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NK has never even thrown a pick. 1-2, 200 yards, 1 TD, 0 Int, rating 135.4
Pretty sure Dany's dragon wasn't on his side, so it was kinda an interception if you ask me.
NK has never even thrown a pick. 1-2, 200 yards, 1 TD, 0 Int, rating 135.4
Pretty sure Dany's dragon wasn't on his side, so it was kinda an interception if you ask me.
I’ve seen crazy GOT theories before but recently saw the strangest. I believe they were pawning it off as a “leak” but the way it goes is Dany dies during the war against the dead. Then they have nobody to ride Her dragon so Bran wargs into her dead body and hops on the dragon. I was left wondering is Jon still gonna **** that?
It was on his side after the catch.... I can see the argument for a TD catch.
I’ve seen crazy GOT theories before but recently saw the strangest. I believe they were pawning it off as a “leak” but the way it goes is Dany dies during the war against the dead. Then they have nobody to ride Her dragon so Bran wargs into her dead body and hops on the dragon. I was left wondering is Jon still gonna **** that?
ewwww double shot of incest with a necrophiliac chaser.........
I don't think you can warg a dead person though.
I’ve seen crazy GOT theories before but recently saw the strangest. I believe they were pawning it off as a “leak” but the way it goes is Dany dies during the war against the dead. Then they have nobody to ride Her dragon so Bran wargs into her dead body and hops on the dragon. I was left wondering is Jon still gonna **** that?
Speaking of crazy theories, might as well make up our own, so here is mine........
Remember the Prophecy that said "The dragon must have three heads"? Now that there are only two dragons left, it can't be dragons themselves, or even dragon riders for that matter. My guess is that it means three leaders, which is shaping up to be Dany, Jon, and Jamie.
And as for the Prince that was Promised, the debate centers mainly on is it Dany or is it Jon? Of course there is the other option that it could be the child of the two, but that doesn't really make sense as the PtwP is supposed to be a key player in the battle against the darkness, and I am not sure how an unborn child can fulfill that role (unless it is needed is some sort of sacrifice, which is a bit dark for me to believe).
I find it curios that Mel thinks it is jon (and she was already wrong once) and another red priestess, Kinara, thinks it is Dany. I allow for the possibility one could be right and the other wrong, but find it more likely that they are both wrong. So, if we follow that logic, and eliminate both Dany, Jon, and an unborne child, who does that leave?
Has the answer always been a literal interpretation, and the prince that was promised, (gasp) actually a prince?
If the dragon must have three heads, then it would be three Tagaryans. So: Dani, Jon, and Tyrion who I believe has long been rumored to actually be one.
As for the Prince who was Promised:
I think it's Davos.
If the dragon must have three heads, then it would be three Tagaryans. So: Dani, Jon, and Tyrion who I believe has long been rumored to actually be one.
no hotpie
Gendry or Jamie. Jamie flashback scene in the trailer is telling " I promised to fight for the living, I intend to keep that promise"......where is Remy at anyways, I recall a long debate over as to whether or not Jamie was on a redemption arc (in which Remy said he was not).
I don't recall too much discussion around it, other than speculation Cersei will do a repeat of the Mad King stockpiling Wildfire and demanding King's Landing be blown up, so pardon me if I missed it.
Do we think Wildfire will play a role in the battles to come.... seems like a perfect weapon to use on White Walkers, especially since they are somewhat mindless hordes.
Widfire moat... Wildfire arrows.... Wildfire traps around the gates.... Wildfire coated weapons?
Be careful what you ask for we don’t need this thread closed