Liar. You impugned me and I am not letting you off of the hook. Nothing that I said was racist, bigoted, condemnation of all Moslems, or anything else. I DARE YOU to put it out there for everyone to see, namely the specific details of what I supposedly said that was so damned wrong and controversial. What are you assholes so fucking scared of, anyway? IF you are not COWARDS, put it out there for all to see. Go ahead and try and embarrass me Scoot; Can't do it can you? So apologize for your action and lets go on. I am a forgiving person
The TRUTH IS that there was an argument about Islamic terrorism, a heated argument certainly. But in that argument I never attacked anyone personally although I was personally attacked by several. I defended myself and some cowards cut me off from that forum without even telling me and then several of you assholes had a lot of fun fucking around with me for several days, cowards that you are. Yeah, Scoot, cowards. Why did you and your "boys" do it, Scoot? Was that warranted? Do you think that you would do this kind of shit to me when I was around, Scoot? Hilarious!
So then I was told just to be a good boy, don't talk bad about you mods that had a fucking field day at my expense, and MAYBE I'll be reinstated. So I played nice and still not a fucking thing happened so I complained once again and got attacked again.
Who in the hell are you anyway, to tell me that I am a fucking broken record when others call me a little ***** in this very thread and not a fucking thing happens? This "little *****", half fucking blind as he is would just love to be up front and personal with some of these people who talk shit from afar. This board has a bias that is amazing. A bias that really wants to shut up anyone who has a political bent other than theirs. It is amazing. Truly amazing.
You banned me, Scoot. so show the fucking evidence that I am some kind of a racist, bigoted, homophobic, anti-Islamic, sexist, asshole that you and your ilk have accused me of. Shit that by all sensible principles should have merited these cretins a suspension off of this board. I challenge you, Scoot. PROVE IT or SHUT THE **** UP!