You are a classless piece of shit, full stop.
We all get Reinsdorf is a shit owner. Yes, we know egos got involved and Krause let the power get to his head. We know things ended messy, and we know for a LONG time, no good free agents would come to Chicago because Jordan and Pippen poisoned the waters.
But like it or not, Krause was as much a part of building 2 dynasties (or one mega dynasty depending how you look at it) as anyone else, and for any argument that anyone could have done it, Jordan didn't win titles in the 80s - it took a GM to put the right pieces around him.
His widow didn't deserve to hear that at the UC and he deserves his due for what was one of the few times it felt great to be a Chicago sports fans, despite his flaws.
Do better, you sacks of shit.