Have the last few weeks vindicated Pace?


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Nov 13, 2013
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It means you're lucky to be in a trash conference.
I know right people act like we're in a power conference ?. the fukin lions are bottom tier home owners and at best Minn is more of a occasion spoiler game. If we're lucky we spend our season looking at the Packs back smfh delusional fanbase. Root for them good or bad yes but to act like just bad luck nah we have a systematic illness.


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Nov 13, 2013
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I know right people act like we're in a power conference ?. the fukin lions are bottom tier home owners and at best Minn is more of a occasion spoiler game. If we're lucky we spend our season looking at the Packs back smfh delusional fanbase. Root for them good or bad yes but to act like just bad luck nah we have a systematic illness.
we have wins over Detroit, Minnesota, jets, jags, a pre Brady play calling Tampa, Texans, hawks and are breaking our arm trying to pat ourselves on back. Even thinking we have a shot at a playoff win bcuz eh anything can happen. A Cinderella story even perhaps.


My threads are FTO !
Sep 18, 2012
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As much as I have defended Pace, I don't give him a pass on Nagy.

You have time to evaluate a head coach before you hire him. You can talk schemes, personnel, evaluation, etc.

Nagy's only plan to outsmart the league was to acquire a flex TE. Pace should have seen through that. Pace either has to fire Nagy or give Lazor some assistant head coach off-season raise. Lazor is clearly the superior mind.


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Nov 4, 2014
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Central Indiana
I legitimately don't know how anyone can possibly see the points being put on the board and actually come to the conclusion that nothing has changed. You have to be braneded to arrive at that conclusion. Its beyond obvious Nagy was the problem the entire time.

Agreed. I’d argue Nagy has been Pace’s biggest mistake. Nagy’s system doesn’t fit Pace’s players. We are seeing that play out this year.


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Apr 24, 2013
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Well, they have vindicated his pick of Leonard Floyd. But not of releasing him.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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This team has the offensive talent to beat bad teams.

That does not vindicate Pace. That shows how bad some of his moves have been.

The next real defense we play will slap this offense around.


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Nov 4, 2014
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Central Indiana
George McCaskey needs to judge Ryan Pace and Matt Nagy on this last Packers game. If the Bears get beat or even stomped by the Packers it should be a total house cleaning. Beating the Packers should be the first goal for any Bears regime. Lovie understood this when he was hired.


Aug 21, 2012
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Nagy should not be an offensive play caller.....

There is enough talent on the team to make the playoffs, Nagy doesn't know how to get the most of it, consistently.


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May 27, 2020
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I love how it's like, "Pace's biggest fails are Mitch and Nagy," and it's wiped away because he drafted Mooney or some shit, like HC and QB aren't the two most important decisions that can change the direction of a franchise.

That's kind of oversimplifying it and whitewashing it.

You are correct in that he blew the two biggest decisions and normally that is the cause to fire a GM.

But usually what goes along with that, are losing records, talent that doesn't match up, and overall bad drafting. They usually go hand in hand.

That is what makes the Ryan Pace a situation a bit of a unicorn - he has drafted a solid young core on both sides of the ball and even with some of the free agent signings that got blasted at the time have paid off. Not all of them, but even the signings we feel may be suspect end up either being one year deals designed to get the team through a year until they can get to the next draft, or end up working out as others have noted. Not everything and not perfect, but better than people want to give him credit for.

Not to mention if you start going over his drafts, he appears to be getting better and better at it.

That is the reason why people end up struggling on the pace thing or you have a factions going one way or the other. Because Ryan Pace is unique among general managers in that he makes an equally compelling case both for and against him.

It isn't as cut and dry as some people want to make it.


Bald, fat, toothless
Mar 29, 2012
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This forum is going to have a conundrum if the Bears manage to beat GB Sunday.

Bears Backer 54

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Nov 5, 2012
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Pace evaluation starts and stops with the series of errors in evaluation he has made at QB. He traded up to draft Mitch. He paid Mike Glennon to be the mentor and starter in Mitch's rookie season. He doubled down on his QB pick by trading away draft capital to get Mack. He brought in Foles to ensure there would be a competitive, competent QB regardless of who they played in 2020. Yes, some of his moves have managed to show some solution (might be by luck more than anything) these past couple weeks like our patchwork Oline finally making some holes for a run game, Santos solidifying fan and team confidence in the kicker position with his hot streak, Lazor finally helping run a scheme that seems to compliment Mitch, etc. but I don't think there is anything I've seen that tells me to roll with Pace and let him try another shot at choosing the QB of our future given his track record at that most important position.


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Oct 15, 2019
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wow, I stopped half way! You have so much WRONG info. posted
So the Glennon and Parky signings were good in your opinion?
You like payin' Quinn a shit load?
Do you draft MT over Mahomes and Watson.......this alone is a fileable offense!
Is Foles the QB of the future? He's paid like it.


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Nagy was the largest mistake. Arguably, the Bears would have been in the playoffs the last 3 straight years if they would have hired a better head coach.. and nobody would be calling for Pace's head.

I think many of the people that want to fire Pace just haven't been Bears fans long enough. They weren't around for the 5th round picks that nobody remembers (Bobby Wade, Bobby Gray, Claude Harriot, Kellen Davis.. just to name a few). They have no idea of just how low the rate of success goes once you get past the 2nd round.

Adrian Amos, Jordan Howard, Bilal Nichols, Darnell Mooney. They have no idea the types of gems these players are, and how many of the guys picked around them in the 5th round are out of the league.

There aren't many GMs in the league having any success that late in the draft. Nowhere near what Ryan Pace has.

The young fans just don't know what they have and how irreplaceable it is to have a GM that can find talent late. They don't understand that even it if takes him 2 or 3 draft picks at a QB, or 3 chances at a HC, he gives the Bears a better chance than most GMs because he finds talent where most GMs cannot and the cupboard will never become bare if you continually evaluate draft talent better than other organizations.
I'm old enough to remember Ed O'Bradovich runnin' Frank Gifford over the rolled up tarp at Wrigley field in the NFL Champ game back in '63' yet still cognitive enough to realize drafting MT over both Mahomes and Watson is an egregious error.


Dongbears is THE worst
Nov 29, 2014
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Pace either has to fire Nagy or give Lazor some assistant head coach off-season raise. Lazor is clearly the superior mind.
They will both be back; I think a scenario like this could play out:

Teddy retires/steps down/fired who cares
A football "czar" is hired to be president
Pace/Nagy are brought back for a final year evaluation + Mitch 3 year extension
Pagano is fired
Team president makes decisions based off 2021 Pace/Nagy future(s)

EDIT: this would mean I highly doubt they take a QB this year, at least with 17-20. JMO


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Oct 15, 2019
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Agree, this is why I'm saying if they fire Pace there is a good shot the next GM is worse. I thought the offensive talent was just bad, up until they switched to Lazor. It's clear as day that Nagy has no idea how to use personnel nor call plays. He wasn't putting anyone in a position to succeed and the offensive talent is better than we thought. Pace has areas he needs to improve, but I think he is learning and keeps getting better. He overthought the Trubisky draft pick and he missed on Nagy, but I would prefer to keep him at this point and move on from Nagy. If he gets the next coach right, he is setting this team up for consistent success. I still don't know what to do about QB, but he has to keep taking shots at it.
I'm not saying Pace is terrible or sould be fired,I'm just not sure another 8 and 8 season after another loss to GB is vindication and yes.......Ted Phillips IS capable of finding a worse GM than Pace.


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Oct 15, 2019
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The deal for Glennon was not ridiculous.....it was structured such that he could be cut with minimal cap impact...just like Foles can be let go after next year with minimal impact.....Bears are always in good shape salary cap wise and they will be fine this off season too once they restructure a couple contracts and extend Fuller to reduce his cap impact next year ....
Glennon received the entire 16M his only year here but you're right,his buy-out was reasonable but his play is that of a 3rd string QB as we saw again last sunday and that's all he's ever been and Foles lost his job in Jacksonville to a guy named Minschew II. Neither guy is very good at QB and Rivers signed a one year with Indy for not much more than Foles got......who's the better QB?


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Nov 28, 2012
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I'm not saying Pace is terrible or sould be fired,I'm just not sure another 8 and 8 season after another loss to GB is vindication and yes.......Ted Phillips IS capable of finding a worse GM than Pace.

I get it. I think the strikes against Pace are big enough to justify firing him. Particularly at QB - where I don't have faith in him being the one to solve the problem, and that alone is reason to move on, but there's no proven formula for success there or GM/Coach guru I think out there to solve the problem.

Nagy isn't working out, but the hire was sound and he's not a total disaster as a head coach. just clueless offensively. Let's remember that he was supposedly Indy's top choice and would've have gotten a job elsewhere. It wasn't some off the wall Trestman type thing, Pace actually landed the hottest name on the market. I would be fine with him picking another coach. I think if he aligns better with the next coach they could really have success together.
