Brother's suicide


CCS Mock Draft Champion
Aug 21, 2012
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How did you get help, WCL? In what form? Therapy?

Gustavus Adolphus

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I suffered from depression for over a decade, and it's the worst thing I've ever been through. Along with all of the obvious stuff, there's actual physical pain involved, and it can also screw up your sleep to the point that your mind starts to go. That's what happened with me.

At my worst, I woke up every day thinking about killing myself and then thought about it all day (sometimes, I was up for several days in a row thinking about it). That would go on for months. I couldn't get the thought out of my head. I'd try listening to music, watching movies, etc. Nothing worked.

You can't really describe how persistent it is. With me, it lead to anxiety, and I eventually started becoming short of breath and having panic attacks. That's when I got help. Luckily, I had a couple of people who were there to help. I've been fine for about six years, now. I don't take any medication or see a therapist or anything like that. I just got through it.

But when someone actually goes through with suicide, that means that they've probably battled it off more times than you can imagine. Those people are fighters, and they fought that shit and won a bunch. They just lost one time, and that's all it takes.

I can't imagine a person's mind being more messed up than mine was at my worst. But then I read about someone killing themselves and I realize that they were way worse off than I ever was, because they actually went through with it.

So, I don't judge those people. I have no idea what was going on in their mind when they did what they did, and I don't know if I could have handled it any better. I'd rather acknowledge the bravery it took for them to last as long as they did. That's all you can do. Holding a grudge isn't going to bring them back or help the survivors.
So as a third person in this thread who has battled depression for God knows how long, the posts by WCL and Tj are something to really read carefully as they are spot on. The only thing, if there is anything, that I disagree with is what I put in bold in WCL's post. Just my opinion, but I'm not sure there is an actual 'cure' for depression. Only managing it.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
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I won't comment too deep into this, but I also know what it's like to battle the thought of taking your life. It's not exactly easy.


Organ Donator
Aug 21, 2011
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So as a third person in this thread who has battled depression for God knows how long, the posts by WCL and Tj are something to really read carefully as they are spot on. The only thing, if there is anything, that I disagree with is what I put in bold in WCL's post. Just my opinion, but I'm not sure there is an actual 'cure' for depression. Only managing it.

No, I totally agree.

At first, I thought you had bolded, "I don't take any medication or see a therapist or anything like that. I just got through it." (I was on my phone when you responded, so I wasn't sure what you had bolded.)

I almost didn't include that, because I didn't want people to think that it was a temporary thing. It's a lifelong illness, but I learned how to deal with it. So far, it's worked, but I never I never take it for granted. I just try to keep my gratitude higher than my expectations.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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Eh, I am one of those dont talk about the dead no matter how they died type of guy. I believe they arent here to protect themselves so let them RIP. Unless, they are a clown. I fucking hate clowns! But I digress, depression is a slippery slope. Yes, people do actually suffer from depression. But, they are also those people I believe suffer from pussyitis. Lifes tough on everyone. No one is special. Not one person on his Earth has experienced something that no other human has experienced. I believe it comes down to that people are egotistical. Look at how big the world is. Truly think how big the world is. Its massive, truly massive. But, we are egotistical and believe the whole world is our world because we dont know any kind of different world. Everything boils down to just your world. Your thoughts, your aspirations. Everything is about you. So, I believe people get so caught up in their own world that they play the whoa is me card. There is no problem with that because everyone does it, but its the ones who bounce back from it are the happier ones. I dont believe in medicating because I believe they hurt you in the long run. I believe you have to find yourself. You have to open your mind and find out what you truly are and what you truly want.

I say this knowing I was a complete nutjob from the age of 14 to about 25. I lost two brothers in a 4 year span. Lost one to drugs when I was 14. Lost another one to a motorcycle accident when I was 18. I was nuts. I lost all passion for sports. I just didnt give a ****. I just kind of put up this wall. I couldnt control my temper. I couldnt control my anger to so many things. So, I get the feeling. It took a wake up call to me with my last living brother to get going in life. It brought life back into me because it scared me. It made me not want to be that person. Even though, I have came out of that place. I will always remember it. I believe it made me stronger to face the world and the cruelness of it. I dont know if this made sense because its kind of hard to get your point across on these type of subjects but thats my two cents.


Objective Fanboy
Aug 21, 2012
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im sorry to hear that happened urblock


I hate acronyms
Oct 17, 2010
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Greenville, NC
Through most of my teens and twenties there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about ending it. But because of that I blamed God and was so angry at whatever god there was that I decided he was going to have to smite me if he wanted to get rid of me. There was one time that my mom showed up as I was preparing though. That was a close call.

I had a friend kill himself when I was like 12. I think I've told this story before but he was a little older and taught me to play guitar. He had gotten out of juvenile detention recently and fell back in with his old friends. They stole a car and instead of going back to juvi he ended his life. I found out on Christmas Eve. That actually may have been a driving force in keeping me from doing it myself.

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Damn...WTF is wrong with Spartan? He needs to examine his conscience


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I wouldn't have banned him. Spartan being who he is.

I would have.... twice.... cause you're a good guy and he was being an over-the-line asshat.

Its one thing to be a jerk about stuff or the Cutler trolling or the Vaccine crusade.... but most everyone here has the common decency not to talk shit to someone who had a family member commit suicide.

It was your brother who did it and you know how you feel about it..... everyone but Spartan seems to understand there was a line on this topic that we as fellow posters do not cross because this involved your family member.

He thought cause he is Spartan that he could cross the line and be an asshole, and I am glad the mods rightfully thought otherwise on this one.

I am sorry for what happened with your brother Urblock.... but you know your Pigeon-hating business partner always has your back buddy.

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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As a man who has been hit with pigeon shit several times in his life, I wonder why Ares hasnt wiped out those flying cockroaches


Aug 20, 2012
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I had a bout of depression about 4 1/2 years ago. I couldn't remove what was depressing me so what got me through it was getting into a routine. That started with prayer, exercise and just honestly keeping busy. I had to keep myself very busy. I also avoided things that I knew would frustrate me, or I would put them off if possible until I was in a better mental state and just find something else to do. If I was idle my mind would drift right back into depression. It didn't always work but it helped tremendously. Having someone to talk to isn't always an option when it is 1am and there is no one awake. It was always there I could feel it but as others have said it was about managing it. Oh yea, I forgot. My dogs! Those jokers were a life saver! They always seemed to know what to do to pick me back up. They truly are man's best friend.

Urblock, I'm sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the pain you felt and are feeling. Hopefully things get better as time passing.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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As a man who has been hit with pigeon shit several times in his life, I wonder why Ares hasnt wiped out those flying cockroaches

In time BB.... in time....

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Ill never forget..I just got home from the military and was going to my new job on the very first day..I was standing at the bus stop at 31st and Halsted. I had on a suit and tie..I was all set to start this new era of my life, and WHAM..A pigeon shit on me!..Thank God my fathers gas station was within walking diatance


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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I'm shocked to read all the stories in this thread about you all experiencing this level of depression. Of course I had no idea, but I am surprised by the sheer number. I appreciate ya'lls honesty and courage to share your story.

Stay strong Bears Brothers!!!

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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I'm shocked to read all the stories in this thread about you all experiencing this level of depression. Of course I had no idea, but I am surprised by the sheer number. I appreciate ya'lls honesty and courage to share your story.

Stay strong Bears Brothers!!!

I got depressed when I read Spartans posts


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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I'm shocked to read all the stories in this thread about you all experiencing this level of depression. Of course I had no idea, but I am surprised by the sheer number. I appreciate ya'lls honesty and courage to share your story.

Stay strong Bears Brothers!!!

Yep, was gonna say pretty much the same thing myself. It's amazing and alarming how common it seems to be.
