You might appreciate this story, while some others may feel offended. I'm not sure anymore.
I've had a few slumps in the last 20 years where I decided to look for work in the wild. About 95% of the time, I have gotten this arrogant, 'everyone must go to college to be qualified' type of person interviewing, or someone a bit nicer, but deep down they were just humoring me and wasting my time. Once I had a business owner who flat out gave me an interview, we were both nice, he snapped on me at the end because he assumed I had a degree with the experience I had. This guy was mad because I wasted his time, told me to go back to school, etc. He really ripped into me with his poor temper when dealing with those without degrees(he was really nice to everyone and myself until that point), and all I did was watch him melt down as I had nothing to gain by getting into a spat. What did I do? I took a position for his direct competitor and made sure his business went under. Four months, and he lost all of his clientele and major contracts. How did I do it? I hired other uneducated personnel to work the field and split the difference in training.
I have a lot of stories just from getting treated differently based on not having a degree. Yes, I take the treatment personally, because it is completely personal if you share the philosophy that human beings aren't just numbers. Especially when someone has enough experience on their resume to make the interviewer look totally unqualified to do the interview themselves.
IMO, if you think you can judge a person based on a resume and the education completed, you shouldn't be hiring(and only get away with it now because so many other HR/managers do it as well.) Systematic leadership can, but not always, keep boats afloat and get through the journey, but a true leader changes lives and everything around him/her while taking that boat to a whole new level.