Game of Thrones Thread

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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I liked the entire episode including the Hound facing the Mountain down. I loved the "trial" of Arya and how it got turned on Little finger. And Bran turning into not such a weird asshole in that scene. I also liked that at the end of the episode that Bran and Sam got together. As I said before, it is they who will figure out how to kill the night King.

And now that Jon has boned Khalesi and Bran has figured out that Jon is royalty and not a bastard, then where does that leave Jon and Khalesi and King Robert Baratheon's kid? Looks like Jamie has left the grasp of his evil sister. Where is Bronn? I am disappointed that Bronn hasn't reconnected with his snake charmer, though. Must have been edited although I still hold out hope for love conquering all:)

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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Southern California
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  1. Chicago Blackhawks
One thing to me in the last two episodes is that the most lethal guy in the entire series is Mormont. He really has kicked ass in those battle scenes.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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You have to get over the snake girl bro lol

And I agree why does tyrion care Jon is fucking his aunt

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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RIP Littlefinger. The TV show didn't do you justice. May you rise from the dead as the NK's Master of Coin in the coming the empire of the dead.
Did him justice when Arya cut his throat real quick so we didn't have to hear his stupid shit anymore.

The big reveal was really poorly done.
Cause everybody knew about the big reveal a year ago.

One thing to me in the last two episodes is that the most lethal guy in the entire series is Mormont. He really has kicked ass in those battle scenes.
Jon: Come with me on the boat Dany. It will be fun.
Jorah The Explorah: No, you mustn't go on that boat with Jon. He just wants to fuck you.
Dany: I'm OK with that, creepy old guy.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Did him justice when Arya cut his throat real quick so we didn't have to hear his stupid shit anymore.

Nah the kill wasn't satisfying for me because this was a dumbed down version of LF. They literally had no credible evidence against him. Sansa testified on his behalf regarding his aunt so why should anyone believe her now? And why wouldn't she be in trouble for lying about it the first time if people suddenly believed her now? And why would he not bring up the fact that Sansa wrote the letter to Robb Stark? It's like magically LF forgot all of this and just caved when the man is used to dealing with the likes of Cersei and far more manipulative people.

So all they had was the mad ramblings of a cripple who couldn't have actually witnessed the events he spoke of. How did Bran's word suddenly become something that people just take as gospel? I also would have preferred if they had done it without Bran's help as it's not really outsmarting or besting someone at the game when it just so happens your crippled brother can see the past, present, and future and apparently everyone just accepts this. I still also have no clue what LF was thinking giving Bran the dagger that was used to try to kill him. Hopefully Martin will do him justice in the book version by having someone uncover his schemes in a more intelligent way.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Nah the kill wasn't satisfying for me because this was a dumbed down version of LF. They literally had no credible evidence against him. Sansa testified on his behalf regarding his aunt so why should anyone believe her now? And why wouldn't she be in trouble for lying about it the first time if people suddenly believed her now? And why would he not bring up the fact that Sansa wrote the letter to Robb Stark? It's like magically LF forgot all of this and just caved when the man is used to dealing with the likes of Cersei and far more manipulative people.

So all they had was the mad ramblings of a cripple who couldn't have actually witnessed the events he spoke of. How did Bran's word suddenly become something that people just take as gospel? I also would have preferred if they had done it without Bran's help as it's not really outsmarting or besting someone at the game when it just so happens your crippled brother can see the past, present, and future and apparently everyone just accepts this. I still also have no clue what LF was thinking giving Bran the dagger that was used to try to kill him. Hopefully Martin will do him justice in the book version by having someone uncover his schemes in a more intelligent way.

And then there is that Jamie redemption

But yeah, I would have like to have seen a little more evidence in that trial.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Now that Jamie has finally left, who commands her forces? do any of the Lannister forces defect with him? Qyburn looked really interested in that wight arm/hand. And it looks like we might see Cleagane bowl after all.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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Jon "Chad Thundercock" Snow: Think about it. She’s out in the middle of nowhere with some dude she "barely" knows. She looks around her, what does she see? Nothing but open ocean. “Oh, there’s nowhere for me to run, what am I gonna do, say no?”
Tyrion: Okay…that seems really dark though.
Jon "Chad Thundercock" Snow: No, no, it’s not dark. You’re misunderstanding me, bro.
Tyrion I think I am.
Jon "Chad Thundercock" Snow: Yeah, you are. ‘Cause if the girl said no, then the answer obviously is no. The thing is that she’s not gonna say no, she’d never say no…because of the implication.
Tyrion Now, you said that word “implication” a couple of times. What implication?
Jon "Chad Thundercock" Snow: The implication that things might go wrong for her if she refuses to sleep with me. Now, not that things are gonna go wrong for her, but she’s thinking that they will.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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Nah the kill wasn't satisfying for me because this was a dumbed down version of LF. They literally had no credible evidence against him. Sansa testified on his behalf regarding his aunt so why should anyone believe her now? And why wouldn't she be in trouble for lying about it the first time if people suddenly believed her now? And why would he not bring up the fact that Sansa wrote the letter to Robb Stark? It's like magically LF forgot all of this and just caved when the man is used to dealing with the likes of Cersei and far more manipulative people.

So all they had was the mad ramblings of a cripple who couldn't have actually witnessed the events he spoke of. How did Bran's word suddenly become something that people just take as gospel? I also would have preferred if they had done it without Bran's help as it's not really outsmarting or besting someone at the game when it just so happens your crippled brother can see the past, present, and future and apparently everyone just accepts this. I still also have no clue what LF was thinking giving Bran the dagger that was used to try to kill him. Hopefully Martin will do him justice in the book version by having someone uncover his schemes in a more intelligent way.

I agree it could have been done a bit better.

Although, I could be wrong, but didn't Bran say he knew about a couple of things that happened to Arya that he otherwise couldn't have known? He definitely talked to them a bit more than what was shown. With that said, I don't think Sansa and Arya would have turned on each other even if Bran wasn't in the picture. He certainly helps, but Sansa hasn't really trusted Littlefinger for a while. And Arya clearly wasn't stupid enough to fall for Littlefinger's trap with the letter.

I think the big thing here that always seemed to me to be his downfall is his love for Catelyn/Sansa. You're correct that he could have brought up that letter, but I don't think he would have done that to her. I know he wed her to Ramsay(which was obviously a mistake), but he was still trying to protect her. And as he said, at the end of the day, he does love her. He didn't love Cersei or other people he's possibly been at odds against.

I also did like the quick killing. No time for drama or more bullshit. Just get it done and get it done quick.

IRT the whole Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen thing, yea that could have been done better as well. But at this point we already knew the truth. I'm surprised Bran didn't know about the annulment.

One thing I'm confused about the is Theon trying to rescue Yara with like 20 men. I'm curious to see how he's going to pull that off.
Last edited:


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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I agree it could have been done a bit better.

Although, I could be wrong, but didn't Bran say he knew about a couple of things that happened to Arya that he otherwise couldn't have known? He definitely talked to them a bit more than what was shown. With that said, I don't think Sansa and Arya would have turned on each other even if Bran wasn't in the picture. He certainly helps, but Sansa hasn't really trusted Littlefinger for a while. And Arya clearly wasn't stupid enough to fall for Littlefinger's trap with the letter.

I think the big thing here that always seemed to me to be his downfall is his love for Catelyn/Sansa. You're correct that he could have brought up that letter, but I don't think he would have done that to her. I know he wed her to Ramsay(which was obviously a mistake), but he was still trying to protect her. And as he said, at the end of the day, he does love her. He didn't love Cersei or other people he's possibly been at odds against.

I also did like the quick killing. No time for drama or more bullshit. Just get it done and get it done quick.

IRT the whole Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen thing, yea that could have been done better as well. But at this point we already knew the truth. I'm surprised Bran didn't know about the annulment.

One thing I'm confused about the is Theon trying to rescue Yara with like 20 men. I'm curious to see how he's going to pull that off.

Same way she tried?

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Nah the kill wasn't satisfying for me because this was a dumbed down version of LF. They literally had no credible evidence against him. Sansa testified on his behalf regarding his aunt so why should anyone believe her now? And why wouldn't she be in trouble for lying about it the first time if people suddenly believed her now? And why would he not bring up the fact that Sansa wrote the letter to Robb Stark? It's like magically LF forgot all of this and just caved when the man is used to dealing with the likes of Cersei and far more manipulative people.

So all they had was the mad ramblings of a cripple who couldn't have actually witnessed the events he spoke of. How did Bran's word suddenly become something that people just take as gospel? I also would have preferred if they had done it without Bran's help as it's not really outsmarting or besting someone at the game when it just so happens your crippled brother can see the past, present, and future and apparently everyone just accepts this. I still also have no clue what LF was thinking giving Bran the dagger that was used to try to kill him. Hopefully Martin will do him justice in the book version by having someone uncover his schemes in a more intelligent way.
The clever con man can only seem clever for as long as there are those being fooled by him. Sooner or later, nobody's fooled anymore. The girls conned him this time and he never saw it coming. Perhaps you just overestimated the character.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Now that Jamie has finally left, who commands her forces? do any of the Lannister forces defect with him? Qyburn looked really interested in that wight arm/hand. And it looks like we might see Cleagane bowl after all.
Don't think it matters really. From what Dany sees in the house of the undying, it looks like winter hits hard in KL. Still say Cersei will be killed by Arya and the Hound kills his zombie bro when the 2 go on their mission together.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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They build up Jon and Dany banging for an entire season, then they hammer you with the "reveal" that it is incest when Dany and Jon finally hook up lol

Also, who was that fucking Ogre they had playing Rhaegar? Srs you show a scene with Rhaegar finally and you cast that?

The whole King's Landing stuff was kinda dumb.... you can really tell they are just contriving shit based off RR Martin's cliff notes of how the remainder would play out.

1. Cersei told the Mountain if she didn't like what she heard, then kill Dany, Tyrion, Jon and the rest.
2. They have this summit and Cersei has wight existence proven, yet Jon simply not remaining neutral between her and Dany is a deal breaker.... despite the face he and the North were never supporting Cersei and never would even if Jon wasn't supporting Dany, he was King in the North.... this deal breaker made no sense.
3. OK deal breaker, Cersei is out.... so remember how she said who to kill in what order.... yeah nvm about that I guess?
4. Tyrion and Cersei talk and she decides to lie about supporting them in the war with the Undead.... oh and Euron lied about sailing home to Pyke because of the wights.... somehow even before the captured wight display proved the undead existence Cersei and Euron had plotted for him to lie that he was taking his fleet back to Pyke....
5. Cersei lies about supporting Dany/Jon..... but couldn't she have just done that to begin with? Right after Euron's lie about going back to Pyke? What was the point of throwing a hissy fit about Jon not being neutral? What was the point of Cersei and Tyrion even talking? We know Cersei hates him.... we know all their drama.... their entire conversation could have been cut from the episode.
6. Lastly... if you plan to betray Jon/Dany and not help fight, but actually invade other parts of Westeros using your army/mercenaries.... I get why you let Dany/Jon leave, so they can go fight the undead for you in this Special person plan.... but then you tell it all to Jamie, threaten to have him killed, then appear to order him to be killed, but then he is not killed, and you allow him to head off to presumably meet up with Jon/Dany.... and when he shows up with no army he will have to explain that Cersei lied/betrayed them.

Alot of this just seems like the writers trying to follow cliff notes/bullet points from Martin

- Tyrion convinces Dany to try to talk to Cersei first
- He goes to the city, Bronn probably helps him meet up with Jamie or something
- Jon and some people go north and capture a wight
- At some point Dany brings her dragons to the wall and the Night King kills one and rez it as his mount
- Jon brings the captured wight to King's Landing to show it to Cersei
- Cersei agrees to the truce (probably lying tho)
- Jon and Dany hookup, maybe on a boat to White Harbor or something
- Oh Sansa and Arya eventually figure out Little Finger and execute/assassinate him, maybe Bran helps, idk

Rather than a finished novel that just needs to be condensed into TV scenes, the writers now need to take vague plot points and figure out how to manufacture the story from the plot points to all the pieces in between and you can see them contriving shit to force it to meet Martin's plot points.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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They build up Jon and Dany banging for an entire season, then they hammer you with the "reveal" that it is incest when Dany and Jon finally hook up lol

Also, who was that fucking Ogre they had playing Rhaegar? Srs you show a scene with Rhaegar finally and you cast that?

The whole King's Landing stuff was kinda dumb.... you can really tell they are just contriving shit based off RR Martin's cliff notes of how the remainder would play out.

1. Cersei told the Mountain if she didn't like what she heard, then kill Dany, Tyrion, Jon and the rest.
2. They have this summit and Cersei has wight existence proven, yet Jon simply not remaining neutral between her and Dany is a deal breaker.... despite the face he and the North were never supporting Cersei and never would even if Jon wasn't supporting Dany, he was King in the North.... this deal breaker made no sense.
3. OK deal breaker, Cersei is out.... so remember how she said who to kill in what order.... yeah nvm about that I guess?
4. Tyrion and Cersei talk and she decides to lie about supporting them in the war with the Undead.... oh and Euron lied about sailing home to Pyke because of the wights.... somehow even before the captured wight display proved the undead existence Cersei and Euron had plotted for him to lie that he was taking his fleet back to Pyke....
5. Cersei lies about supporting Dany/Jon..... but couldn't she have just done that to begin with? Right after Euron's lie about going back to Pyke? What was the point of throwing a hissy fit about Jon not being neutral? What was the point of Cersei and Tyrion even talking? We know Cersei hates him.... we know all their drama.... their entire conversation could have been cut from the episode.
6. Lastly... if you plan to betray Jon/Dany and not help fight, but actually invade other parts of Westeros using your army/mercenaries.... I get why you let Dany/Jon leave, so they can go fight the undead for you in this Special person plan.... but then you tell it all to Jamie, threaten to have him killed, then appear to order him to be killed, but then he is not killed, and you allow him to head off to presumably meet up with Jon/Dany.... and when he shows up with no army he will have to explain that Cersei lied/betrayed them.

Alot of this just seems like the writers trying to follow cliff notes/bullet points from Martin

- Tyrion convinces Dany to try to talk to Cersei first
- He goes to the city, Bronn probably helps him meet up with Jamie or something
- Jon and some people go north and capture a wight
- At some point Dany brings her dragons to the wall and the Night King kills one and rez it as his mount
- Jon brings the captured wight to King's Landing to show it to Cersei
- Cersei agrees to the truce (probably lying tho)
- Jon and Dany hookup, maybe on a boat to White Harbor or something
- Oh Sansa and Arya eventually figure out Little Finger and execute/assassinate him, maybe Bran helps, idk

Rather than a finished novel that just needs to be condensed into TV scenes, the writers now need to take vague plot points and figure out how to manufacture the story from the plot points to all the pieces in between and you can see them contriving shit to force it to meet Martin's plot points.
All about dead on as it gets but, of course, the truce with Cersei didn't make sense from the get go. How could you possibly think the mad queen good be trusted anyway. Before getting sidetracked, her forces were so depleted, you could have taken them out in no time at all and then dealt with the dead army. Avoid that whole capture a wight for Cersei thing and save a dragon that would be used to bring down the wall.

I, too, was left wondering what was all that back and forth with Cersei when she had a plan in place with Euron to deceive them anyway and how does the brain dead Mountain know when Cersei is kidding or not? What is the problem with Jon not staying neutral? Cersei's psycho son killed his adoptive father. Her fat late husband killed his real father and, clearly, Daeneyrs is a better fuck than the old psycho bitch queen. What was to be expected of Jon?

Would have to add that fight scene with Theon was pretty funny and certainly WWE worthy. Gets the snot kicked out of him and comes back after being kneed several times in the family jewels that have gone missing. Hahaha. Silly stuff.

All that aside, we get some more foreshadowing about a child coming from the Jon/Dany affair in an episode used little more than as a setup for the final season to come.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I agree it could have been done a bit better.

Although, I could be wrong, but didn't Bran say he knew about a couple of things that happened to Arya that he otherwise couldn't have known? He definitely talked to them a bit more than what was shown. With that said, I don't think Sansa and Arya would have turned on each other even if Bran wasn't in the picture. He certainly helps, but Sansa hasn't really trusted Littlefinger for a while. And Arya clearly wasn't stupid enough to fall for Littlefinger's trap with the letter.

I think the big thing here that always seemed to me to be his downfall is his love for Catelyn/Sansa. You're correct that he could have brought up that letter, but I don't think he would have done that to her. I know he wed her to Ramsay(which was obviously a mistake), but he was still trying to protect her. And as he said, at the end of the day, he does love her. He didn't love Cersei or other people he's possibly been at odds against.

I also did like the quick killing. No time for drama or more bullshit. Just get it done and get it done quick.

IRT the whole Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen thing, yea that could have been done better as well. But at this point we already knew the truth. I'm surprised Bran didn't know about the annulment.

One thing I'm confused about the is Theon trying to rescue Yara with like 20 men. I'm curious to see how he's going to pull that off.

Oh no doubt that Arya and Sansa may believe Bran but not sure why anyone else would. We went from Sansa and Jon having a tenuous hold on the Northern lords according to Sansa to suddenly everyone just believing Bran. We went from Sansa lying about how her aunt died to no one being concerned when she changed her story. We went from Sansa being worried about the letter to LF not even bothering to bring it up in his defense despite his life being on the line.

If LF could cave that quickly despite no credible evidence against him then he would have died a long time ago. And maybe book LF would not have brought up the letter but TV show LF who convinced her to go to Ramsey certainly would. The dude's life was on the line, there is no logical way he would simply let Sansa kill him without a fight.

As for Arya and Sansa, one of the fundamental problems with this whole affair is that it was completely unnecessary. Book LF has a long term plan. TV show LF started to fuck with Arya and Sansa for no good reason. Arya posed no real threat to LF or Sansa's position until LF decided to pit them against each other. The whole plot seemed contrived just to create a reason for him to be killed. I sure hope Martin does better in the book as I have a hard time believing this is the plan for the books as well.

Then again maybe part of the problem with the character is Martin made him so calculating that it will be difficult to sell his death unless someone can truly outsmart him in an ingenious way.

As for Theon, I assume he pulls it off because Euron will be gone and will have left Yara behind. These characters increasing find a path cleared for them whenever the story demands it which again is one of the problems of this show as it goes beyond the books. Martin is a much better storyteller than the TV writers so he doesn't leave behind so many plot holes or lucky coincidences.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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The clever con man can only seem clever for as long as there are those being fooled by him. Sooner or later, nobody's fooled anymore. The girls conned him this time and he never saw it coming. Perhaps you just overestimated the character.

Umm they didn't outsmart him. Bran the all seer told them the truth. It's not that hard to trap someone when a character in the story effectively knows the script. And even with having the three eyed raven, their trap was pretty weak. They absolutely failed to get any hard evidence against him.

How can you Lords trust Sansa when she said Lyssa committed suicide?

How can you Lords trust Sansa when she betrayed her own brother Robb?

How can you Lords trust Bran when he was not a witness to any of the events he described?

If I can figure out these 3 basic questions that would have shredded the accusations against him then not sure how LF or any character with a brain couldn't have. Now maybe they still kill him because frankly no one really likes the dude but it's piss poor writing that this guy that outwitted so many characters somehow is incapable of making a logical defense in the face of unprovable accusations.

The writers simply rushed things and gambled that most won't care as long as LF was killed. Just like they gambled no one would give a shit about the warp speed from last show because Dragons and the NK. They are sacrificing logic for entertainment which is fine, it's a show afterall but I appreciate smart writing and this was not it.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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They build up Jon and Dany banging for an entire season, then they hammer you with the "reveal" that it is incest when Dany and Jon finally hook up lol

Also, who was that fucking Ogre they had playing Rhaegar? Srs you show a scene with Rhaegar finally and you cast that?

The whole King's Landing stuff was kinda dumb.... you can really tell they are just contriving shit based off RR Martin's cliff notes of how the remainder would play out.

1. Cersei told the Mountain if she didn't like what she heard, then kill Dany, Tyrion, Jon and the rest.
2. They have this summit and Cersei has wight existence proven, yet Jon simply not remaining neutral between her and Dany is a deal breaker.... despite the face he and the North were never supporting Cersei and never would even if Jon wasn't supporting Dany, he was King in the North.... this deal breaker made no sense.
3. OK deal breaker, Cersei is out.... so remember how she said who to kill in what order.... yeah nvm about that I guess?
4. Tyrion and Cersei talk and she decides to lie about supporting them in the war with the Undead.... oh and Euron lied about sailing home to Pyke because of the wights.... somehow even before the captured wight display proved the undead existence Cersei and Euron had plotted for him to lie that he was taking his fleet back to Pyke....
5. Cersei lies about supporting Dany/Jon..... but couldn't she have just done that to begin with? Right after Euron's lie about going back to Pyke? What was the point of throwing a hissy fit about Jon not being neutral? What was the point of Cersei and Tyrion even talking? We know Cersei hates him.... we know all their drama.... their entire conversation could have been cut from the episode.
6. Lastly... if you plan to betray Jon/Dany and not help fight, but actually invade other parts of Westeros using your army/mercenaries.... I get why you let Dany/Jon leave, so they can go fight the undead for you in this Special person plan.... but then you tell it all to Jamie, threaten to have him killed, then appear to order him to be killed, but then he is not killed, and you allow him to head off to presumably meet up with Jon/Dany.... and when he shows up with no army he will have to explain that Cersei lied/betrayed them.

Alot of this just seems like the writers trying to follow cliff notes/bullet points from Martin

- Tyrion convinces Dany to try to talk to Cersei first
- He goes to the city, Bronn probably helps him meet up with Jamie or something
- Jon and some people go north and capture a wight
- At some point Dany brings her dragons to the wall and the Night King kills one and rez it as his mount
- Jon brings the captured wight to King's Landing to show it to Cersei
- Cersei agrees to the truce (probably lying tho)
- Jon and Dany hookup, maybe on a boat to White Harbor or something
- Oh Sansa and Arya eventually figure out Little Finger and execute/assassinate him, maybe Bran helps, idk

Rather than a finished novel that just needs to be condensed into TV scenes, the writers now need to take vague plot points and figure out how to manufacture the story from the plot points to all the pieces in between and you can see them contriving shit to force it to meet Martin's plot points.

Even if you accept all the above which as you said is kind of dumb, I still don't see what was gained. Wouldn't Dany and Jon simply have waited for Cersei's forces to mobilize and when they didn't show up find out quite quickly that she lied. Surely they can't be stupid enough to go attack without actually seeing Cersei's army on the battlefield. Not to mention, why even let Euron return to the Iron Islands. I would burn his ships with the dragons as soon as he set sail. There is no logical reason to allow him to go freely particularly when killing him and freeing Yara would then get the support of the Iron Islands most likely.

That whole angle makes no fucking sense as it's pretty hard not to notice when a massive army has failed to march North.
