Perhaps, but the summary of the 1st link to the large, randomized, national, peer reviewed, scientific, controlled study says it all.
"Tattooing is a common behavior among adolescents and has strong associations with early sexual intercourse, substance use, interpersonal violence, and school failure. These risk behaviors account for the majority of the morbidity and mortality seen in adolescents. Tattooing may serve as a permanent, easily detectable, visual marker for an adolescent who is at risk for involvement in premature sexual intercourse, substance use, violence, and school problems. Therefore, observation of a tattoo during physical examination of an adolescent should prompt a more intensive assessment for high-risk behaviors and subsequent counseling during clinical office visits."
A tattoo may indicate other associated risky behaviors in teens. Not based on color, ethnicity, religion criminal background, gang affiliation ect.... only the presence of a tattoo.
I'm sure I could run a NLM/PubMed search and come up with studies in adults too, but I think I've made my point.
Edit: Bolded the part of the summary I really think drives the point home.