Eh, I am one of those dont talk about the dead no matter how they died type of guy. I believe they arent here to protect themselves so let them RIP. Unless, they are a clown. I fucking hate clowns! But I digress, depression is a slippery slope. Yes, people do actually suffer from depression. But, they are also those people I believe suffer from pussyitis. Lifes tough on everyone. No one is special. Not one person on his Earth has experienced something that no other human has experienced. I believe it comes down to that people are egotistical. Look at how big the world is. Truly think how big the world is. Its massive, truly massive. But, we are egotistical and believe the whole world is our world because we dont know any kind of different world. Everything boils down to just your world. Your thoughts, your aspirations. Everything is about you. So, I believe people get so caught up in their own world that they play the whoa is me card. There is no problem with that because everyone does it, but its the ones who bounce back from it are the happier ones. I dont believe in medicating because I believe they hurt you in the long run. I believe you have to find yourself. You have to open your mind and find out what you truly are and what you truly want.
I say this knowing I was a complete nutjob from the age of 14 to about 25. I lost two brothers in a 4 year span. Lost one to drugs when I was 14. Lost another one to a motorcycle accident when I was 18. I was nuts. I lost all passion for sports. I just didnt give a ****. I just kind of put up this wall. I couldnt control my temper. I couldnt control my anger to so many things. So, I get the feeling. It took a wake up call to me with my last living brother to get going in life. It brought life back into me because it scared me. It made me not want to be that person. Even though, I have came out of that place. I will always remember it. I believe it made me stronger to face the world and the cruelness of it. I dont know if this made sense because its kind of hard to get your point across on these type of subjects but thats my two cents.