Bulls/Griz still talking


Apr 22, 2009
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But if you can get a starting 2 guard without giving anything other than really late first round picks than that easily trumps trading Taj or Asik.

The key is IF. I don't think anyone is saying that we should start out by saying "Here's Taj, pile whatever else you like of our assets on top of him and make us an offer". We're saying that if it comes down to there not being any combination of picks that will get it done then maybe a deal based around Taj is the way to go.

I really don't think the sg position has to be upgraded. Brewer, who is the starter in all but name, is a pretty decent player. I wouldn't mind improving the position but I just don't think it's worth trading one of our bigs over considering we can get another, similar level sg for less. I'd take Courtney Lee for the two late 2011 firsts we have or Anthony Parker for just a first rather than trade Taj for Mayo.

I kind of agree we don't have to do a deal. I like Brewer, I like Korver and so long as he keeps hitting his shots I even like Bogans. If it weren't for the CBA I'd be happy to stand pat, but if the MLE and other exceptions go away it's going to be real hard for capped out teams with no high picks to improve.

He is a good player, but he's not the guy Memphis thought they were getting when they traded Kevin Love for him. He's not a star, he's not going to be anything more than a solid starter if he improves. It seems clear now that he was the product of a body that developed before most of his competition did, and he's now fallen behind his contemporaries. I also don't think he's a good fit for the Bulls. However, in a vacuum I still think he's a decent player. Would I rather give up picks and one of our young bigs for him when a similar 2-guard can be acquired for less? No.

I don't think he's going to be a star, and this year he's been bad. But if you're willing to assume he can bounce back to what he did in his first two years then he seems to be about a Luol Deng level player on offense. Obviously he's not the all round player Deng is, but having another guy who could be a legit third option and step up to be the second option at times like Deng would help the team offensively a lot.

He's also still young enough that he could improve in a new situation and be better. I think that's pretty unlikely, and would only pay based on what he's done rather than "potential", but you have to at least throw it out there as a possibility.


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Jan 28, 2010
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The key is IF. I don't think anyone is saying that we should start out by saying "Here's Taj, pile whatever else you like of our assets on top of him and make us an offer". We're saying that if it comes down to there not being any combination of picks that will get it done then maybe a deal based around Taj is the way to go.

I'd rather just not do the trade at that point, but I see what you're saying.

I kind of agree we don't have to do a deal. I like Brewer, I like Korver and so long as he keeps hitting his shots I even like Bogans. If it weren't for the CBA I'd be happy to stand pat, but if the MLE and other exceptions go away it's going to be real hard for capped out teams with no high picks to improve.

If that happens and we suddenly can't afford to have all those contracts the Bulls could trade them at that point. This way you don't get rid of important assets unnecessarily.

I don't think he's going to be a star, and this year he's been bad. But if you're willing to assume he can bounce back to what he did in his first two years then he seems to be about a Luol Deng level player on offense. Obviously he's not the all round player Deng is, but having another guy who could be a legit third option and step up to be the second option at times like Deng would help the team offensively a lot.

In the NBA more than other leagues it's rare to see vast improvement after the first three years, and in the cases where that happens it's usually the result of a player changing their mentality (Zach Randolph) or moving into a system that better features their skills (Steve Nash). Mayo doesn't appear to fit either category (with the Bulls anyway) and at this point I don't think he's going to be much better than he currently is. That might be going against popular conception, but a year from now I don't think there will be nearly as many Mayo supporters as there are now.

He's also still young enough that he could improve in a new situation and be better. I think that's pretty unlikely, and would only pay based on what he's done rather than "potential", but you have to at least throw it out there as a possibility.

If you're going to go off production as you said here then you absolutely cannot justify trading Taj for him straight up, let alone with picks going to Memphis.

What I also find strange is that after years of struggling with a lack of PF quality so many people are suddenly ready to ship out Gibson for a mediocre SG. For a higher end guy I'd consider it, but not for OJ Mayo.


Apr 22, 2009
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Taj is averaging under 6 points a game on 40% shooting off the bench. I appreciate his defense but his offense has been awful since Boozer came back. If you'd asked me is Taj better than Mayo at the end of November I'd have said hell yes, it looked like he'd worked on his mid range jumper and was now capable of scoring at at least league average volume/efficiency. But I don't really see how I can reconcile how bad Taj has been off the bench with the view he's still better than Mayo.

I was against a Taj for Mayo swap, but Taj has tanked his value to the point I'd do it, especially with the way Asik has increased his, making me less worried about the third big next year.

And for what it's worth, Boozer was horrific defensively against the Raptors but didn't get sat for Taj. That's why I say Taj is a luxury, if you're not going to use him when match ups dictate he should be used then why hold on to him, why not cash him in for a player who you will use.


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Mar 30, 2009
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south loop
At times i wonder if you can play effective defense down the stretch with boozer on the floor. He honestly lives up to the image ben gordon had on defense. Boozer is a great scorer and rebounder, but he's just inept defensively.


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Jan 28, 2010
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Taj is averaging under 6 points a game on 40% shooting off the bench. I appreciate his defense but his offense has been awful since Boozer came back. If you'd asked me is Taj better than Mayo at the end of November I'd have said hell yes, it looked like he'd worked on his mid range jumper and was now capable of scoring at at least league average volume/efficiency. But I don't really see how I can reconcile how bad Taj has been off the bench with the view he's still better than Mayo.

I was against a Taj for Mayo swap, but Taj has tanked his value to the point I'd do it, especially with the way Asik has increased his, making me less worried about the third big next year.

And for what it's worth, Boozer was horrific defensively against the Raptors but didn't get sat for Taj. That's why I say Taj is a luxury, if you're not going to use him when match ups dictate he should be used then why hold on to him, why not cash him in for a player who you will use.

I highly doubt Taj's value has "tanked." I think most teams would give up a fair amount for him if he was available.


Mr Metta World Peace
May 10, 2010
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i would give up taj for mayo but i would not give up asik. you just can't teach 7 feet and athletic. i may be crazy but i don't think so.


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Jan 28, 2010
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i would give up taj for mayo but i would not give up asik. you just can't teach 7 feet and athletic. i may be crazy but i don't think so.

This just seems ludicrous to me. You'd rather replace Taj's 23 minutes instead of Asik's 11? It would completely throw off the balance of the rotations.


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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This just seems ludicrous to me. You'd rather replace Taj's 23 minutes instead of Asik's 11? It would completely throw off the balance of the rotations.

For Mayo? I would trade either of the two for Mayo...
