Game of Thrones Thread

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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The only thing that has not yet come to pass (Brann's visions) is the vision of the Dragon flying over KL. And yet The show runners state that the most crucial of Bran’s visions is a dragon’s eye view over King’s Landing. Brann's purpose all along has been stopping the NK. This has been foretold by both Benjen and Jojen.

The theory states that a fraction of the Knight Kings army has broken off, and is approaching KL, which is left utterly defenseless.The Knight King's army has suffered major loss's and needs re-reinforcements. What better place to get them that than a city that hosts 500,000 people (brought up by Jon in season 6) Winter has already hit KL, and Cersei, unlike Sansa is ill prepared for winter.

So KL is easy pickings for the NK. Brann is faced with a decision, if the NK reaches KL, all is lost. he wargs into a dragon, sets KL a blaze, and in doing so (intentionally) sets off the wildfire stored below the city killing every man woman and child in the city, and a good portion of the NK's army in the process.

If killing 1/2 a million people is "not a big deal" then I don't know what is.

This not only fulfills the dragon vision, but the visions had by Dany and Jon of a burned out throne room covered in ice.

Just fan theory stuff. What makes you think Bran can warg into a dragon operated by NK who has easily stopped his warging ways before?

I think the war goes there and ends there. They’ll kill the ice dragon there and Jon will then fight the NK there.

Guess in the end, it depends on how much importance you want to put on bird brain Bran’s tracking and advice given while the real hero does the heavy lifting but the ending has already been revealed in previous seasons. Jon is the real hero and leader, Bran just one of many allies he now has.

Arya will play a role in helping the Hound get to his bro and Jaime get to his sister so maybe she’s more of a hero. Or maybe Jaime more of a hero cause he gets to the mad queen before she can give the order to burn them all. Maybe Hound cause he takes out her freak guard allowing Jaime to get to her. Then Melisandre to return to die and help Jon defeat the NK. Both those things will happen simultaneously so maybe she’s more of a hero.

Point is Bran is just another ally of the real heroes, Jon and Dany, of the whole story.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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It’s a story about fire and ice. Everything else is fluff. Yeah, Jaime will get redemption and it will be his hands, albeit 1 of gold, that chokes Cersei to death just like the frog lady said. And, sure, it’s nice to have a Bran play the role of the internet but really, at this point, he’s nothing but an odd bird, a 3 eyed raven.

It’s all about the Jesus-like character who brings all people together despite their differences and marries the Queen to be and even changes her outlook on things.

jamie isn't going to be the one that kills Cersie.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Just fan theory stuff. What makes you think Bran can warg into a dragon operated by NK who has easily stopped his warging ways before?

I think the war goes there and ends there. They’ll kill the ice dragon there and Jon will then fight the NK there.

Guess in the end, it depends on how much importance you want to put on bird brain Bran’s tracking and advice given while the real hero does the heavy lifting but the ending has already been revealed in previous seasons. Jon is the real hero and leader, Bran just one of many allies he now has.

Arya will play a role in helping the Hound get to his bro and Jaime get to his sister so maybe she’s more of a hero. Or maybe Jaime more of a hero cause he gets to the mad queen before she can give the order to burn them all. Maybe Hound cause he takes out her freak guard allowing Jaime to get to her. Then Melisandre to return to die and help Jon defeat the NK. Both those things will happen simultaneously so maybe she’s more of a hero.

Point is Bran is just another ally of the real heroes, Jon and Dany, of the whole story.

You got so much wrong, your falling for all the red herrings. And the threory never said Bran was going to warg into the dragon controlled by the NK (Viserion). And I am not really quite sure Bran would be the hero in this scenario to begin with.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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You got so much wrong, your falling for all the red herrings. And the threory never said Bran was going to warg into the dragon controlled by the NK (Viserion). And I am not really quite sure Bran would be the hero in this scenario to begin with.
Don't really care what the bird brain wargs into. It's not about him no matter how many fan theories tell you it is. Oh, he'll have a role in helping Jon but so will lots of others like Arya, Tyrion, Jaime, Bronn, Jorah the Explorer, Tormund, Beric, the Hound, and others but it's not centered around any of them or Bran. It's centered around Jon and Dany.

How would you know I got anything wrong when it hasn't even been seen yet? Some spoilers you like to share? Or just fan theories? I've seen some of those silly fan theories but I think the show has clearly already shown how this concludes. Seen all kinds of crazy fan theories about how this war against the dead goes down and none of them make a bit of sense. Some say Bran has to become the new NK. Why? The NK will be soundly defeated, no need for any switcharoo or deal. How about those fan theories that say Bran is the NK? Dopes. Another crazy one I've seen is one that claims Jon has to plunge his sword through Dany to bring forth the Lightbringer. Hardy har har, never happen. But there is some magical person who said she had to return to die. And I do believe honest Jon gave his word that he would kill that person if she did return after her heinous crime of burning a dear sweet innocent child alive. When it comes down to the final showdown between the the one who brings the storm, the dragon slayer Night King and Jon "not Snow" Targaryen, Bran tells Jon he need put his sword through Melisandre to defeat the NK and Jon will do that cause, after all, he did warn her he'd have to kill her.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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At this point just looking forward to this wrapping up as story has gone a bit off the rails for me ever since it started straying from the books. Maybe once done, Martin can actually finish the book.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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At this point just looking forward to this wrapping up as story has gone a bit off the rails for me ever since it started straying from the books. Maybe once done, Martin can actually finish the book.

I kinda doubt he ever will,


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Ban bet, perhaps?

Bet, sure. Ban bet, lmao, not sure how that would work x2. FWIW, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau has not been seen filming on the KL set. Only in the WF/Northern set, meanwhile Massie Willaims has been seen filming on that set. While not seeing him isn't conclusive he won't be in KL in season 8, one thing is for sure, that Arys will be in KL, and Cersei is on her list.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Bet, sure. Ban bet, lmao, not sure how that would work x2. FWIW, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau has not been seen filming on the KL set. Only in the WF/Northern set, meanwhile Massie Willaims has been seen filming on that set. While not seeing him isn't conclusive he won't be in KL in season 8, one thing is for sure, that Arys will be in KL, and Cersei is on her list.

I think he’s sporting a full beard so maybe nobody recognizes him. ?

It will be his hands around her throat and he will kill her for the same reason he killed the Mad King but this time he’ll be viewed as a hero for it. Oh, the irony.


Bills Board Hall of Famer
Aug 21, 2012
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Portland, Oregon
I hope Spartan is right. Bran being the savior would bother me.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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Savior, killing 500,000 innocents?

Yea, that plus burning Kings Landing doesn't defeat the Night's King, it only stops them for greatly increasing their army.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Yea, that plus burning Kings Landing doesn't defeat the Night's King, it only stops them for greatly increasing their army.

Night King is the only one that matters in the army of the dead. As long as he exists he can raise the dead and add to his army as they go along but as I briefly outlined before the heroic Jon will wipe him out with Lightbringer. Bronn will be the one to kill the ice dragon thus setting up the main event between Jon and NK.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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Night King is the only one that matters in the army of the dead. As long as he exists he can raise the dead and add to his army as they go along but as I briefly outlined before the heroic Jon will wipe him out with Lightbringer. Bronn will be the one to kill the ice dragon thus setting up the main event between Jon and NK.

Right, although if Bran were to warg into one of Dany's remaining dragons(or the ice dragon? not sure how that would work?) and burn King's landing along with everyone in it, I don't think the Night King could bring them back.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Right, although if Bran were to warg into one of Dany's remaining dragons(or the ice dragon? not sure how that would work?) and burn King's landing along with everyone in it, I don't think the Night King could bring them back.

I think KL gets partially torched by the ice dragon while NK is riding him but then Bronn kills his dragon and I do believe Jaime Kills Cersei before she can give the order to burn it all down with the wildfire.

If Bran wargs into one of the dragons I think it would just be for scouting purposes to see where it and the others are. I don’t actually see how he can take control of any as Dany and Jon will be in control of 2 and NK the other and unless Bran’s warging powers have increased 100 fold overnight, the NK has already shown he can break Bran out of it in an instant.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Night King is the only one that matters in the army of the dead. As long as he exists he can raise the dead and add to his army as they go along but as I briefly outlined before the heroic Jon will wipe him out with Lightbringer. Bronn will be the one to kill the ice dragon thus setting up the main event between Jon and NK.

Wrong again, NK is not the only one to be able to raise the dead, any of his generals can. This was clearly depicted last season during the wight hunt when they killed one of the others and nearly all the wights with him died except one (the one they ended up capturing and bringing back to KL).

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Wrong again, NK is not the only one to be able to raise the dead, any of his generals can. This was clearly depicted last season during the wight hunt when they killed one of the others and nearly all the wights with him died except one (the one they ended up capturing and bringing back to KL).

Ooh, gotta give you that one, pal. But I do believe they all go down when NK is destroyed, no?
