Deceive without Lying

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Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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Wow...what a joke. You actually spent time on that comical diatribe?

"She is a ***** and a dike, if she were a female dog she would lick herself." Nothing sexist or homophobic going on there, right?

Did I call the meltdown earlier? Interwebz high fives guys!

Edit: ****, if you think this is bad, you should see the shit the mods are saying about you in the B&I forum...

The Hawk

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So cute. You should continue to whine about things that have been explained to you repeatedly from the comfort of your hoveround; it's a very safe place when you don't have to back up your internet big man talk, isn't it?

You don't know shit about the truth, TJ. So who has explained this to me from the "comfort of my hoveround"? That would mean, asshole, that someone visited me and explained their fucking lies to me personally. Perhaps you ought to take a few hours and think before you post, dunderhead. Who explained this to me, asshole? Certainly not you. You are nothing but a cowardly jerk who from the safety of his cubby hole loves to attack me:( In addition to being an insulting cowardly jerk, though, you are truly special.............. You are very VERY DUMB as proved by your last post.

The Hawk

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So cute. You should continue to whine about things that have been explained to you repeatedly from the comfort of your hoveround; it's a very safe place when you don't have to back up your internet big man talk, isn't it?

Do you happen to know all of the people who think you are just a fucking ****? Didn't think so:(

The Hawk

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Wow...what a joke. You actually spent time on that comical diatribe?

"She is a ***** and a dike, if she were a female dog she would lick herself." Nothing sexist or homophobic going on there, right?

Did I call the meltdown earlier? Interwebz high fives guys!

Edit: ****, if you think this is bad, you should see the shit the mods are saying about you in the B&I forum...

That's the best you can do, loser? BTW Hillary is a "DYKE" not a "DIKE". Dikes hold back water. Dykes would lick themselves if they could. Do you wish you could lick yourself?


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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And it just gets better.



High Ranking Member
May 18, 2014
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We really should be careful, or The Hawk might start DDoSing the site again as he searches for the B&I forum.


Mod in Training/Fire Forum
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Sep 7, 2014
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Liar. You impugned me and I am not letting you off of the hook. Nothing that I said was racist, bigoted, condemnation of all Moslems, or anything else. I DARE YOU to put it out there for everyone to see, namely the specific details of what I supposedly said that was so damned wrong and controversial. What are you assholes so fucking scared of, anyway? IF you are not COWARDS, put it out there for all to see. Go ahead and try and embarrass me Scoot; Can't do it can you? So apologize for your action and lets go on. I am a forgiving person

The TRUTH IS that there was an argument about Islamic terrorism, a heated argument certainly. But in that argument I never attacked anyone personally although I was personally attacked by several. I defended myself and some cowards cut me off from that forum without even telling me and then several of you assholes had a lot of fun fucking around with me for several days, cowards that you are. Yeah, Scoot, cowards. Why did you and your "boys" do it, Scoot? Was that warranted? Do you think that you would do this kind of shit to me when I was around, Scoot? Hilarious!

So then I was told just to be a good boy, don't talk bad about you mods that had a fucking field day at my expense, and MAYBE I'll be reinstated. So I played nice and still not a fucking thing happened so I complained once again and got attacked again.

Who in the hell are you anyway, to tell me that I am a fucking broken record when others call me a little ***** in this very thread and not a fucking thing happens? This "little *****", half fucking blind as he is would just love to be up front and personal with some of these people who talk shit from afar. This board has a bias that is amazing. A bias that really wants to shut up anyone who has a political bent other than theirs. It is amazing. Truly amazing.

You banned me, Scoot. so show the fucking evidence that I am some kind of a racist, bigoted, homophobic, anti-Islamic, sexist, asshole that you and your ilk have accused me of. Shit that by all sensible principles should have merited these cretins a suspension off of this board. I challenge you, Scoot. PROVE IT or SHUT THE **** UP!

Hahahshahahahahaha :lmao:

You just can not make this kind of shit up.

Say it with me hawk, nice and slow: IN-TER-NET. INTERNET.


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Jun 25, 2010
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Sent from the mod station in Nome, Alaska.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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This thread title deceived me.
there was no indication in the thread title or OP that let me know I would soon laugh so hard that I sprayed coffee on to my keyboard via my nose.

This is pure gold in here.

so show the fucking evidence that I am some kind of a racist, bigoted, homophobic, anti-Islamic, sexist, asshole that you and your ilk have accused me of.

should be easy to find.

So bend over and take it in the ass like you enjoy it so, little *****
Homophobic, using sodomy as an insult, sexist, using ***** in the context of an insult.

Your tag line TJ must mean "THE JAG-OFF, right? By how you respond to people smarter than you, who are most people, you must be a couple of steps IQ wise below an aardvark.
Pretty asshole-ish to just spray insults... especially if you actually believe tj is not a smart person. From your point of view, If you believe he isnt smart, isnt it pretty assholish to beat up on someone mentally challenged?

Those gangs can be black, white, hispanic, muslim(that's basically a gang using a perverted religion as a shield), or asian. IF people want to live in this world, they need to be protected from these kinds of people.
There is bigotry, anti islam and racist all in one.

It took 2 posts and about 1 minute to find all the proof you wanted scoot to show you.

The Hawk

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The Hawk

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This thread title deceived me.
there was no indication in the thread title or OP that let me know I would soon laugh so hard that I sprayed coffee on to my keyboard via my nose.

This is pure gold in here.

should be easy to find.

Homophobic, using sodomy as an insult, sexist, using ***** in the context of an insult.

Pretty asshole-ish to just spray insults... especially if you actually believe tj is not a smart person. From your point of view, If you believe he isnt smart, isnt it pretty assholish to beat up on someone mentally challenged?

There is bigotry, anti islam and racist all in one.

It took 2 posts and about 1 minute to find all the proof you wanted scoot to show you.

Bullshit. THe Muslim reference was in regard to the existence of Muslim gangs going around and killing people and that people need protection from them. There is no damned anti-Islam or racism involved in what I said. Those rapes of I believe Parisian women in France on New Years eve was an example of it. Thousands of roving Muslim men attacking women in a public setting. I didn't say that all Muslims were gang members. I talked about other races(including whites BTW) who were thugs and gang members. As for the Muslim gangs, they do fall back on a perverted view of Islam to justify their deeds. In their view of the world, women are basically things that they can use to torture, rape, kill, etc. Want to argue that, ace?

As for the homophobic charge. It was an insult for sure because I responded to the same kind of attacks from TJ in kind. Interesting in that in typical fashion by you and your pals, you omit what context things that I said were relevant. WHy was that, little one? That is called DECEIT as this thread talked about. Deceit in that though I said it, you attempted to guide the reader to a conclusion that is not in evidence, particularly to the anti-Islam charge.

Truth is, little one, that I reply in kind to people who attack me. ANd you feel free to use anything you can to degrade me even though it may violate some nebulous board "standards". But when I respond in kind, I get pitiful criticism from little ones like you. The sad part of it all was in that very discussion about Islamic terrorism a lot of good factual information was put up and digested by people. Stuff that required some research on my part and the others engaged in the conversation. It is also true that I received some pretty good thought by others about the entire matter.

Your problem as well as a small group of others here is that you do not want to hear anything that runs contrary to what you believe and will attack and gang up on the holders of contrary views. SO you ridicule, insult, and try to torment me. Well, sad for you it doesn't work. I love to prove people like you to be fools.

Xuder O'Clam

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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 22, 2015
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Your problem as well as a small group of others here is that you do not want to hear anything that runs contrary to what you believe and will attack and gang up on the holders of contrary views. SO you ridicule, insult, and try to torment me. Well, sad for you it doesn't work. I love to prove people like you to be fools.

The "tormenting" is obviously working. It's not that your views are different, it's that they are vulgar and stupid. Your rage makes up for that disappointment though.


Mod in Training/Fire Forum
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Sep 7, 2014
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How's the eye healing, hawk?


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Bullshit. THe Muslim reference was in regard to the existence of Muslim gangs going around and killing people and that people need protection from them. There is no damned anti-Islam or racism involved in what I said. Those rapes of I believe Parisian women in France on New Years eve was an example of it. Thousands of roving Muslim men attacking women in a public setting. I didn't say that all Muslims were gang members. I talked about other races(including whites BTW) who were thugs and gang members. As for the Muslim gangs, they do fall back on a perverted view of Islam to justify their deeds. In their view of the world, women are basically things that they can use to torture, rape, kill, etc. Want to argue that, ace?


You are full of shit, or too inarticulate to get your point across.
Again, I quote- "muslim(that's basically a gang using a perverted religion as a shield)"
muslim. gang. using a "perverted" religion as a shield.

As for not wanting to hear a different viewpoint.... you couldnt be more wrong. Your xenophobic, vitriolic, ill informed diatribes are a never ending source of amusement. Hawk is gonna hawk, and the world will just keep laughing.
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