Briggs Coming Back?


Jordan Sigler’s editor
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Jun 20, 2010
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In the mod forum planning your ban
Anywho, I will leave it at this. If Fox and Fangio say Briggs quit on the field not in meetings and they don't retain him, I will be fine. If they say he doesn't fit what they want to do, I will be fine. If they say Briggs can be a good player for them and resign him, I will be fine.

I don't have enough information one way or the other to make any grand declarations like some of you here that Lance does or doesn't belong on this team going forward and any fan who claims they do is talking out of their ass IMO.

I have no clue if briggs wuit on the filed but he in his own words has said he fell alsleep in meatings last year. He slso wss slower and worse in coverage last year. Thats a terrible attitude and terrible physical condition. Its alarming


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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Apparently you guys really went at it since the last time I checked in. Have there been any developments?

Briggs synopsis:

- best Will LB of his generation.
- produced consistently while healthy.
- mediocre ability to lead a unit on the field.
- couldn't lead a locker room out of a trench if his life counted on it.
- history of being a selfish human being.

I'm sure I missed some things, but that is the general consensus?


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Aug 20, 2012
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Apparently you guys really went at it since the last time I checked in. Have there been any developments?

Briggs synopsis:

- best Will LB of his generation.
- produced consistently while healthy.
- mediocre ability to lead a unit on the field.
- couldn't lead a locker room out of a trench if his life counted on it.
- history of being a selfish human being.

I'm sure I missed some things, but that is the general consensus?

*hes been quoted as being butt hurt.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
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A lot of you guys worshipped each and every move that Emery and Trestman made from the moment they came onboard. You guys got the Cutler contract you wanted, you got rid of Urlacher, you got rid of Hester, it was offense offense and more offense, and look where it got us. Suddenly you hated management and Cutler when we were 5-11, maybe a few games sooner.

Along comes John Fox who understands exactly what went on here. Briggs didn't fuck over this organization, it fucked over him by bringing in morons to run the team. Fox wants to "fix" what the Bears did to Urlacher. Many of you loved what the Bears did to Urlacher and still don't think anything was wrong. My guess is Fox will also want to fix things with Briggs.

You may not like it, you may not like me for that matter, but things are going to swing back to a place that many of you are not going to like. It sucked for me for the last few years, watching these guys ruin this team. My guess is you guys aren't going to like a lot of things in the months ahead. But, its for the benefit of the team.

LOL at this dumb shit. Prior to Emery and Trestman, what were the Bears doing that was any different? It sure as fuck wasn't winning. 5 playoff appearances in 23 years now. It's fucking hilarious how some of you meatheads stick to this "Bears way" and run da ball and only play defense nonsense and think of the offense as an afterthought, as if that philosophy has won the Bears countless championships. Fact of the matter is, the offense actually matters, and pretty much every team that wins SBs are well rounded.


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Sep 27, 2014
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Lol, you keep changing the goalposts. First you asked about aging players. Then when I name some you say they aren't LBs, they are DTs. Then when I name a LB, you say but he already knew the system. Then when you ask about players who alllegedly quit, it's that they werent't that old. It's laughable.

I mean by the time we finish with you adding new conditions it will be something like name me a 35 year old LB with 2 years of season ending injuries, who opened a BBQ restaurants in the off-season who crashed a lambo before who quit on their team besides Lance Briggs?

I laughed coffee out my nose on this one! Well done. We need a spanking jiff. (oh, over someones knee) :sweep:


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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really? You have no idea why Cutler was benched. The benching worked since Trestman is already employed again.

I was asked and answered a question toward me on Cutler. Not sure what you're trying to get at here. All I stated was I agreed with his benching and gave my perspective on why I felt he needed to be benched. Why Trestman benched him is not my concern today. If you['re saying that the only reason Trestman got a job for next year is because he benched Jay Cutler, dude, that is a statement made with a stupid angel from your brain. My advice is to lose the stupid!


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Sorry, even during rebuilding I like my teams to field the best team possible and still try to win as many games as possible. I suppose you were one of the many on year this past season wishing that the Bears would have lost out to get a better draft pick. smh

Well it isn't your team, it's Fox and Pace's team. Let's see where they are. You can go back to your Madden GM on your TV anytime.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Just because urlacher was a dumbass who did not take the ONLY offer he got, does not mean that Briggs will do the same. He was basically begging for a job with his statements. Urlacher would have never made those statements. You also can't say you checked out in meetings and shit and expect a nice healthy contract offer. He knows what is coming.

right, nothing is coming.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Have you seen a coach lose the locker room as swiftly and completely as Marc Trestman did? You act like the problem was the coaching change in general rather than the actual coach in particular. Briggs seems fine with Fox. I see no evidence he had a problem with a coaching change. I see evidence he had a problem with Marc Trestman. Given how things ended up, I would say he was correct in his assessment about Trestman and his staff. The dude ended up being a joke of a head coach.
hahaha, dude, "Briggs is fine with Fox", like Briggs is the one in control of this. Dude, go get your life size poster of Lance and go back to your room and hug your poster. Holy crap, your love for Briggs is off the wall. Some advice, try restructuring your argument to address the situation instead of making the same lame 'I love Lance' montra.

For example: Question to the board, do you feel that lance Briggs will be brought into training camp?
Question, will Lance Briggs receive a contract and accept a vet minimum?

No one on here knows what the new regime will do. Let's all wait and find out. IMO, Briggs will not be invited to training camp.

Reasons, age, diminished skills, and the fact that he publicly admitted walking away from his teammates after the NE game and was sleeping in meetings.

He is now injury prone, and there are likely younger more healthier FAs to bring in if linebackers aren't available in the draft.

It is a rebuilding year and a new regime.

But dude, can you please leave the Lance love away from here? You look foolish.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Lol, so you think when scouts and coaches evaluate LBs those are the only things they look at? Your argument makes little sense. You and I both know that traditional stats are not the only way players are evaluated. Hell NFL teams even differ on how they record tackles. I am pretty sure John Fox and Vic Fangio will look at the tape and make an evaluation.

And I already told you my support. He graded out as the 3rd best defender on the Bears this year and by far the best LB. It's objective because the people that made that determination have no affiliation to anyone here currently discussing Briggs. Doesn't mean they are right but that is the context that the term objective is used in.

Grading out as the 3rd best defender on the worst defense in the NFL.

Remember, that defense featured:

- old guys who couldn't play any more (DJ Williams, Allen and to an extent, Jennings)
- old guys who missed a lot of time with injuries (Williams, Tillman, Ratliff)
- youngish guys who missed significant time with injuries (Conte, Houston, Young)
- blah middle of the road guys (Mundy, Bostic)
- underperforming high priced FA (Allen, Houston)
- inexperienced, poorly coached rookies (Fuller, Vereen, Sutton, Ferguson, Jones)
- Practice squad type guys and guys who probably won't be on an NFL roster next year (Hurst, Louis-Jean, Shea, Bass, Sharpton)

But hey, 35 year old oft injured out of shape Lance Briggs was the THIRD - THIRD - best guy on that team. SIGN HIM NOW!!!!!

That's what you want on the team next season?

But you are right on one thing - John Fox and Vic Fangio will evaluate him. As will Ryan Pace, who you are forgetting to mention.

Fox is a well respected long time NFL guy. Fangio is regarded as one of the best, if not the best DC in the game. Pace is the hot young upstart.

What good well respected coaches and GMs DON'T do is send out an opening day roster that features 35 year old out of shape injured LBs.

Can you point me to another respected DC, HC and GM who will trot out a 35 year old LB with injury, attitude and conditioning issues on Opening Day next year?

No. You can't. Because it's dumb.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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don't be a fan please. Nothing worse than people who hope their team loses. That answer explains it all. smh I want the Bears to win every damn week.

Ah the 'I get to decide what a fan is' guy.


I want the Bears to win SuperBowls. Yes, I'd like them to win every week. They won't. And as evidenced, by oh, I don't know, the shit to mediocre they've been almost the entirety of the SB era, I'd gladly take back to back 0-16 seasons if it meant being perennial contenders ala GB, Baltimore, NE, etc each season.

Look at Indy in 2011. Started 0-13. Won two games. 2-13. Going into last game of the season against shit box Jacksonville.

If they lose, they get the #1 pick in the draft and get Andrew Luck. A once in a generation talent who will be a cornerstone Pro-Bowler and eventual Hall of Famer to build the franchise around.

If they won that game, they lose the first pick. That pick goes to STL (who most likely doesn't do the Washington trade). STL picks Andrew Luck. That would leave RG3 or Ryan Tannehill.

Losing that game meant the difference between having Andrew Luck as the QB for the next 10 plus years and a decade of playoff appearances or having RG3 or Ryan Tannehill at the helm and talks of benchings, trades and on the couch in the post season.

So, which is better for the team?

But yeah, WIN BABY!

The Bears lost the last game of the season to MN. It was a meaningless nonsense game. As a result, the Bears pick 7 in EACH round of the draft. The Bears needs players - young talented impact players - BADLY. If they were to have won that game, it would have meant a difference of, I believe, picking 7th or 12th.

So, yeah, WIN BABY! That's what a REAL FAN wants...


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I have no clue if briggs wuit on the filed but he in his own words has said he fell alsleep in meatings last year. He slso wss slower and worse in coverage last year. Thats a terrible attitude and terrible physical condition. Its alarming

Of course it is alarming which is why I said if Fox and Fangio conclude they don't want Briggs, I will have no problem with it. I am simply disputing the idea that it translated onto the field and that it is a slam dunk he is gone. Trestman's lack of leadership was so fucking horrendous that it is entirely possible Fox and Fangio conclude that any issues with Lance were unique to his relationship with Trestman who isn't here anymore.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Lol, you keep changing the goalposts. First you asked about aging players. Then when I name some you say they aren't LBs, they are DTs. Then when I name a LB, you say but he already knew the system. Then when you ask about players who alllegedly quit, it's that they werent't that old. It's laughable.

I mean by the time we finish with you adding new conditions it will be something like name me a 35 year old LB with 2 years of season ending injuries, who opened a BBQ restaurants in the off-season who crashed a lambo before who quit on their team besides Lance Briggs?

No, not moving the goalposts at all.

You provided Justin Smith as an example of an aged player. I granted you that - and I also offered Vince Wilfork.

What I did was provided the DIFFERENCES between those examples:

- DLs are different then LBs and can play at advanced ages.
- Harrison is one specific exception. And he was an injury replacement guy who just happened to go back to the team that knew him and the staff he played for.
- None of the players mentioned are coming off of back to back season ending injuries and a season in which a) they were completely out of shape and b) malcontents.

Again, it's very simple. There are 32 teams in the NFL. If you include ST, most teams field 6 LBs on any given Sunday. That's 192 LBs.

Of those 192 LBs that will play on Sundays next season, how many will be 35 years old?

You've said that you defer to the coaches to make those decisions.

The answer to the above question will tell you all you need to know.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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James Harrison started at 35 and 36 for the Bengals and Steelers respectively. As far as I am aware having never played for Marvin Lewis, he did not know the Bengals system when Marvin Lewis decided he was good enough to start. As I recall, Ray Lewis won a Super Bowl as a starting LB on the Ravens in 2012 when he was 35 or older.

But hey, let's add a new condition to your question so you can claim it's not apples vs apples. Again, your argument is just dumb. There are always examples of teams using an older vet on a team and still being successful. What matters is whether they are good and not their age.

Yes, James Harrison played for the Bengals at age 35.

And he was summarily cut afterwards.

Re: Pittsburgh - he was an off the street replacement player for injury.

Briggs is not under contract, so he can't be cut, but again, can you list other 35 year olds that are starting at LB in the NFL?

A good case in point is Adrian Wilson. One of the best at the position in his prime. Brought to a team with dogshit at safety. Didn't have it anymore and couldn't make the squad. A position (like LB) that is predicated on speed, conditioning and reaction time. Ironically enough, Adrian Wilson is 35 years old.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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One thing i will say is we ned to get someone who will actually b able to replace briggs before just moving on from him but his clock is ticking very fast

The Bears have the 7th pick of each round of the draft each season and a new GM, new player personnel guy and great new coaching staff.

This is a good thing.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Anywho, I will leave it at this. If Fox and Fangio say Briggs quit on the field not in meetings and they don't retain him, I will be fine. If they say he doesn't fit what they want to do, I will be fine. If they say Briggs can be a good player for them and resign him, I will be fine.

I don't have enough information one way or the other to make any grand declarations like some of you here that Lance does or doesn't belong on this team going forward and any fan who claims they do is talking out of their ass IMO.

But you DO have enough information.

That information is that NFL teams don't trot out 35 year old LBs on opening day. (Citing a single example of James Harrison is the massive exception to the rule).

That reality AND the fact that Lance Briggs is not under contract AND the fact that Lance Briggs missed most of the last two seasons to injury AND the fact that he was a malcontent and made it known publicly AND the fact that he showed up after his injury in 2013 and to camp in 2014 out of shape tells you all you need to know.

But then again, he WAS the third best player on the worst defense in the NFL last year so surely Fox and Fangio have to be impressed by that, right?


CCS Donator
Sep 9, 2012
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Massie sucks donkey balls
Wow-really? After this shitshow the last two years your are still surprised that players were pissed about firing Lovie?

Looks to me as if they were right.

No way IMO Briggs all of a sudden gets motivated to play at a high level again our is willing to take a pay cut. Hes NEVER shown any such attitude for several years now.

He is just campaigning for a couple more million so he can open another BBQ joint.

Child support payments
