Game of Thrones Thread


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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I think you have to get over the fact Arya killed death

Little people often do extraordinary things in movies/shows. Hobbits defeating all odds to save middle earth is a great example of it

But the lighting absolutely was shit. If they wanted to create the effect that’s fine do it when the Dothraki are eliminated then go to a normal setting for the audience
There is a little bit of Truth to the producer claiming the black issues were the fault of the viewers sets. I would guess that the majority of viewers have LED Tv's, and LED Tv's are notoriously bad at black levels. Without getting into the nuts and bolts of it I can say I watched the episode again on my plasma tv, and it was markedly better (although still dark).


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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1. When people use the term trace as in trace elements they are talking about something that is present in minute amounts. For example our bodies have trace minerals which are usually less than 1% of our bodies make-up. No one aside from you apparently uses the term trace to mean something that is present 12.5% or higher. My grandparents are not just a trace part of me. Like seriously dude, that is absurd.

2. No one said the Rebellion was fought due to lineage. I said the Maesters used the fact Robert was a Targ to justify it after the fact.

3. I didn't present a rumor as a fact. I stated what I believe is true which is that Orys was a Targ. You have no proof to disprove that statement and I have no proof to prove it so we are both free to believe what we want on the matter. I think it is obvious that the intent was for the story to be believed as no real reason for Martin to have that as a rumor about long dead characters if it were not meant to be considered true. As I recall the whole war of conquest started because of the fact that Orys was a bastard and the King of the Stormlands felt insulted when he offered his daughter to Aegon and Aegon responded by offering Orys instead as a suitable husband. The Stormland king cut off the messenger's hand presumably as an insult to Orys who was Hand of the King (that or Aegon named him Hand as a result of this insult) and Aegon responded by saying their is only one King of the Seven Kingdoms and all others must submit to him in which case they keep their land and titles or be conquered. The Stormland King refused and Orys was sent to defeat him which he did in single combat and claimed the daughter as his wife. So it is clear that people believed Orys to be a bastard Targ. It is not like this world has DNA tests.

4. Yes Jon does and he bent the knee so not sure your point.

5. You seem confused about the point about Joffery. I was not arguing from the perspective of the characters. I was arguing from the perspective of myself the viewer. The debate was betwen Bears 804 and I and how we felt about Dany's rule. He thought she was being harsh in asking for people to bend the knee and I was saying she was simply asking them to do what they had been doing for the past 300 years because the North was a part of the Kingdom of her family. It was never about the characters feelings but rather my thoughts on Dany's claim over the North. So the point about Joffery was not about what the characters know but what I know which is that he is a Lannister not a Baratheon.

6. Again the point about deserves was because Bears 804 was suggesting they deserved freedom. You and I both agree they don't.

7. Finally again you are confused. I never claimed the North feels the Targ's have a right by blood to the crown. I claimed that in my opinion the Targs do.
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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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All nations generally fight to maintain control over their lands so not sure your point. Whether that fight is considered good or not depends on how the nation conducts its business and nothing from Dany thus far suggests she is an evil ruler. Her offer to Jon was not total domination. It was for them to carry on as they had been doing for several hundred years now.

She would not be taking the North. Jon would be in rebellion since the North pledged allegiance to the Targs.

By the laws of Westeroos, the North is a part of the Kingdoms she rules. Jon's way out is to assert his right to rule as the heir to the Targ dynasty. Then as head of the 7 Kingdoms he can give the North independence.

Here were the comments that spurred the debate. Not sure where you get that I am arguing from the perspective of the characters. I am arguing from my perspective as a reader of the books and viewer of the TV show. At no point did I say these are the thoughts of the North.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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There is a little bit of Truth to the producer claiming the black issues were the fault of the viewers sets. I would guess that the majority of viewers have LED Tv's, and LED Tv's are notoriously bad at black levels. Without getting into the nuts and bolts of it I can say I watched the episode again on my plasma tv, and it was markedly better (although still dark).

Still pretty dumb. Plenty of shows have dark settings and it shows fine. You would think a big production like this would make sure they are using camera and lighting suitable for THE VAST MAJORITY OF TVS IN THE WORLD.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Yeah the first scene is from the Tarleys ie the people that just tried to kill her and lost so not sure the issue with that is.

As for Jon, he was not forced to bend the knee. Dany came to save their asses and Tormund is the one that convinced Jon to bend the knee because Dany had saved them losing one of her prized dragons in the process. Tormund brought up Mance Raydar and said his refusal to do so cost many their lives and that was what convinced Jon not any threat of death.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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1. When people use the term trace as in trace elements they are talking about something that is present in minute amounts. For example our bodies have trace minerals which are usually less than 1% of our bodies make-up. No one aside from you apparently uses the term trace to mean something that is present 12.5% or higher.

2. No one said the Rebellion was fought due to lineage. I said the Maesters used the fact Robert was a Targ to justify it after the fact.

3. I didn't present a rumor as a fact. I stated what I believe is true which is that Orys was a Targ. You have no proof to disprove that statement and I have no proof to prove it so we are both free to believe what we want on the matter. I think it is obvious that the intent was for the story to be believed as no real reason for Martin to have that as a rumor about long dead characters if it were not meant to be considered true. As I recall the whole war of conquest started because over the fact that Orys was a bastard and the King of the Stormlands felt insulted when he offered his daughter to Aegon and Aegon responded by offering Orys instead as a suitable husband.

4. Yes Jon does and he bent the knee so not sure your point.

5. You seem confused about the point about Joffery. I was not arguing from the perspective of the characters. I was arguing from the perspective of the myself the viewer. The debate was betwen Bears 804 and I and how we felt about Dany's rule. He thought she was being harsh in asking for people to bend the knee and I was saying she was simply asking them to do what they had been doing for the past 300 years because by right the North was a part of the Kingdom of her family. It was never about the characters feelings but rather my thoughts on Dany's claim over the North. So the point about Joffery was not about what the characters know but what I know which is that he is a Lannister not a Baratheon.

6. Again the point about deserves was because Bears 804 was suggesting they deserved freedom. You and I both agree they don't.

7. Finally again you are confused. I never claimed the North feels the Targ's have a right by blood to the crown. I claimed that in my opinion the Targs do not in the opinion of the North.

1) Leave it to you to try to turn an argument into a literal interpretation of a word. Context is everything, and in the context it was used, trace fit the bill just fine. I was not aware this was a conversation about the molecular makeup of minerals. Good Lord. I will get my crayons and dray you a picture. Robert's amount of "targ" blood is irrelevant. An irrelevant amount is synonymous with a trace amount. End of argument. Sorry you couldn't keep up.

2) ok, what ever. what Maesters specifically? how many?

3) yes, you did. go back and re-read what you said. try harder. This is a thread based on the show. This was a non issue in the show universe. End of debate.

4) ??

5) I see absolutely no reason to argue from the perspective of the viewer pertaining to how the show should be written. I mean, WTF? I cannot expect characters to act as I would have them act unless they are armed with the knowledge I have. What a stupid argument.

6) Yes we agree on this point. I think the correct term would be that parts of the North wants to be autonomous. As to whether or not that would be beneficial to the North in the long run is a matter worthy of it's own discussion. let's just say Sansa should be careful what she asks for.

7) fine, we will just leave it at that. I wonder if there feelings will change, now that Jon has been exposed as a Targ?


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Still pretty dumb. Plenty of shows have dark settings and it shows fine. You would think a big production like this would make sure they are using camera and lighting suitable for THE VAST MAJORITY OF TVS IN THE WORLD.
What part of little bit didn't you understand? Or should I have said trace? One can never be to careful.............


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Yeah the first scene is from the Tarleys ie the people that just tried to kill her and lost so not sure the issue with that is.

As for Jon, he was not forced to bend the knee. Dany came to save their asses and Tormund is the one that convinced Jon to bend the knee because Dany had saved them losing one of her prized dragons in the process. Tormund brought up Mance Raydar and said his refusal to do so cost many their lives and that was what convinced Jon not any threat of death.

Tormunds and Jons conversation came before Dany had come to wight hunts aid.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I think I’m more pissed I was wrong and missed the foreshadowing of her being the goat lol

This right here is how my brother reacted to the episode absolutely hated the episode. Epic rant lol

Wow this vid points out so much I missed. So much wrong with this episode.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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1. I said Baratheon is a Targ and you made a comment about it being trace. Trace does not fit the bill just fine. Having a Grandparent as a Targ is not trace. Robert was literally one of the top 10 people in Westeroos in line for the throne. We can just agree to disagree on the question of Trace. The point is Robert was clearly one of the few people in Westeroos with a legit claim to the throne.

2. The thing about the Maesters is in damn near all the wikis you can find on the subject. Not going to go digging through the books to find it. Obviously he won it through conquest and in his view because he killed Rhaegar personally but the point is he was judged to have a legit claim to the throne rather due to his Targ blood as well for those that cared about that stuff.

3. No I didn't. I stated my belief. You pointed out that it was just a rumor and I said yes it was and I believe it. I did not realize you would try and argue something that seems pretty fucking obvious so had no need to be that precise. And never said it was an issue on the show. I pointed it out as part of my reasons for saying Robert is a Targ. If I have a belief that Robert is a Targ, it is fair game for me to bring up why I think that even if the show doesn't focus on it as it is a basis for my belief not the characters in the show.

4. I am saying not sure why you keep bringing up Jon when I was discussing my reasons for believing Dany has a claim to the North not Jon or the North's reasons.

5. What are you talking about? Again two viewers were having a debate about how we view a character's rule. That has nothing to do with the characters of the show or how the show should be written. It was a debate about our subjective opinions on Dany rules. Bears was arguing she was trying to take/conquer the North and I was arguing the North was essentially in Rebellion since it was a part of the 7 Kingdoms for the past 300 years.

6. Fair enough

7. Perhaps. Once they find out it was not the case of a Targ kidnapping and raping one of their own, you would hope the North gains some sense and accepts him but who knows.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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What part of little bit didn't you understand? Or should I have said trace? One can never be to careful.............

That was not really directed at you but more me ranting at the stupidity of the showrunners.

Tormunds and Jons conversation came before Dany had come to wight hunts aid.

Ah fair enough.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Yeah the first scene is from the Tarleys ie the people that just tried to kill her and lost so not sure the issue with that is.

As for Jon, he was not forced to bend the knee. Dany came to save their asses and Tormund is the one that convinced Jon to bend the knee because Dany had saved them losing one of her prized dragons in the process. Tormund brought up Mance Raydar and said his refusal to do so cost many their lives and that was what convinced Jon not any threat of death.
Meant more for comic relief but inaccurate nonetheless. Dany was the first one a sick/injured Jon spoke to after she saved them. It was that point, when the sexual tension between them had reached a high, that he pledged his allegiance to her.


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
I think I’m more pissed I was wrong and missed the foreshadowing of her being the goat lol

This right here is how my brother reacted to the episode absolutely hated the episode. Epic rant lol

Annoying because my wife #calledit on the GOAT and is still crowing.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Meant more for comic relief but inaccurate nonetheless. Dany was the first one a sick/injured Jon spoke to after she saved them. It was that point, when the sexual tension between them had reached a high, that he pledged his allegiance to her.

I know when he bent the knee. Point was she didnt force him to. He made that decision on his own.

The only people she really forced were the people that just tried to kill her.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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My brother is so jaded by the last episode. When he saw the link I just posted his exact words “The white walker shit isn’t as tight when you know walder Frey was a tougher foe”


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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I feel like people forget the show is called “Game of Thrones”.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I feel like people forget the show is called “Game of Thrones”.

No I think the showrunners did. They created a character that never appeared in modern times in the books and then apparently were like, "Holy shit, we need to get back to the Game of Thrones and then proceeded to kill him off in a poorly lit episode with more craters (holes would be too generous) in it than the moon.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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No I think the showrunners did. They created a character that never appeared in modern times in the books and then apparently were like, "Holy shit, we need to get back to the Game of Thrones and then proceeded to kill him off in a poorly lit episode with more craters (holes would be too generous) in it than the moon.
They should do a crossover show with “The Walking Dead”.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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They should do a crossover show with “The Walking Dead”.

Maybe that is where all the undead went in all those scenes were they had swarmed the characters with plot armor only for those characters to survive. Melisandre opened up a portal to the future and sent them all to the set of Walking Dead.
