That sure doesn't sound like a guy who wants to leave. It sounds like a guy who understands that this is a business and he's fully aware that if the Cubs think he's more valuable to them as a trade asset, that they'll decide to go that route.
We gotta play it one game at a time.
I'm just happy to be here. Hope I can help the ball club.
I just want to give it my best shot and the good Lord willing, things will work out.
It sure would have been easier if I could have just shared a link to the scene in Bull Durham.
Of course he knows it is a business. Which is exactly why he said he would love to stay with the Cubs, cause the best deal he can get is for the Cubs to overpay for him to stay on a completely shitty team cause that is the only way he stays a part of the train wreck.
There is zero chance that the mid level prospects they get back in exchange for him will provide near the value that retain Garza would.
But it sure will give you Prospect Worshippers some extreme spank material.
And the "Shark is getting traded" talk is nonsense. The guy is going into his first year of arbitration and the Cubs have shown zero interest in dealing him.
And he will also be 29 years old next year and has shown zero interest in staying with the Cubs long term with the current plan they are implementing.
According to most of you he will be on the downside of his career once he reaches 30.
He will be a free agent after his 30 year old season.
You and many other will wet themselves if the Cubs signed a guy going into his 31 year old season if they signed Shark to a 4-5 year extension which he will probably get if he continues to pitch like he has he last two years once he reaches free agency.
The sooner they trade him the better because they will get the most value back for him.
Because as most of you whine about in regards to Free Agents, Shark will be too old once this team is actually ready to compete.
Trading Shark sooner then later is exactly the plan you guys fall over yourselves praising.