

Message Board Hero
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Michigan Wolverines
  2. Purdue Boilermakers
Haha, maybe when I can afford to buy my own house. I'll stick to just upgrading to 1080p for now.

Shantz My Pants

New member
Dec 10, 2014
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I bought the game last week Tuesday and I'm now a level 23 Hunter. To be honest I really enjoy the game and I've never been big with RPGs or MMos. I typically do Vanguards with randoms and I've had some good teams and bad ones. It is a grind to get good weapons, but I found completing bounties automatically gets you some nicer gear.

While the story was lacking, they have added the DLC and they admit they need more. Either way, there's a ton of things to do (PvP, Vanguards, Bounties, Weekly events) that keep my occupied.

Sent from my Texas Instrument Calculator


Apr 17, 2010
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Lake County, Illinois
So last week I got my first Vex Mythoclast and first Gjallarhorn. This week I get my second Vex Mythoclast and second Gjallarhorn. Looks like my alt characters have some nice weapons now.


Entirely too much tuna
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Nov 22, 2011
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Jeffersonville, Indiana
So last week I got my first Vex Mythoclast and first Gjallarhorn. This week I get my second Vex Mythoclast and second Gjallarhorn. Looks like my alt characters have some nice weapons now.

Nice. Scored an Icebreaker for my alt (lvl 30 Hunter). Have a maxed Icebreaker, SUROS Regime and Montecarlo for my Warlock.... but still haven't had a Gjallarhorn drop yet. Friggin' BS. Haven't had a decent group for Crota on hard in almost two weeks. Shit needs to change, man!


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I want a 144GHz 1440 monitor with gsync so bad. But prices are absurd right now and QA on current products seems bad. I hope the price drop hurries the **** up, tho its probably gonna be a year or two before they are in the range I am willing to pay. :(


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I bought the game last week Tuesday and I'm now a level 23 Hunter. To be honest I really enjoy the game and I've never been big with RPGs or MMos. I typically do Vanguards with randoms and I've had some good teams and bad ones. It is a grind to get good weapons, but I found completing bounties automatically gets you some nicer gear.

While the story was lacking, they have added the DLC and they admit they need more. Either way, there's a ton of things to do (PvP, Vanguards, Bounties, Weekly events) that keep my occupied.

Sent from my Texas Instrument Calculator
I hate people mostly... Trev you are on Xbox aren't you? I need some PS4 folks who I am not scare to be stuck with for hours doing the raids. I've still only done VoG half way and CE halfway once, and I've had the game since launch. I know I'm missing out, but I'm a bit anti social with the raid group stuff and now that everyone has run them thousands of times it's intimidating to do with unknowns from a LFG.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Nice. Scored an Icebreaker for my alt (lvl 30 Hunter). Have a maxed Icebreaker, SUROS Regime and Montecarlo for my Warlock.... but still haven't had a Gjallarhorn drop yet. Friggin' BS. Haven't had a decent group for Crota on hard in almost two weeks. Shit needs to change, man!

I don't have any of those except Icebreaker which i got from Xur. Easily my favorite gun. I've got a few legendaries I use heavily but I use Ice Breaker the most as I solo most things. I also use plan C when not using Ice Breaker because it was my first exotic and I think it's nostalgic. I'm not even sure I got it up to 331 yet. Stuck maxed at 300 because I missed Xur upgrad. hah.

Shantz My Pants

New member
Dec 10, 2014
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I hate people mostly... Trev you are on Xbox aren't you? I need some PS4 folks who I am not scare to be stuck with for hours doing the raids. I've still only done VoG half way and CE halfway once, and I've had the game since launch. I know I'm missing out, but I'm a bit anti social with the raid group stuff and now that everyone has run them thousands of times it's intimidating to do with unknowns from a LFG.

Yeah, Xbox one only. I'm in the same boat with random people.

It seems in order to get exotic guns you need to purchase them, but I'm not 100% sure all the shit I need to do to get them. I've been playing Crucible more lately and have been having better success with it. I joined the FWC faction but again, seems like you gotta do a lot just to purchase shit.

Sent from my Texas Instrument Calculator


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Yeah, Xbox one only. I'm in the same boat with random people.

It seems in order to get exotic guns you need to purchase them, but I'm not 100% sure all the shit I need to do to get them. I've been playing Crucible more lately and have been having better success with it. I joined the FWC faction but again, seems like you gotta do a lot just to purchase shit.

Sent from my Texas Instrument Calculator
Exotics drop... you don't need to purchase them, it's just one avenue. You can get them however you play the game, Crucible, Raids, PVE... it's just the randomness that hurts at times. Exotics can be exactly that, impossible to get, then boom you get two in one night. Xur is a good way to get them if you don't do raids and such, but that means you should always run the nightfall and weekly to build up the strange coins enough to buy them. And motes for the exotic engrams. It's something that I don't really like about the game is how over complicated it all is, you have to really spend time looking for the best way to do things and explain things. I use the subreddit for Destiny to read more about it and learn strategies as the game doesn't do a very good job of laying it out there. Get a PS4 and we can jam. hah.

Shantz My Pants

New member
Dec 10, 2014
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Exotics drop... you don't need to purchase them, it's just one avenue. You can get them however you play the game, Crucible, Raids, PVE... it's just the randomness that hurts at times. Exotics can be exactly that, impossible to get, then boom you get two in one night. Xur is a good way to get them if you don't do raids and such, but that means you should always run the nightfall and weekly to build up the strange coins enough to buy them. And motes for the exotic engrams. It's something that I don't really like about the game is how over complicated it all is, you have to really spend time looking for the best way to do things and explain things. I use the subreddit for Destiny to read more about it and learn strategies as the game doesn't do a very good job of laying it out there. Get a PS4 and we can jam. hah.

I've yet to come across an exotic piece. I mean, there's a ton of different avenues to go for wherever you wanna buy from, but they take a while to build up. I hate getting strike bounties and then not having anyone to play with, typically when you go to that specific place it doesn't pair you up with 3 others.

Sent from my Texas Instrument Calculator


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I've yet to come across an exotic piece. I mean, there's a ton of different avenues to go for wherever you wanna buy from, but they take a while to build up. I hate getting strike bounties and then not having anyone to play with, typically when you go to that specific place it doesn't pair you up with 3 others.

Sent from my Texas Instrument Calculator

It actually took a while to get my first exotic. Which I liked, because it meant that right out of the gate everyone wasn't running around with them. And it doesn't matter two much because you can only equip one on each side, but it makes it that much better when you do get one. Watch the scoreboards at the end of your crucible games and you'll see folks getting them. I found that variety in the game is the best way to go for some reason. Do the daily bountyies... the weekly stuff. Always ratchet it up to the highest level you can. I solo everything but the Weekly nightfall. you can use or .net or whatever it is to find a group to do the nightfall, that changes everything because the rewards there are good. If you want, find a clan on to join. That helps to find people to connect with because you can also post on there boards and get to know folks there first. I'm in Dads of Destiny... which isn't hard core, which I like, and they all understand that I have wildly erratic time constraints at times. Some people will join hard core ones that meet every night and bullshit. Once I found a few key core guys to run stuff with the game changed a lot.


Apr 17, 2010
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Lake County, Illinois
I hate people mostly... Trev you are on Xbox aren't you? I need some PS4 folks who I am not scare to be stuck with for hours doing the raids. I've still only done VoG half way and CE halfway once, and I've had the game since launch. I know I'm missing out, but I'm a bit anti social with the raid group stuff and now that everyone has run them thousands of times it's intimidating to do with unknowns from a LFG.

I'm on PS4 and am down to raid any time. I've done VoG a few times and CE once all the way through. Beat the Deathsinger & Crota checkpoints a few times in CE. I have about 11 or 12 exotic weapons so I can help you in your quest for more exotics! I'm very laid back and don't care about mess ups and wipes.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I'm on PS4 and am down to raid any time. I've done VoG a few times and CE once all the way through. Beat the Deathsinger & Crota checkpoints a few times in CE. I have about 11 or 12 exotic weapons so I can help you in your quest for more exotics! I'm very laid back and don't care about mess ups and wipes.
Right on, i'll throw out an invite next time I'm on and playing althoght I've been trying to finish off Diablo which I just got again.



Apr 17, 2010
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Lake County, Illinois
Sounds good. Just ran through Crota from start to finish without stopping for the first time. Got my first piece of raid gear for my Warlock (finally), and Patience and Time from downing Crota.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Honestly, I wouldn't worry about exotics too much. The only 2 that I would say are really important in PvE are Gjallarhorn and Icebreaker as I never use my exotic primary weapons in PvE. I haven't used my Vex in months now because it really isn't that useful except in PvP which I rarely play.

If I were you I would say you want faith bringer or vision of confluence from VoG as even though they are maxed out at 300, I find they are still better than most primaries that are 331 particularly if you want to reserve your exotic for IB or Gally. The murmur which everyone can get is also one of the better secondaries for the simple reason you can toggle between arc and solar damage. Aside from those the Fang of Ur ie the primary Scout rifle from Crota Hard Mode is also great. Rounding things out I keep a Corrective Measure from VoG as my backup to gally because a machine gun with void and 100 bullets in the magazine is pretty useful. Not to mention heavy ammo drops for it a lot.


Apr 17, 2010
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Lake County, Illinois
Speaking of VoG weapons, Monday night I got Praedyth's Timepiece from the Gatekeeper. Normally I'd be bummed, but with the huge patch coming out this week and the buff that Pulse rifles will be getting, I'm kind of excited about this gun.

As for exotics, yeah a lot aren't that useful except for certain niche situations. For me, I like getting them for completionist purposes. Since hand cannons are getting a big decrease in range in the patch, the three exotics won't be as rampantly used anymore. I have a feeling Bad Juju is going to be really good after the patch. I'm a fan of it already, but I can't wait to try it out soon. Shotguns are getting a x2 damage buff. Looking forward to see how Universal Remote handles.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Speaking of VoG weapons, Monday night I got Praedyth's Timepiece from the Gatekeeper. Normally I'd be bummed, but with the huge patch coming out this week and the buff that Pulse rifles will be getting, I'm kind of excited about this gun.

As for exotics, yeah a lot aren't that useful except for certain niche situations. For me, I like getting them for completionist purposes. Since hand cannons are getting a big decrease in range in the patch, the three exotics won't be as rampantly used anymore. I have a feeling Bad Juju is going to be really good after the patch. I'm a fan of it already, but I can't wait to try it out soon. Shotguns are getting a x2 damage buff. Looking forward to see how Universal Remote handles.
Yeah, I find that exotics are good for certain situations but it's much more important to just have a favorite gun that you are good with and max it out, whether that's exotic or a legendary. I haven't been able to get a good hand cannon which I really want yet. I've actually been rocking the scout rifles lately and like them a lot, looking forward to the weapon realignment.


Apr 17, 2010
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Lake County, Illinois
The patch is live. Switching my Red Death from my Titan alt over to my main Warlock so I can test out all my weapons. Will edit this shortly.

EDIT: Played some PvP with pulse rifles. Out of my three (Bad Juju, Red Death, and Praedyth's Timepiece) I felt Praedyth's Timepiece was the best because of it's higher RoF. If it didn't have Arc damage though it'd be shit. Red Death was the next best. I couldn't do a whole lot with Bad Juju, but even before the patch I was never able to handle it very well in PvP for some reason.

Shotguns in PvE are monsters. On Cosmodrome Patrol, in the underground area near the opening spawn that has the three Hive Majors, I one-shot killed all three with a Universal Remote that is only at 302 damage. I three-shot a Swordbearer with it. One shot for the shield, one shot took him down to a sliver of health, and one finishing blow. Probably would have taken him down in two shots with my 324 Swordbreaker. Imagine Swordbreaker in VoG against Praetorians.
Last edited:


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Speaking of VoG weapons, Monday night I got Praedyth's Timepiece from the Gatekeeper. Normally I'd be bummed, but with the huge patch coming out this week and the buff that Pulse rifles will be getting, I'm kind of excited about this gun.

As for exotics, yeah a lot aren't that useful except for certain niche situations. For me, I like getting them for completionist purposes. Since hand cannons are getting a big decrease in range in the patch, the three exotics won't be as rampantly used anymore. I have a feeling Bad Juju is going to be really good after the patch. I'm a fan of it already, but I can't wait to try it out soon. Shotguns are getting a x2 damage buff. Looking forward to see how Universal Remote handles.

Yeah I broke down like 3 of those things because they were pretty week but probably should have hung on to them. Although, I just got the Oversoul Edict from the Crota Hard raid yesterday so I may just level that up. Still want that primary hand canon Word of Crota with the void damage.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Yeah I broke down like 3 of those things because they were pretty week but probably should have hung on to them. Although, I just got the Oversoul Edict from the Crota Hard raid yesterday so I may just level that up. Still want that primary hand canon Word of Crota with the void damage.

I like that gun. The only time I have been in Crota End I was screwing around with a friend of mine and they said hey you want to go get the CE box.... I said... umm... sure, and we ran through the gorgon chest and boom that was it. Only piece of raid stuff I have I think... is that considered raid gear?
