Could you GM the Bears?


Nick bringing it. A well earned + rep. He's making lemonade out of lemons in here.

Slacker. An unsung hero. Maybe even one of those 'message board heros' but still, contributes when the time is ripe. On first glance, body of work may seem lacking to those without a grasp on what he brings to the table. Banging THAT table is what should be happening. Another in the Mould of DMelt. You know he is there, places what is needed, adds, processes and then leaves. What you want and always undervalued.

"Slacker is a 'grinder' hardnosed, key to the core componenets of internet message-boarding. Another poster who places at the forefront of added value when the chips or bites are down. Key all phase poster, typical what you see is what you get, yet never dissapoints. Long term outlook is up, +1.5 on the year with added value in the long term. Don't sleep on him, you'll pay otherwise."



Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
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  1. Chicago Blackhawks
To start, in your post you admit you are basing your statement that you could be an average NFL GM on absolutely nothing. You have no objective proof that you could do it. You just think you can. You continue to hang on to this straw man argument in order to derail the main issue in this thread, which is whether you would make an average GM/Phil Emery. However, even in regard to the straw man argument, you are wrong.

Let's start with the straw man argument:

To put this in context, the arguments you are relying on, as stated by you are:

Let's start with the politician statement. You attempted, quite poorly, to generalize my statement. The point of my statement was that your attempt to hone in on politicians was a terrible example because you failed to identify any single politician, instead you refer to them as a group, and you conclude, with no evidence, that they are elected all the time without any experience whatsoever. Here was your statement:

Again, you refer to these politicians and conclude that there have been officials with no relevant experience. You refer to 3 classes of politicians: mayors, governors, and presidents. You do not point to a single one who has ever met your conclusory standard of having no relevant experience whatsoever. As stated above, my point was to show that your attempt to hone in on politicians was a terrible example because you failed to identify any single politician, instead you refer to them as a group, and you conclude, with no evidence, that they are elected all the time without any experience whatsoever. You don't even seem to recognize the difference between the different positions in politics.

Just for clarity's sake, so we can see the real straw man here, I was arguing that the analogy you used to establish that you would be a good GM was a TERRIBLE analogy. You have since derailed this.

Now on to the GM delegates. This one isn't as obvious, but with a little critical thought we get there. So, lets start with the proposition you are proposing: You, with no experience whatsoever, could become an NFL GM on par with Phil Emery's abilities. How would you hire people?

So, you would hire scouts and coaches by reading the reports. Who is providing you with the reports? ...

And you would make your decisions on head coaches and scouts based on the opinion in the reports. An opinion that isn't your own...

How would you sign players?

So, your scouts are hired by someone else's report. Your head coaches are hired by someone else's report. And who to sign is based upon Cliff Stein's advice.

How are you coming up with your board for actually evaluating players?

Oh, looks like it's other people's opinions. So, let me get this straight, you'll decide who to hire because someone else gives you their advice. You'll decide who to sign based on Cliff Steins advice. And you'll decide what players you'd like to look at based on the input of others. Essentially, you think the only duty of a GM is to make the "final call." I.e. everything is delegated.

Your thought that you can just delegate goes to the heart of the argument that you would be an average GM because it shows that you would not be performing the daily functions required in that job to allow you to be even adequate as a GM. It also points out just how misguided this whole thing is. Which again goes back to the point of whether or not you would be average as a GM.

I'm not sure what the hell this has to do with the point of the thread. I.e. can YOU be as good as Phil Emery. We all know what Phil has done. This is a strawman.

What? Your reason is that you can learn and you have unlimited time. First off, we should be clear, you don't have unlimited time. People die. They have to sleep. They have to eat, etc. Second, a fucking DOG can learn! That is not a qualification. You also have provided us no basis for your opinion that you can learn. We are supposed to take you at your word. But you know what, I'll give you the fact that you can learn. Everyone can and DOES! Hell, Phil Emery learned enough to get his bachelors degree.

Follow this logic if you will: If a scout is good, they are employed. If they are good, they are also desirable. If you are desirable, you can get hired elsewhere.

So, now lets look at your statement:

So, you are going to figure out who the good scouts are, who are also desirable, by reading their reports. But why would a good scout want to work for you if they could work somewhere that didn't require them to teach the GM his position? Why would a scout STAY with you if they were good and desirable and could find employment elsewhere?

I do agree with you in one respect though, you could employ people. However, you would be stuck with the bad people. You would have bad scouts. All the good people would have left your organization or refused to come in. The bad people would then train you poorly because they don't do their job correctly, let alone yours. You would be unable to tell what was good or bad because you have absolutely no experience. This isn't rocket science.

We know 'the decider' always makes the right call.


Message Board Hero
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
My favorite teams
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  1. Chicago Bulls
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  1. Michigan Wolverines
  2. Purdue Boilermakers
JDB. Late bloomer but is now pushing hard to be the number two behind Rory a Firstimer has lost a step or two the last six months or so.

I'd say FT has rounded out his game in The Bar. He is now showing a diverse array of trolling skills from football to evolution.


I'd say FT has rounded out his game in The Bar. He is now showing a diverse array of trolling skills from football to evolution.

Ijustposthere. Unboubted vocal leader. Leaps and bounds this year. Frank and worldly in his vision yet consistant and unbreakable with the balance he shows week in week out. Another building block to go with an outstanding foward thinking group going into this offseason in CCS. His ability to straighten out, impact and even inflict the positive moving forward is a trait lacking in so many of todays true pocket pushers, and all this without being caged. Dip, slide and hits return like a boss.

"IJPH is a true superstar in the making. Changing role late last year, a new contract with better hours and a title and his performance has almost trippled. +2.1 on the year and growing, this is one of the new breed of quick witted posters that keeps all those old plodders on their toes. A true influence from the edge and from the inside, flashes that post changing ability yet maintains a consistance that is only rivaled by one or two of the elite to frequent the board. Ceiling is as high as he wants it to be. Watch out, we have a superstar poster in the forthcoming season."



Message Board Hero
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Michigan Wolverines
  2. Purdue Boilermakers
I don't see a declaration of victory. I see a summary of mostly terrible posting in this thread.

No doubt, the majority of it by yourself.


I hate acronyms
Oct 17, 2010
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Greenville, NC
Do me Nick!!!!

Wait.....that came out ghey...


Organ Donator
Aug 21, 2011
Liked Posts:
I'd say FT has rounded out his game in The Bar. He is now showing a diverse array of trolling skills from football to evolution.

Since you mentioned it, I just went to check that out and... holy shit. The stuff that some people are willing to believe will never cease to amaze me.


Do me Nick!!!!

Wait.....that came out ghey...

Monk316. Came out (eh?! Jokes) A tough season for Monk316. Strong, tough, feisty and true to his stance on all things important. Another true believer, knows how to rally the troops. Vocal. Passionaite with good vision. A vet now four years in, and leading with good example. Another four phase poster. Branching out long term looking to bring others through in the same vein.

"Monk has had a difficult end of season but is now re-establishing his self on the volatile CCS landscape which only has that green arrow pointing up. The big man has belief in the big man and whilest causing some stir amongst the ranks now his forthright moves are baring fruit. A strong backbone will only bring out the best in others and valid memeber of the 'all forums poster' group which is a growing trend in which he is a leader. Time to cement a good four years with more solid posting. Has new found quickness which with some more good ground work means with an every day poster combined with weekends, Monk316 is now the total package."



Message Board Hero
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
Liked Posts:
Any-Town, USA
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Michigan Wolverines
  2. Purdue Boilermakers
Since you mentioned it, I just went to check that out and... holy shit. The stuff that some people are willing to believe will never cease to amaze me.

It's really something, but I won't comment on it here as that is a whole nother animal, with different rules and such,


Organ Donator
Aug 21, 2011
Liked Posts:
It's really something, but I won't comment on it here as that is a whole nother animal, with different rules and such,

Yeah, I wouldn't comment on it here because that conversation always turns into a clusterfuck.

(Unlike all of the completely sensible threads here in the Bears forum.)


Hall of Famer
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Nov 12, 2010
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Minnesota United FC
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Notre Dame Fighting Irish
Nick80's scouting reports >>>


Nick80's scouting reports >>>

nwfisch. Meat and potatoes here. Body of work speaks for itself. A four year starter. Came from humble beginings, walk on, bit part, more playing time followed as the young whippersnapper poster extrordinaire climbed the CCS ranks. Can do it all. Snipe, engage, flip, dip and squirt. Shoulders are broad, lateral movement is amazing, great vision. Understands the ins and outs. Class act, the kind of guy you can take home to meet your mother.

"Fisch had one of the best seasons in living memory. +3.1 with a strong finish to the season pushing hard in the pocket, created space conisitently and added the new skill of flip flopping which in turn started the new skillset of button pressing. Impressive stance led to a new found leadership quality. Heads the list country lover youtube poster of 2013 which could give him that rainbow jacket when he comes to the end of his CCS career. Moving into this season expect to see even more button pushing and watch out for fireworks, this guy is a firecracker, Whammmmmmy!"



Some of those scouting reports genuinely brought me to tears of laughter. God bless you Nick. This place needs more guys like you.

xer0h0ur. An export from CBMB, an edge poster, great in space, even better off the edge. Takes down rooks with ease, pressing before striking and 'sweeping the leg' Has often suprised supposedly bigger posters by almost lulling them into a false sense of security before striking. Can take down a piechart post in an easy three step response and has also developed a wonderful difuser, one of the three 'gif' kings.

"xer0 has stepped up and become a real presence this past season. A lady killer off the field and one of the field generals on it when it comes to this 'Giffer'. The back catolougue is there for all to see, and with the portfolio growing, selling himself is easy. +1.9 almost pushing a +2.0 and understanding angles others are posting from, xer0 is well liked amongst the CCS hoardes and will more than likely grow this year into what he has promised the last two. Once a heavy sleeper, now a full on purple chipper almost blue, just mind your legs."

