I love how all of the Pippen "haters" and the on-Pippen's-balls people are pretty much in agreement with each other.
This is a back and forth Special person argument. Houheffna, Nich, and I will say something and the rebuttal from 97Bulls, Scottiepippen1994, and DDF never contradicts anything that has been said.
It's basically just 'bu-bu-but Pippen was a great player. How DARE you say that he wasn't God! You're not a Bulls' fan!'
1. Don't put my name in with them, I point out contradictions and quote them. If your going to do the same atleast try to back it up next time.
2. When have I ever said he was God? I have hardly ever even mentioned Pippen on this site.
After 30+ pages of you just completely bashing Pippen I finally post something and now I'm on the Pippen-balls?
That's the difference between you and me. I understand likeing one player on a team doesn't mean I have to hate the other player of equal or greater value.
You, like everyone else in the world thinks Jordan was the best player on the Bulls. The only difference is everyone else can think that and also like Pippen while you seem to think because Jordan was the greatest you must dedicate your entire existence on this site to bashing Pippen to no end.
That is the true definition of a Hater.
If you don't think he was a franchise player then that is your opinion and me having the opposite doesn't make me a Pippen lover.
Unfortunately, you and Houh hate without reason.
I, on the otherhand just think Pippen is a franchise player but don't feel the need to endlessly post on how amazing he is unlike the way you endlessly bash him.
You would have known I rarely have ever mentioned Pippen and haven't bashed another member for criticizing him until now if you had bothered to read my post history.
So I suggest you do some research next time you open your mouth.