Brother's suicide


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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I don't hate my brother. I hate that he gave up and left us. He was like my 7 year younger clone. We looked the same, sounded the same and spent much time together. I miss him and it makes me angry. I feel lucky to be part of a group of such good people. Have a good day my friends.


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Jun 2, 2011
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I got depressed when I read Spartans posts

I got to the point where I just laughed because I knew he was only saying the things he said to be a contrarian. I’m convinced that if someone posted that grass is green, he would argue against it.

I think 90% of the board was onto his game anyway.


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Aug 20, 2012
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I wouldn't have banned him. Spartan being who he is.

I don't mind Spartan when he's being the typical antagonistic Spartan, but lately he's been a dick about it. I would have cut him off three months ago or whatever the week was that he started with the anti-vaccination shit. I'm tired of seeing it every time he gets the opportunity to grind it on someone... and if that's not bad enough, it's become a running joke where other people are now using it to wind him up. Enough is enough, already.

That said, I wish he would've been whacked after this thread because I tend to agree with some of the (non-dickish) things that he said about suicide. I don't expect you to ultimately forgive your brother, but I hope you can at least try to understand that suicide is not a rational action. It goes against the hard-wired instinct for us to survive and to snap that connection there has to be a deeply rooted issue.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Eh, I am one of those dont talk about the dead no matter how they died type of guy. I believe they arent here to protect themselves so let them RIP. Unless, they are a clown. I fucking hate clowns! But I digress, depression is a slippery slope. Yes, people do actually suffer from depression. But, they are also those people I believe suffer from pussyitis. Lifes tough on everyone. No one is special. Not one person on his Earth has experienced something that no other human has experienced. I believe it comes down to that people are egotistical. Look at how big the world is. Truly think how big the world is. Its massive, truly massive. But, we are egotistical and believe the whole world is our world because we dont know any kind of different world. Everything boils down to just your world. Your thoughts, your aspirations. Everything is about you. So, I believe people get so caught up in their own world that they play the whoa is me card. There is no problem with that because everyone does it, but its the ones who bounce back from it are the happier ones. I dont believe in medicating because I believe they hurt you in the long run. I believe you have to find yourself. You have to open your mind and find out what you truly are and what you truly want.

I say this knowing I was a complete nutjob from the age of 14 to about 25. I lost two brothers in a 4 year span. Lost one to drugs when I was 14. Lost another one to a motorcycle accident when I was 18. I was nuts. I lost all passion for sports. I just didnt give a ****. I just kind of put up this wall. I couldnt control my temper. I couldnt control my anger to so many things. So, I get the feeling. It took a wake up call to me with my last living brother to get going in life. It brought life back into me because it scared me. It made me not want to be that person. Even though, I have came out of that place. I will always remember it. I believe it made me stronger to face the world and the cruelness of it. I dont know if this made sense because its kind of hard to get your point across on these type of subjects but thats my two cents.

IMO you're relating tough life experiences with mental illness and saying toughen up as if its that easy. One has dick to do with the other and its not like people can just snap the **** out of it. Mental illness is a life-long struggle much like recovering alcoholics will always be recovering alcoholics. There is keeping it in check if you're lucky and nothing else.
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Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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IMO you're relating tough life experiences with mental illness and saying toughen up as if its that easy. One has dick to do with the other and its not like people can just snap the **** out of it. Mental illness is a life-long struggle much like recovering alcoholics will always be recovering alcoholics. There is keeping it in check if you're lucky and nothing else.

Because people confuse the two in their own life. I feel a lot things are over diagnosed.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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Its exactly that type of mentality that has kept the mental health community from progressing.

No, I have no problem helping and understanding mental health. I have a problem with people being diagnosed as something when its really not the problem. Yet again, me saying people over diagnose is in no way shape or form discrediting mental health. We live in a therapeutic world. Not everyone has a problem, but the world sure likes to act like it. So we are clear, I know there are people who truly struggle. I have no problem with the help they need and the struggle they fight. I have a problem with over diagnose and medicating. It makes people worse in the end.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Suicide is so sad. My own brother struggled with it for a long time after being bullied in highschool really, really bad. He's now just a short tempered brat sometimes, very very defensive. Looking back, my buddies and I always took him under our wing in school(he was 3 years younger); but when we graudated is when shit got real I guess. I was always the popular athlete and my brother was small, skinny and had acne. I love him, but he always felt in some warped way he was living in my shadow. Never the case. My friends and I looked out for him very much, still do!

As for depression. Sure we all get depressed. But I then think back to the book 'With the Old Breed' and my friend Joe, who was just turning 18 years old when he was a 2nd wave machine gunner on Iwo Jima. Kids.. And THAT. THAT is when you hav it bad. So I look at what those guys did over there, and I pretty much just suck it up and tell myself to get a grip.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Thanks for the laugh Dbro. This thread needed it. lol
No problem dude! Seriously doe, we all get sad; but that book and thinking of the pacific in WWII fucked with my head. I try to keep my head straight now when I wanan ***** bout something. Those kids had it worse off then me. Nonetheless, I do believe depression is a disease.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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No, I have no problem helping and understanding mental health. I have a problem with people being diagnosed as something when its really not the problem. Yet again, me saying people over diagnose is in no way shape or form discrediting mental health. We live in a therapeutic world. Not everyone has a problem, but the world sure likes to act like it. So we are clear, I know there are people who truly struggle. I have no problem with the help they need and the struggle they fight. I have a problem with over diagnose and medicating. It makes people worse in the end.

I fully agree with you about medications. If I can get by not using any medications then I will. The side effects even when using proper medication for a condition are still terrible. Apart from being misdiagnosed and given medication you didn't need there are also cases where people were properly diagnosed but the medication that was prescribed is no good for them then they are put through a cycle of using multiple medications all of which are supposed to give the same result. Its all shit.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Yep, was gonna say pretty much the same thing myself. It's amazing and alarming how common it seems to be.

25 years ago, I probably would have sucked it up and drank myself to death like my dad did.

These days, with 200 channels of cable TV pounding happy/boner pill ads into everyone's brains, people are running to the doctor every time they feel a little sad. I'm not trying to discredit anybody here, just saying that it only seems more common because the world is at our fingertips and drug companies push doctors to hand out the little orange pills.


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Aug 20, 2012
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I fully agree with you about medications. If I can get by not using any medications then I will. The side effects even when using proper medication for a condition are still terrible. Apart from being misdiagnosed and given medication you didn't need there are also cases where people were properly diagnosed but the medication that was prescribed is no good for them then they are put through a cycle of using multiple medications all of which are supposed to give the same result. Its all shit.

I've bottomed out and gone to depression meds (SSRIs) a few times, but otherwise I'm "everyday functional" so long as I work at it.
(Excercise, stress avoidance, etc.)

For me, everyday anti-depressant use isn't worth it just because of how it numbs me out. It's like being stuck in neutral. Great, I'm not as depressed anymore, but I'm not happy either. Then there's the times where you should legitimately be sad, but can't be which (ironically) is kinda fucked up because all your doing is repressing even more bad shit. And then there's the side effects: the total loss of motivation, sleepiness, the shakes, the brain fog and the short-term memory going to shit, and the ravenous desire to eat everything in sight. Even with all those shitty side effects, probably the worst part of it all is taking that little daily reminder that you're goofed up in the head.

So, "no thanks" to all that...


Drinking da Bears better
Aug 20, 2012
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UrBlock, i get it, I would be mad too.

Sorry for everyones loss


Desbro I do the same thing sometimes. If somethings bad I'm like "ok well at least I'm not 18 years old shooting at other kids my exact age and throwing grenades instead of baseballs" then I realize my problem isn't even bad hah


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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I am very sorry for the pain that caused his suicide and the pain his suicide caused. There's nothing good from it. Personally, i have a fear in the back of my mind that any day I could get the same news about my younger brother. It's his steady desire to help other people that have far worse situations as far as support structure that keeps me having faith he will continue to beat his addiction and depression issues, but it's just too easy to slip up when you are chemically fucked and all it takes is the wrong moment alone on a down day to just give in and give up.
