Still crying.
This hurts a lot.
Well...STOP IT....did you read the instructions? The video was meant to make others
smile and/or cringe...not cry.
There's enough of that to go around.
Tom's hospitality to me that day was never forgotten.
(He already knew most, if not all, of you; he'd never met me, except on the boards. Yet he extended an invitation to me to visit his home, and again---not a big deal to those of you who'd been there before---but it was to me. And he and his family were gracious and treated me like I belonged there. The whole day meant a lot to me, and still ranks among my favorite memories.)
He was funny, and a class act, and I am so very sorry that I will never get the chance to talk with him again.
He touched people he barely even knew.
Not many people will ever get to claim that.
(And I'm not going to even ask about Jako's uses for ketchup.)