Briggs Coming Back?


Member in Ommys mouth
Apr 5, 2014
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Yes, James Harrison played for the Bengals at age 35.

And he was summarily cut afterwards.

Re: Pittsburgh - he was an off the street replacement player for injury.

Briggs is not under contract, so he can't be cut, but again, can you list other 35 year olds that are starting at LB in the NFL?

A good case in point is Adrian Wilson. One of the best at the position in his prime. Brought to a team with dogshit at safety. Didn't have it anymore and couldn't make the squad. A position (like LB) that is predicated on speed, conditioning and reaction time. Ironically enough, Adrian Wilson is 35 years old.

Stop being an asshat. You need to realize that we have a poster on this board who is 197, rode on the titanic, saw Lincoln get assasinated and GM's from his couch every week with an Ol' smokie in hand (slang for his dick im guessing) while laughing at you bunch of bums that call yourselves Bears fans. This mofo saw Sid Luckman (his birth) and you all just want to belittle and act all high and mighty. You try eating Ginny out for 180 years and see how your opinion changes. I'm so dissapointed in you turds. Respect the oak lawn and respect your elders!


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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I would want briggs if he lost 20 lbs but that isnt happening. He is smart and has great moments but coming into camp like looking like thr pills urundough boy isnt flying at his age. Tilman i would want back becuase even thou he had that freak injury 2 years in a row he comes in top shape


CCS Donator
Sep 9, 2012
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Massie sucks donkey balls
Cutler doesn't have a 'don't care' attitude, thats a meme.

can you not tell the difference between a meme and real life?

No he is stupid


Member in Ommys mouth
Apr 5, 2014
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I would want briggs if he lost 20 lbs but that isnt happening. He is smart and has great moments but coming into camp like looking like thr pills urundough boy isnt flying at his age. Tilman i would want back becuase even thou he had that freak injury 2 years in a row he comes in top shape

You can't blame that one on auto correct. Did you just have a seizure dude?


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Apparently you guys really went at it since the last time I checked in. Have there been any developments?

Briggs synopsis:

- best Will LB of his generation.
- produced consistently while healthy.
- mediocre ability to lead a unit on the field.
- couldn't lead a locker room out of a trench if his life counted on it.
- history of being a selfish human being.

I'm sure I missed some things, but that is the general consensus?

You missed:

- Coming off of back to back season ending injuries. Missed 17 of 32 games
- Not under contract
- 35 years old
- Came back from injury in 2013 out of shape.
- Showed up to camp in 2014 overweight and out of shape.
- Oldest player on oldest defense (who also happened to be the worst defense in the NFL)
- NFL teams don't field 35 year old starting LBs.

So, yeah, that's about right.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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LOL at this dumb shit. Prior to Emery and Trestman, what were the Bears doing that was any different? It sure as fuck wasn't winning. 5 playoff appearances in 23 years now. It's fucking hilarious how some of you meatheads stick to this "Bears way" and run da ball and only play defense nonsense and think of the offense as an afterthought, as if that philosophy has won the Bears countless championships. Fact of the matter is, the offense actually matters, and pretty much every team that wins SBs are well rounded.


As I've said before, whatever 'Bears Football' is, I want none of it. It's been one SB victory in almost 50 years. The same amount of SB victories at the historic Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

As you said, 5 playoff appearances in 23 years.

'Bears Football' means non-wining football. It's means bad to mediocre football. It means watching some other teams play football in January.

As you note, I want complete well rounded football ala what we'll see from the two teams on Sunday who do 'well rounded football' better than anyone.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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But you DO have enough information.

That information is that NFL teams don't trot out 35 year old LBs on opening day. (Citing a single example of James Harrison is the massive exception to the rule).

That reality AND the fact that Lance Briggs is not under contract AND the fact that Lance Briggs missed most of the last two seasons to injury AND the fact that he was a malcontent and made it known publicly AND the fact that he showed up after his injury in 2013 and to camp in 2014 out of shape tells you all you need to know.

But then again, he WAS the third best player on the worst defense in the NFL last year so surely Fox and Fangio have to be impressed by that, right?

Lance Briggs has also not spend 1 day of his entire life in as good a shape as James Harrison.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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The Bears are hurt by their nostalgia. Ditka, 85 Bears, Old Players.

The Patriots never look in the rear view mirror.

A fresh start requires a cleansing and Briggs should get caught up in that cleansing.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Stop being an asshat. You need to realize that we have a poster on this board who is 197, rode on the titanic, saw Lincoln get assasinated and GM's from his couch every week with an Ol' smokie in hand (slang for his dick im guessing) while laughing at you bunch of bums that call yourselves Bears fans. This mofo saw Sid Luckman (his birth) and you all just want to belittle and act all high and mighty. You try eating Ginny out for 180 years and see how your opinion changes. I'm so dissapointed in you turds. Respect the oak lawn and respect your elders!

Get off my lawn!


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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hahaha, dude, "Briggs is fine with Fox", like Briggs is the one in control of this. Dude, go get your life size poster of Lance and go back to your room and hug your poster. Holy crap, your love for Briggs is off the wall. Some advice, try restructuring your argument to address the situation instead of making the same lame 'I love Lance' montra.

For example: Question to the board, do you feel that lance Briggs will be brought into training camp?
Question, will Lance Briggs receive a contract and accept a vet minimum?

No one on here knows what the new regime will do. Let's all wait and find out. IMO, Briggs will not be invited to training camp.

Reasons, age, diminished skills, and the fact that he publicly admitted walking away from his teammates after the NE game and was sleeping in meetings.

He is now injury prone, and there are likely younger more healthier FAs to bring in if linebackers aren't available in the draft.

It is a rebuilding year and a new regime.

But dude, can you please leave the Lance love away from here? You look foolish.

Lol, this has nothing to do with Lance. The post you quoted was responding to someone suggesting that Lance was upset with the coaching change. My point is it sure seemed to me that Lance was not merely upset with a coaching change. He was upset by the fact the coach selected couldn't run a team and it sure seems like he ended up being correct given how disastrous Trestman was. The dude failed in multiple phases of coaching not just in relation to Lance. So yes Lance seems to be fine with Fox because he probably sees in Fox an actual professional head coach. Something he and most of the team apparently didn't see in Trestman.

That is completely unrelated to whether he remains on the team or not. Separate point dude.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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The Bears are hurt by their nostalgia. Ditka, 85 Bears, Old Players.

The Patriots never look in the rear view mirror.

A fresh start requires a cleansing and Briggs should get caught up in that cleansing.

Yes, because 'nostalgia' is all the Bears brass and us Bears fans have.

NE doesn't have to because they'll be playing their 6th SB in the last 12 years.

The Bears are like that band that had to one hit in 1985 and now they play the 2pm on Sunday slot on the Old Republic Bank Stage at Taste of Vllla Park with paunchy guts and still wearing the spandex as the 12 drunk bikers cheer them on and the 3 year olds dance in front of the stage.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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@ FatBabies

I gave you James Harrison and Ray Lewis. Pretty sure Junior Seau as well played with the Pats (a successful organization) at an advanced age. Again, it happens dude. You just aren't looking hard enough for examples and every time I bring you a new example, you will just say they are an exception. Well duh, teams don't stack a full team full of 35 year olds. No one said they did. But having one or two vets that are in the mid 30s happens enough.

Again, the only consideration is whether they are good. Harrison, Lewis, and Seau were good enough for successful teams to play them. The only consideration Fox and Fangio need to consider is whether Lance still is.

And it is funny that you bring up New England when Bellichek has no problem adding players who allegedly quite (Dillion, Blount, Moss), and players who are well into their 30s (Wilfork, Seau). Bellichek doesn't get rid of players because they are old. He gets rid of players when he thinks they are about to decline or become too expenses. He has shown with both Wilfork and Seau that if he thinks you can contribute at an advanced age for the right years and price, he has no problem rolling with you because he doesn't have these hard and fast dumb rules that you speak of.


Objective Fanboy
Aug 21, 2012
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love briggs thought he was a great bear but its time to move on imo


CCS Donator
Sep 9, 2012
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Massie sucks donkey balls

As I've said before, whatever 'Bears Football' is, I want none of it. It's been one SB victory in almost 50 years. The same amount of SB victories at the historic Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

As you said, 5 playoff appearances in 23 years.

'Bears Football' means non-wining football. It's means bad to mediocre football. It means watching some other teams play football in January.

As you note, I want complete well rounded football ala what we'll see from the two teams on Sunday who do 'well rounded football' better than anyone.

Lance just trying to get a contract .


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Dec 31, 2013
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Based on the few posts you've offered on this thread, I'm not sure you know anything. If you do, your ability to articulate it is sophomoric at best.

My wording might not be the best and i'm not saying it is but i will 100% guarantee you that i know more about football and the Chicago Bears than you know now and will probably ever know.
Do you understand those words? lol


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2013
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  1. New York Knicks
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Every teacher you ever had growing up would weep by reading that post.

I did read through your 'wording' - it was dumb and poorly structured. Not to mention you are one of the dopes calling for the Bears to sign old, slow, out of shape, hurt 35 year old players.

I never did nor am i now calling for us to bring back L.Briggs. I simply said i wouldn't mind it for the right price and i don't give a damn if they bring him back or not.
