Finally got to spend most of the weekend in the yard. We’re not growing anything edible, except the hollyhock that sprang up, but I had a lot to do nevertheless. Finally got my sprinklers replaced and fine tuned so our yard won’t be a crispy mess. Planted some marigolds in pots around the patio to hopefully keep some whorebag mosquitoes away. Put a columbine and a foxglove in the ground next to the roses to attract some pollinators.
The biggest accomplishment though was getting the compost turned. Three years ago we built a huge compost bin and I haven’t been very good about turning and watering it. I’ve added a decent amount of green and brown vegetation during the seasons but have only really worked it over a few times. But today I got it turned, moistened, & layered pretty good so this winter and next spring I’ll have a huge load of awesome compost to start our veggies again.
Which brings me to a few questions I have about my lawn. This fall/winter I need to overseed our lawn to finally get it green and healthy, the last two seasons we’ve had something dumb happen to our sprinklers and it’s gotten so brown that we’ve always been playing catch-up. My initial thoughts are to put down a layer of revive(recommended by a neighbor, not entirely set on it though), a layer of my awesome compost, & a fuckload of grass seed. My questions are:
1) Does that look like a good plan for the over-seeding? Any advice is most welcome
2) Any specific grass seed recommendations? I need a grass that grows well in a large range of conditions. I have spots that see mostly shade the whole day, spots that get absolutely barbecued by the sun all day, & all conditions in between. I haven’t checked my soil ph but most of the yard grows well when watered adequately and I have a large section under a huge pine tree that I’m sure is pretty acidic. So I need a grass seed that does everything well...
Any thoughts and/or advices are welcome. Happy gardening everyone
Edit: My yard is starting to get wild just like I want. I had to stay home with my son today, he’s not feeling well. I was checking on everything while we were running around. I found a few snakes and a baby praying mantis hanging around different areas of the yard. Just need to get some more wildflowers to really get some traffic