Briggs Coming Back?


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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There have been repeated posts about signing Briggs to a vet minimum contract and see if he can make the team. This, of course would not be a bad idea, but does anyone really think Briggs is going to come in a bust his ass for a vet min. deal, unguaranteed?

He would be coming back for the money,and if it's minimal money do you imagine him being anything other than portly disgruntled Briggs?

Now take a huge leap and say that happens and he has an above average year, he likely starts all the, " Pay me" bullshit.


The Hawk

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They don't need this guy back. He quit on his team and I have no use for quitters. He had a huge chance to be THE LEADER of the team after Urlacher left and he sulked like a fat bitch. Fuck him. He is just another case of a dumb ass jock about to lose his mega money life-style and wants to stay in the limelight. I will bet he is broke within 5 years.

The Hawk

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A lot of you guys worshipped each and every move that Emery and Trestman made from the moment they came onboard. You guys got the Cutler contract you wanted, you got rid of Urlacher, you got rid of Hester, it was offense offense and more offense, and look where it got us. Suddenly you hated management and Cutler when we were 5-11, maybe a few games sooner.

Along comes John Fox who understands exactly what went on here. Briggs didn't fuck over this organization, it fucked over him by bringing in morons to run the team. Fox wants to "fix" what the Bears did to Urlacher. Many of you loved what the Bears did to Urlacher and still don't think anything was wrong. My guess is Fox will also want to fix things with Briggs.

You may not like it, you may not like me for that matter, but things are going to swing back to a place that many of you are not going to like. It sucked for me for the last few years, watching these guys ruin this team. My guess is you guys aren't going to like a lot of things in the months ahead. But, its for the benefit of the team.

The differences that I see is that Urlacher never took a down off when he played like him or not. Briggs did numerous times. Also, Urlacher was one of the greatest on field leaders the Bears had ever had. Briggs was nowhere close. Both of them were pretty much assholes personality wise but Urlacher always gave 100% on the field. Fuck Briggs.


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Aug 20, 2012
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what difference does that make? he's injured = he sucks? I'm talking about when he was on the field

dude, it matters. He is a year older. so at 34 how many games did he play? Did he play in all? no. Was he injury prone,? yes. Did he quit on the team? yes. This is the guy you want back? Start your own team and you can have him available to start it with.

The Hawk

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Do you think he's butthurt over the impending free agency and his chances of making the dollas?

Very possible. He's probably going to be broke when his rib place has a punctured lung:)

The Hawk

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Exactly, he's played 17 games out of the past 32. If he wants to play for the Bears this season he gets a league minimum contract with bonus money after hitting certain qualifiers. If he can still play "at a high level" then make him have to prove it.

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I just don't see the point of even bringing him back for some league minimum. The guy hasn't played for shit for two years in a row. He's 35 years old and shot his stupid mouth off. This isn't somekind of reclamation project that can result in making a difference on the defense. Just fucking wipe the barbeque sauce off and let him try and hook up with Lovie.


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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Seems like a pretty good split opinion on this. I will be fine with whatever our new management decides, I have great confidence in their opinion.

I would also like to thank FatBabiesHaveNoPride for taking his time out to post over and over again explaining how stupid and dumb some of us are.
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Ok, so the differences:

- Julius Peppers hasn't missed 17 of the last 32 games with injury
- Julius Peppers showed up to GB's camp having LOST weight to play his new position

Note the differences?

My hunch is that Briggs is motivated and will show up in shape.

Yeah, we need to get younger, but we can't get all the young players we need in one off season. You have nothing to lose in seeing what Briggs is like during camp and preseason. It is dumb to let go of someone who may be able to still play better than our other LB'ers. Same goes with Tillman!! How bad was Briggs before his injury in 2013? Notice the huge drop off in our D after he was injured?

The Hawk

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I heard the same exact shit over and over again last year with Hester, nobody will pay him more than the league minimum. A couple of weeks later he signs for 3-4 million a year. Not saying that Atlanta didn't overpay, but the message board posters aren't very good at projecting these contracts. How many games did Cutler play out of the prior 30 games and we made him the highest paid QB in the NFL, and he sucks.

I am sure that John Fox has great admiration and respect for the play of Briggs.

Which Briggs? The young one who complemented Urlacher and formed a tremendous duo for the defense? Or an over-the-hill, bitter, whiner who helped take the Bears defense down the toilet. Sometimes, a person's words and actions have consequences. See ya, Lance!


2020 CCS Survivor Fantasy Football Champion
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I just don't see the point of even bringing him back for some league minimum. The guy hasn't played for shit for two years in a row. He's 35 years old and shot his stupid mouth off. This isn't somekind of reclamation project that can result in making a difference on the defense. Just fucking wipe the barbeque sauce off and let him try and hook up with Lovie.

boy, how people forget how good he still was before the injury in 2013.


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Aug 20, 2012
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My hunch is that Briggs is motivated and will show up in shape.

Yeah, we need to get younger, but we can't get all the young players we need in one off season. You have nothing to lose in seeing what Briggs is like during camp and preseason. It is dumb to let go of someone who may be able to still play better than our other LB'ers. Same goes with Tillman!! How bad was Briggs before his injury in 2013? Notice the huge drop off in our D after he was injured?

well, if you have nothing to lose, then there is no need to bring him in. See you let the young LBs get PT and plenty of it. no need to give PT away if you're going nowhere.


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Seems like a pretty good split opinion on this. I will be fine with whatever our new management decides, I have great confidence in their opinion.

I would also like to thank FatBabiesHaveNoPride for taking his time out to post over and over again explaining how stupid and dumb so of us are.

Because dumbasses who have no skills in debating resort to name calling.


2020 CCS Survivor Fantasy Football Champion
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Which Briggs? The young one who complemented Urlacher and formed a tremendous duo for the defense? Or an over-the-hill, bitter, whiner who helped take the Bears defense down the toilet. Sometimes, a person's words and actions have consequences. See ya, Lance!
Bears D went down the toliet when he was injured in 2013. That is fact!!! When he came back out of shape, that was on him, but I guess he saw what a shit D was being run by Tucker by that point and made a mistake of giving up back then.

The Hawk

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Yes, and that worked out wonderfully for Atlanta.

Christ almighty, do any of you people think before you type shit?

I am sure that all of us have had a moment when our pride gets hurt by something a company did to us. I understand that emotion and anger when it happens. And I also understand that all of us get pissed when it happens and throw stuff out that we wished we could take back. I think, though, that there is a big time difference between what Hester did and what Briggs has done. HESTER never quit on his teammates. BRIGGS did.


2020 CCS Survivor Fantasy Football Champion
Aug 21, 2012
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well, if you have nothing to lose, then there is no need to bring him in. See you let the young LBs get PT and plenty of it. no need to give PT away if you're going nowhere.

YOu don't have enough young better LB'ers and you still won't by camp next year. You should see how he is in camp and at least field a better LB'er out there with experience. That is what I meant by nothing to lose. We have a few shit young LB'ers on this team right now and they will never make it out of camp.

Space Invader

Aug 21, 2012
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Somewhere away from fucktards.
Yes. I am. I am also Diogenes of Sinope looking for an honest man in the sea of inarticulate dopes and sheer meatballs.

I'm not having much luck.

I liked your other post, but if you came here looking for intellect, well, IDK what to tell you... and I include myself in that.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Yeah lets bring in a guy who quit on his team before a single game was even played with new coaches. Fuck. All. That.

Penny Traitor

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Aug 21, 2012
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You have nothing to lose in seeing what Briggs is like during camp and preseason.

You lose all credibility that this house cleaning was about accountability when you reward him for being a brat last season with a new contract.

I respected his little goodbye letter and here we are a few weeks later and he is flip flopping? GTFO. If you are going to have the conviction to make a public statement like that...stand by it.

I would not even make him an offer. He didn't have to be a leader, but he sure didn't have to be a total jackass either.
