Man who really cares about the guy's personal life? I don't give a rats ass if he beat his GF. He wouldn't be the first and won't be the last. None of us know whether or not he's an asshole to be around. My suspicion is he's not. He can't even speak English for pete's sake.
You don't give a rats ass if he beats his girlfriend? That's pretty fucked up.
I have a threshold with athletes and their off field stuff. I'm not about to point my moral compass at them because I have no idea what that lifestyle is like.
But when it comes to domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, battery... I draw the line there. No amount of talent justifies that behavior.
I think people are way too involved in other's personal lives now and like to act as their moral authority, especially with all the social media, but there is absolutely no excuse for beating a woman (unless it's self defense) or being a piece of shit. None.
Edit: Which you're right, we have no idea what type of person Chapman is. That's on Hoysticketts to evaluate.
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