Well some people think they are national commentators and don't live in the moment. Those types of "fans" I can't stand.
I do live in the moment. I'm as dissappointed as any fan the Bulls are losing this series. Just because I don't jump all over refs or the opponents, or the opposing fan base doesn't mean I'm any more or less a fan than anybody else.
As I said before you can feel free to express yourself however you want after a loss, but I'd rather not get hung up on ranting about "Lebitch", how Wade is a traitor, or Bosh is *** etc.
In the end most of the bitching done on this board over this series comes off as nothing more than butt hurt sour grapes and incredibley hypocritical.
People like to claim Chicago teams have great fanbases, with most of the posts here over the last 12 hours I have yet to see proof of that.
Sorry if me actually wanting to discuss the strategy of the game, the Bulls poor shooting, matchup issues, and the Bulls personnel issues etc(you know the real reasons the Bulls are losing) comes off as "commentatorish". Most of the stuff going on around here comes off as nothing more than what I mentioned a few sentences ago....Those are the type of fans
I can't stand.