Briggs Coming Back?


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Aug 20, 2012
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Fort Myers, FL
I think Briggs was great next to Urlacher. When he was there to clean up when Briggs decided to do his own thing. It is great when Briggs guessed right but when he guessed wrong or got out of his lane, we saw the huge running lanes that opened up and Urlacher was not there to cover it up. But you also have to look at the LB's that he has been playing beside the last 2 years. There was no one there to clean it up because they were over pursuing or in the wrong lanes themselves.

If they brought him back on a one year prove it deal with nothing promised, then it is win/win.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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I do not hold it against Briggs the last two years. In fact he was proven right for the most part, even if he didn't do anything to disprove his message.

The problem is he is old and we have no assurances he will bounce back. If Briggs really wants to join here in rebuilding then he needs to take a minimum salary with incentives. He won't do that though which will show his true colors.

Loser teams overpay old vets when they need to be moving on. We aren't in a position where Briggs is the missing piece so just let him go unless he really wants to give back.

They aren't mutually exclusive. Loser teams do overpay old vets. I'd go further - loser teams sign old vets (overpaid or not).

But I disagree - I DO hold 'it' against Briggs. His injury this year (mid season) where he just kept magically missing games was a bit 'hmmm', his laissez-faire approach to his job (the one was being paid $4.5M to do), his lack of commitment to his team (Double Nickels) and most importantly, the fact that he showed up to camp overweight, slow and terribly out of football shape.

That's all on him.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Funny you should say that because PFF...

Mr. Jones

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Aug 22, 2012
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Briggs had a good run, but the team needs to get younger and the new coaches need to create their new team and scheme with new blood, I hope they give him a proper sendoff and thanks for his service to the club as they part ways. He may end up on another team this year, maybe Tampa, but hopefully not the Bears..


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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This part of your argument is just dumb. This would be like arguing that we shouldn't want Dick Butkus on a team because when he played for the Bears, the Bears sucked as if the Bears sucking is the fault of the HOF LB and not all the other shitty players on the team.

Also, Justin Smith is 35 and Vic Fangio had no problem using him in San Fran. If a guy is a good player and is available at the right price then don't think Fangio gives a shit about his age. The issue is not that Briggs is 35. The issue is he might not be a good player anymore but that's for Fangio to decide. No one is suggesting the Bears stack their D with 35 year olds.

Any person that brings up Dick Butkus in a discussion of NFL football in 2015 is the one who is dumb. For those old enough to have seen, Butkus was a shadow of his former self at the end of his career (and that was at the ages of 30-31). Regardless, that was 45 years ago and it's not relevant now.

Besides, Lance Briggs is not Dick Butkus.

I'll grant you Justin Smith, but he is the exception to the rule. Successful NFL teams simply do not field 35 year old players and win. Also, Smith plays DT and is on the field for a much smaller percentage of the snaps. It's a position that is predicated on strength, leverage, situational football and gap assignments. That's much different that playing ILB which is much more reliant on speed and the ability to cover much younger, faster tight ends and are required to be on the field for a considerably higher percentage of snaps Last time I checked, 35 year old Justin Smith isn't responsible for covering Gronk or Jimmy Graham or spying Russell Wilson.

There are very few positions in the NFL where a player can be effective after say 34. Manning and Brady are defying Father Time (although Manning not so much) at the QB position. Kickers are kickers. DT is the one position where aging guys who can play limited snaps and don't rely on speed (Smith, Wilfork) can play later into their 30s.

Lance Briggs is not a DT.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Mountains to Sea
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Yes in an ideal world everyone would still work hard for shitty bosses. In the real world, there are enough management studies out there to show that is a pipe dream. Yes there are rare individuals that work hard no matter what. The majority of people though will most certainly be affected by working for a shitty boss they don't respect. It's human nature.

The only thing Fox and Fangio should be worried about is how they feel Briggs will play for them not how he played for the previous coach particularly when the previous coach is now universally considered to be an atrocious hire than lost the whole fucking team.
Sports are a different than the average job. Pro athletes are a immeasurably more driven then Curtis the janitor, to reach the level they have attained requires it, just like any other top person in any given field. Briggs is on display to the world weekly and there are accolades to be had as an individual even when the overall product sucks, so the quitter on a pro sports level is more the exception than the rule.

Briggs is just narcissistic enough to think he can whip out a, "In my opinion, I don't see any reason why you wouldn't want to (bring Briggs back to the Bears)," after his display this last year and have people agree with it.
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Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Funny you should say that because PFF has Briggs as the 10th best 4-3 OLB in the NFL last year and 8th against the run. Shea McClelin also actually graded out 7th against the run as a LB. Their problems are in coverage.

Either way, I think I will let Fox and Fangio decide who should stay or go as I am fairly confident they have a better grasp about D than anyone on here crying about Briggs or PFF for that matter.

PFF is for retards and is a punchline for analysts that matter (listen to Matt Bowen and his opinions of PFF).

But you are right, I'll let the experts (GM, Coaches) decide. Based on the fact that NFL defenses typically don't field oft injured, slow, disinterested, out of shape 35 year old linebackers who currently aren't under contract, I'll go with the prediction that Lance Briggs will not be on the Chicago Bears or any other NFL roster.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Not only is it dumb, it's flat out wrong:

Except for a couple down years, the Bears D for it's entirely of the players in their prime, was a high level, high performance, impact defense. Both statistically and visually. They were WAY MORE than 'flashes of defensive brilliance'. It's not about flashes, it's about consistency....

Also take into account that the Bears were 4th in the NFL in wins during Peanut, Briggs, Lach time here. That just doesn't scream 'mediocre to bad'.

He is just making stuff up now...


The FOOTBALL team was mediocre to bad. Being 4th in the NFL in wins means nothing. How many divisions did they win? How many playoff appearances?

Do they give out trophies for '4th most wins'? Do they do that before or after the award for '5 playoff appearances since 1992'

And yes, flashes of brilliance. We saw multiple instances where the defense looked like absolute shit. SF Monday night game ring a bell? Seattle at home?

I recall the running them of 'cover who' when discussing Lovie's scheme.

Regardless, whatever the Bears played for the last 30 years, I'm not interested. It was one side and was not a recipe for winning championships.

Fuck nostalgia. Fuck '4th most wins'. Fuck 35 year old out of shape injured linebackers.

I'd prefer complete, well rounding winning football for a change.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Yes in an ideal world everyone would still work hard for shitty bosses. In the real world, there are enough management studies out there to show that is a pipe dream. Yes there are rare individuals that work hard no matter what. The majority of people though will most certainly be affected by working for a shitty boss they don't respect. It's human nature.

The only thing Fox and Fangio should be worried about is how they feel Briggs will play for them not how he played for the previous coach particularly when the previous coach is now universally considered to be an atrocious hire than lost the whole fucking team.

Can you provide other examples of key players (especially seasoned 'leaders') who quit on their 'shitty bosses'?

Many coaches are fired each season. Can you share other examples of seasoned veterans like Lance Briggs who quit on those coaches as well?

And how does any of this translate into Lance Briggs being the only player to show up to camp way overweight and out of football shape?


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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I think Briggs was great next to Urlacher. When he was there to clean up when Briggs decided to do his own thing. It is great when Briggs guessed right but when he guessed wrong or got out of his lane, we saw the huge running lanes that opened up and Urlacher was not there to cover it up. But you also have to look at the LB's that he has been playing beside the last 2 years. There was no one there to clean it up because they were over pursuing or in the wrong lanes themselves.

If they brought him back on a one year prove it deal with nothing promised, then it is win/win.

He's 35, oft injured and has been out of shape and disinterested the last two seasons. Even if he 'got his head right', he can't overcome being 35 years old.

How would any of that be a win for the Bears? Win for Briggs? Sure. Win for the Bears? How?

Love Da Bears

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Sep 20, 2012
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Seems like Lance is pretty caught up in the old days. This is his twitter profile picture. Might be best to have a clean break with another new regime.


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Aug 21, 2012
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peppers quit on this team also two years ago and look how well he played in a better situation. Briggs is in a much better situation if brought back. He was still playing well above average 2 years ago before the injury. If given the chance he would still be maybe our best LB'er next year. You sign him for not muxh and give him a chance


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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peppers quit on this team also two years ago and look how well he played in a better situation. Briggs is in a much better situation if brought back. He was still playing well above average 2 years ago before the injury. If given the chance he would still be maybe our best LB'er next year. You sign him for not muxh and give him a chance

Good point and post.


May 31, 2013
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Not only do the Bears have to get younger, but the Bears have to get better.

Move on, Bears.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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peppers quit on this team also two years ago and look how well he played in a better situation. Briggs is in a much better situation if brought back. He was still playing well above average 2 years ago before the injury. If given the chance he would still be maybe our best LB'er next year. You sign him for not muxh and give him a chance

Ok, so the differences:

- Julius Peppers hasn't missed 17 of the last 32 games with injury
- Julius Peppers showed up to GB's camp having LOST weight to play his new position

Note the differences?
