So many damn weird Rooney Rule takes.
Bottom line:
Rooney Rule is the law of the land. All the talk of "how it looks" is pointless as most teams, unfortunately, are just going to comply with the rule to get it out of the way and then go on to hire whatever coach they want anyway. Turns out, you can't actually FORCE people into being different people (a lesson every person from every walk of life would do well to learn).
At its heart, the Rooney Rule had good intentions, but unfortunately in execution hasn't provided a ton on what it was intended to deliver. There are some success stories, but mostly, teams treat it like a hoop to jump through - bureaucratic red tape.
It might be worth it for the league to take a look at the whole thing and try to come up with something different, that perhaps incentivizes teams to bring in more minorities without adding more red tape to their operations.
As to what that could be - I don't have an answer. It's a tough nut to crack. But I am not going to pretend one team is better than another or more "tolerant" than another because they checked off their rooney rule requirements in a more subtle way...