Fox won't know that Brigg's has declined? Or are you saying Brigg's hasn't declined? I'm lost with where you are.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Lol, this has nothing to do with Lance. The post you quoted was responding to someone suggesting that Lance was upset with the coaching change. My point is it sure seemed to me that Lance was not merely upset with a coaching change. He was upset by the fact the coach selected couldn't run a team and it sure seems like he ended up being correct given how disastrous Trestman was. The dude failed in multiple phases of coaching not just in relation to Lance. So yes Lance seems to be fine with Fox because he probably sees in Fox an actual professional head coach. Something he and most of the team apparently didn't see in Trestman.

That is completely unrelated to whether he remains on the team or not. Separate point dude.

Nah........ that's Brigg's to a tee. Again, you got all that lovin for old Lance, can't bear to see him gone. Well mosey on back to your poster and you can have him forever.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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I don't think there is agreement on anything here. In my original post I thought it was a good idea to bring him back and between a couple of those posts got about a page and a half of positive rep from members of this message board. And there are plenty that would not like to have him back.

The difference though, is the ones that don't want to even give him a look, are posting their same opinion over and over again, 6 paragraphs at a time saying the same stuff over and over again. While those that would like to give him a look, just posted their opinion and left it at that.
right!! get a hold of yourself..Doh, sorry let go of yourself.


Jan 21, 2014
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São Paulo, Brazil
He is actually referring to where I said PFF had him rated. He was 3rd behind Ratliff and Paea. Fuller started off well but his grades actually plumeted quite dramatically in the second half to the point PFF had him graded as one of the worst CBs last year. I wouldn't put him that low but he did slump quite badly at the end there based on what I saw although he was playing banged up. Willie Young also didn't get a good grade from PFF. Behind Briggs was Jared Allen and Tim Jennings.

Ok. now makes sense. But I wont rate Fuller that low, too.


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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right!! get a hold of yourself..Doh, sorry let go of yourself.

There was nothing egotistical about that at all. The point was that many agree that we should give Briggs a look, and agree with me, there are plenty of others that don't agree with me. The point of that was that there was no consensus here. Not does it matter what anybody thinks here. This is not where decisions are made, this is a message board, some lose sight of that.
