Hoge: firing Matt Nagy would be a mistake


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Aug 23, 2012
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If we fire nagy, he for sure will get the OC job at KC again and be a HC somewhere in 2-3 years from now. Probably end up being a good coach for someone else.

Just how being a bears fan goes.


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Nov 16, 2018
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Yea, pretty much, but there are plenty of good coaches who are mostly motivators.

It's hard to control 53 ego's, well, even more than that. Nagy has done that spectacularly for the most part. If this were the Trestman bears people would be fighting each other in that locker room after losing 6 in a row.

Not saying nagy is a good coach, because he isn't, but at least he's realized the error in his ways. It just might be too late.

A lot of people in the media feel like nagy will be fantastic the second coaching gig he gets, because he'll learn from the mistakes he made here.
Media flip flops and says all sorts of things. Imo Nagy is a hypeman - nothing more. He has never flashed any coaching ability from a strategic or tactical standpoint. And has failed miserably in developing the all important QB position. Fools gold.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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I say keep Nagy but lose the visor. Players like him, he kept the team from imploding during a pandemic/losing streak, he made the necessary changes to get the most out of dub Mitch. He's okay.
That's when we find out that he can grow a full mane but just prefers the penis look.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2016
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I get what Hoge is saying. If Nagy is finally starting to figure things out, you want him to do that with your organization and not a rival organization. And I am sure there is the same thought for Pace.

My single biggest concern with staying status que is do you really trust Pace and Nagy to evaluate the qb position? If you have doubts on that, then you need to move on. It's the most important position in the sport and they have yet to get it right in the modern era. IMO, Pace has not demonstrated that he knows how to truly evaluate the position and that is what worries me. And my understanding is that Nagy pushed hard for Foles - which means he is also not good at evaluating the position. The only out you can maybe give him is if he talked to Doug Pederson about it and bought into what Doug saw from Foles in Philly and just put too much weight into that.

The other concern with Nagy and his coaching staff is I am not convinced they are good at evaluating the offensive line talent either. They more or less lucked into the current line-up thru injuries forcing decisions into what appears to be finally working. And that is after looking at what they had in the offseason and deciding to make no changes.

So if you keep Pace, I see him making crazy moves to try and fix the offense/qb position - and I just don't think they are the moves you should afford to make as an organization to have any sort of sustained success (assuming you can start having any success). He will likely trade half the picks for the next 2-3 years to move up all over the place. And if you change the GM, then you need the new guy to start fresh and with all new coaches. It's rare that you see anyone really make it work when a GM comes in and is forced to work with the existing coach. Inevitably that crap falls apart in a year or two when they are on different timelines to show results.


Huevos Rancheros
Mar 11, 2015
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God Watching Nagy play call was brutal, now that he is sharing that responsibility I think that he and the team can grow together.

The question I keep coming back to is do we end up with Mitchell for another year?


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Aug 21, 2012
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Amazing how beating two shitty teams totally flips the narrative. Lose this weekend and the fire Nagy narrative reaches full throttle again.

this board were always reactionary emo cunts like that. reason? fuck reason, right?


Get rich, or try dying
Aug 21, 2012
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Charlotte, NC
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When ownership has to look at the head coach at the end of his 2nd dismal season out of 3, where the offense completely sucked, even though we brought him in to make the offense stop sucking and go, "Should we fire him? Ehhhhhh..."


Is there anyone in the world that honestly believes that when Nagy said, "We better wake our tails up" that his players all went, "You know what? He's right. My tail DOES need to be awoken!"

I don't know if anyone knows this, but I hate him.
Dec 21, 2020
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They need to move on from Pagano as the DC. That's for sure. I think Nagy needs to come back and Lazor needs to return as the OC. They've really figured something out on that side of the football and are playing well offensively.

The defense is where my problem lies right now. Trevathan started the year out terrible. He's played better of late but early in the season he was bad. Jackson and Fuller have not been difference makers at all this year. Mack has 24 tackles in 14 games and only has 8 sacks on the season. That's not impactful enough for a guy making his kind of bank. That's 4 guys who have been mediocre at best and should be impact players on a dominant defense.

If the Broncos cut ties with Vic Fangio then the Bears need to bring him back as the team's DC.


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Sep 17, 2013
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What in the actual fuck is Nagy starting to figure out? Someone please enlighten me.

He’s learned to remove himself from decision making? He’s learned to stop going with his gut on personnel? He’s learned to let the players run the offense? He’s learned to let the OC call plays?



CCS Donator
Aug 29, 2012
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Fort Myers, FL
I don't hate Nagy, but he's shown far too many critical flaws. Mostly 2 big ones:

1) Unwillingness to change & adapt.
* His record after bye weeks is winless.
*Third quarter scoring after supposed halftime adjustments is historically shitty.
*He allowed Pace to NOT bring in OL help this prior offseason - stubbornly assuming shaving off all his offensive assistants would fix the problems with run game & O overall (it failed MASSIVELY).
*He REFUSED to give up his play calling until his seat was on fire after 6 losses in a row.
** Only then did the shift away from 90% shotgun happen.
** Only then was Sam Musty allowed to play...and play he has!!! Even shitty Leno has gotten his ass in line recently!!!
** Only when Patterson got hurt last week did D. Monty get > 30 carries and into a real RB groove.
** Only then did Kmet see more action and scrub TEs get pulled (although that endzone INT still reeked of Nagy having

2) No accountability.
- Admits players asked him to review film and call out shitty play in front of the whole team. I've still yet to hear IF he ended up actually doing this??
- Admits in pressers after losses that he doesn't know what happened or what the next move will be. He's not playing coy. Dude is legit lost.
- Flat out REFUSES to call out his players and ignorantly says "I will never question the effort of my guys. Never"; despite many many games of OBVIOUS SHITTY SHIT SHIT effort by many, including his "star" players. We've seen them give up on routes & downfield blocking. This alone is opposite of what a head coach's primary job is.

Other than that, he's looking better. ?‍♂️ MIN is a top 12 defense by several measures. Can't say they just beat up chump-ass garbage teams. There is obvious improvement across the board offensively. The above issues are critically important and I don't have faith he overcomes them.


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2013
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For the life if me I don’t understand why anyone would want to keep Nagy at this point even if they win out. What does he contribute to this team? His offense failed, he has little to no input when it comes to defense and ST and he makes poor game time and personnel decisions. He is the worst and by far the most useless HC in the league at this point. No reason to bring him back.

Not losing the team is the literal bare minimum for a head coach. I mean it’s not like the amount of effort a player gives and the talent he displays as V a result if said effort won’t have an effect on his ability to continue making millions of dollars playing a game. Imagine trying to credit a coach for the team not quitting on him during a losing streak that said coach is mainly responsible for? How about a coach who’s head isn’t so far up his own stubborn ass that he makes the changes needed to prevent said losing streak in the first place?

worst coach in the league? No one and I mean NO ONE compares to Adam Gase. But there are others much worse than Nagy too. Like the few already fired. Mike McCarthy, Adam Gase, Anthony Lynn, Doug Marrone, probably even Mike Zimmer. Point is there are MUCH worse than what we have and not sure any off season candidates could hold this group together better.


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Nov 18, 2010
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We need a head coach that can improve players and replace subordinates with adequate replacements.
If Nagy's most prominent attribute is keeping the team 'together', hire a motivational speaker.
The responsibilities of a successful HC, INCLUDE motivation. It's the MINIMUM requirement, NOT the main requirement.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Merry Christmas!

Fuck Nagy!

Only way I keep him if I were Virginia is if we win out and then win a playoff game


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Nov 28, 2014
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The McCaskeys are going to be reluctant to fire anyone. They, like us, are tired of the revolving door of coaches/GMs at Halas Hall. They want stability and continuity and if they, in any way, can justify keeping them both, they will.
