

Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Sweet, finally got the Word of Crota to complete my primary raid weapon collection. Only thing I want now is that Husk of the Pit so I can start to get that Nechrocasm as I already have the Crux of Crota.
I got a maxed Nechrocasm that I'll never get a crux for haha. I like the gun actually, pretty nice but I don't know what it's like after the gun changes

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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I feel like I'm running around doing bounties and not getting fucking anywhere. I've got 3 legendary items. A heavy, secondary which I got from the expansion missions (kinda waste for 2 missions and better gear...$$$) and legendary boots from the FWC. Have not come across anything in the field besides the legendary heavy and that was last week. Starting to get bored of working towards nothing.

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Apr 17, 2010
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Lake County, Illinois
Are you level 26 yet? Once you hit 26, jump on or .net, or and find a group to do the Vault of Glass normal mode raid. Raids are where the good loot is. The Vault of Glass raid armor will only get you to level 30 by themselves, and the weapons only go to 300 attack, but they're still very useful. Then once you work up to level 30, do the hard mode Vault of Glass raid, and the Crota's End normal mode raid.

Raiding is the best part about the game.

Also when you get up to around level 30, you can start doing the Weekly Heroic mission on hard (9 Strange Coins reward), and the Weekly Nightfall for a chance at an exotic armor/weapon , legendary armor/weapon, legendary engram, a bunch of ascendant materials, or a bunch of strange coins.

Rack up a bunch of strange coins and buy some exotic gear from Xur when he comes to the Tower. Or hoard your Motes of Light and buy an exotic engram when he sells them.

If you start getting a lot of legengary and exotic armor for classes other than the one you play with, create a new character of that class so you have a use for the armor. Level them up to 20 and equip the armor and boom, you're already up to like level 27 or 28. I started as a Warlock then got a bunch of armor to Titans and Hunters. Now I have a level 31 Titan and a 29 Hunter and I barely play as them.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Are you level 26 yet? Once you hit 26, jump on or .net, or and find a group to do the Vault of Glass normal mode raid. Raids are where the good loot is. The Vault of Glass raid armor will only get you to level 30 by themselves, and the weapons only go to 300 attack, but they're still very useful. Then once you work up to level 30, do the hard mode Vault of Glass raid, and the Crota's End normal mode raid.

Raiding is the best part about the game.

Also when you get up to around level 30, you can start doing the Weekly Heroic mission on hard (9 Strange Coins reward), and the Weekly Nightfall for a chance at an exotic armor/weapon , legendary armor/weapon, legendary engram, a bunch of ascendant materials, or a bunch of strange coins.

Rack up a bunch of strange coins and buy some exotic gear from Xur when he comes to the Tower. Or hoard your Motes of Light and buy an exotic engram when he sells them.

If you start getting a lot of legengary and exotic armor for classes other than the one you play with, create a new character of that class so you have a use for the armor. Level them up to 20 and equip the armor and boom, you're already up to like level 27 or 28. I started as a Warlock then got a bunch of armor to Titans and Hunters. Now I have a level 31 Titan and a 29 Hunter and I barely play as them.

But the VoG Raid Gear can still be upgraded by Xur I believe?

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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When I posted my bitching rant last night, I ended up playing with a buddy of mine who is a level 32 and we just did the highest strikes I could. Suddenly, I started getting better rare equipment that eventually kicked me up to level 27. After that, I joined him and a buddy in another raid just to watch how it was down, especially since I couldn't do shit against the hive. I didn't get anything besides some inventory stuff, but I'm just going to keep doing the vanguard bounties and highest level strikes I can until I happen upon legendary equipment or I have enough to buy from Xur.

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Staff member
May 14, 2010
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When I posted my bitching rant last night, I ended up playing with a buddy of mine who is a level 32 and we just did the highest strikes I could. Suddenly, I started getting better rare equipment that eventually kicked me up to level 27. After that, I joined him and a buddy in another raid just to watch how it was down, especially since I couldn't do shit against the hive. I didn't get anything besides some inventory stuff, but I'm just going to keep doing the vanguard bounties and highest level strikes I can until I happen upon legendary equipment or I have enough to buy from Xur.

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One thing that some folks don't realize too is that Motes of light are important too. You get one every time you level as well. So all that grinding that you're doing and you don't think you are actually leveling, your exp bar is still going up even though you don't actually level except from equipment. You can gain three levels from grinding exp without actually going up a charecter level. This may not seem like much, but you get a mote every time the exp bar rolls over and motes can also be used at Xur to get an Exotic engram. I think it's 13 or 17 or something. It's a gamble because you may not get the one you want, but people generally consider motes of light worthless but if you save them up, and you know which exotic piece of armor you want, when he comes and is selling an engram for that piece you can get them from him until you get that piece. I didn't even ask what class you are rocking? or maybe you said it and I forget, but for my style as a striker the Armamentarium is priceless.

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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I'm using a hunter with the gunslinger class right now.

I've also kept all the gear I have received for other classes as well.

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Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I'm using a hunter with the gunslinger class right now.

I've also kept all the gear I have received for other classes as well.

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I started out as a hunter too, when the game got a little stale I switched up to a titan. It was amazing how even though they all seem so similar, my place style changed dramatically. The tip about keeping all good gear no matter the class was spot on, if you start getting stale a bit, try switching to a different class and giving it a go, you'll find the initial leveling up is much quicker, and then the character leveling of abilities makes it fun again to try new stuff. And don't forget the subclass.

Also, the biggest tip I I can give you if you don't already know yet is this. (took me a while to figure it out) Always always always switch to the weapons and armor you are trying to level up before you turn in bounties or get packets from the mail guy. The experience you get is also given to those weapons which is why they level up sometimes when you turn them in. So even if you have one main weapon you use, but it's maxed, always switch to a different non-maxed weapon or armor. Even if you don't intend to use it. When picking up packages too, I can't remember which ones but just do it for all of them to be safe.

Here is the real reason you do this. If you max out the XP of legendary gear you get more stuff from breaking it down. You don't have to even purchase the upgrades to the piece just make sure that the XP is maxed out. So say you two of the same piece of equipment or weapons, or one that you know you don't want. If you already have your main piece of equipment maxed out in that slot, don't just turn in bounties and apply the exp to that maxed out piece. Switch up, put the EXP into the piece you aren't going to use, and max it out or go as far as you have room for it. Then disassemble it. I think for like a legendary piece of armor you get two for sharding it with no exp in it, and 6 for it being maxed out. Which may not seem like much, but when you are trying to max out a set that takes like 50 shards or whatever, ever bit helps.

Hopefully it didn't just confuse the shit out of you, I had to learn this from reddit and it was hard to understand.

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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Nope I got it and we must of been reading the same thing as I just learned that in an article to turn bounties in with weapons that aren't maxed out. Unfortunately, after 40 hours of game play, I've only chanced once on a legendary gun and it was my heavy, not even one I'm always using.

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Apr 17, 2010
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Lake County, Illinois
But the VoG Raid Gear can still be upgraded by Xur I believe?

Nope, VoG armor is stuck at light level 30, and the weapons are all 300, except for the Mythoclast which is 324, which Xur doesn't even offer as an upgradeable exotic weapon. I don't know why bungie didn't bump all pre Dark Below armor and weapons to the current highest totals. Before the current DLC people grinded and grinded for max VoG armor to get to level 30. Once the DLC dropped you could buy vendor armor and get to level 31 easily. Shadow Price was one of the best Legendary Auto Rifles in the game, now nobody uses it because its a 300 attack weapon.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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You should also turn in bounties with the telemetries active if you have them. As the bonus XP for having the telemetry works on bounties as well.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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You should also turn in bounties with the telemetries active if you have them. As the bonus XP for having the telemetry works on bounties as well.

Damn it I know I was forgetting something, yes, although I haven't done it yet, this is another thing that makes sense. I just always forget to activate mine, and their only good for like a half hour and I usually turn in bounties at the end of the night so I don't want to waste them by turning the bounties in then going to bed.


Mod in Training/Fire Forum
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Sep 7, 2014
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I was unaware people were still playing this.. Might have to pop it in for the first time since a month after release.

What's changed?

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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Basically 2 new missions and shit from the DLC.

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Apr 17, 2010
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Lake County, Illinois
Got Thunderlord from Crota last night. Came in handy for 3 nightfall runs today. I need raid boots badly. Once I get them and level them up I'll finally be 32. Then I can worry about getting the helmet, and attempting hard mode too.


Apr 17, 2010
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Lake County, Illinois
I just want to run the raids.

Add meeeeeeee. I gotta do VoG on all three of my characters still for this week, minus the Atheon checkpoint on my Warlock, and then I gotta do the Crota's End raid with my Hunter.

Did that Atheon fight today and got my 4th Vex Mythoclast (sharded) and finally my first Vision of Confluence.

Shantz My Pants

New member
Dec 10, 2014
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Did like 4 lvl 26 vanguards last night and upgraded just a single piece of equipment and a main gun, though both were rare. Still haven't gotten a legendary in a week and a half. Fml.

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Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Did like 4 lvl 26 vanguards last night and upgraded just a single piece of equipment and a main gun, though both were rare. Still haven't gotten a legendary in a week and a half. Fml.

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Have you been ranking up the vanguard or a faction? If don't right. you can just buy legendary. That's what I did.

Shantz My Pants

New member
Dec 10, 2014
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Have you been ranking up the vanguard or a faction? If don't right. you can just buy legendary. That's what I did.

I took my faction cloak off after I bought the leg armor as I didn't like the guns for FWC. I haven't decided if I should put on the Dead Orbit cloak or just stick with no faction and up my vanguard. I'm already at 1-1/4 through it. Once I hit 2 I can buy armor.

Hopefully Xur has something decent as I have I think 17 strange coins.

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