Does Jaylon Johnson’s deserve to get paid top-of-the-market money?


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Aug 14, 2010
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I still can't figure out why professional football players intercept deep passes on fourth down. They did it twice today. I remember in sixth grade playing flag football I swatted down a fourth down easy interception because it was a long pass. Like, that's 12 year old basics guys...
Remind me. How much did you get paid for playing flag football when you were 12 years old and how much more were you going to make for every interception that you got?

It's 21 year old basics guys ... the more interceptions you have under your belt, the more money you are going to get paid in your next contract ... and those 'should have been swatted down on fourth down' interceptions count just as much as the other interceptions.

I felt your pain when the Bears kept intercepting those 4th down heaves but I understood that the players made business decisions when they didn't swat the ball down.
