If we lose out...


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Des Plaines, IL
Looking at the thread title and the number of pages, it's nice to see a a fanbase everyone is pulling in the same direction.

Disclaimer: I am well aware that probably half the pages are not everyone rooting for the team to lose out, but it's always amusing to see a thread like this hit the giddy heights of 20 odd pages.

i have to admit, I hesitated to even make this thread from the beginning, but did because I had nothing else to do between classes. As a lurker who hasn't done much on these forums, I'm a little shocked to see 20 pages and 8 plus thousand views.


"Repeating something already stated in your signature just makes you a douche bag" - e.e. cummings

Here is a case of writing something using the green font that would have helped.

Last edited:


i have to admit, I hesitated to even make this thread from the beginning, but did because I had nothing else to do between classes. As a lurker who hasn't done much on these forums, I'm a little shocked to see 20 pages and 8 plus thousand views.

20 pages of vent, you have probably done the mods a fair bit of good, at least everyone was able to put in their 2 cents worth. Well in good sir.


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Jun 10, 2013
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In the snowbelt north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
So what happened to Bearswillwin?

His ratings have dropped to a negative level. Was it something he said?

Or was it something he didn't say ...


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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Sorry but I want to see us play as hard as possible. One more loss and we sit anyone with a risk of further injury, maybe get a better look at backups and continue to try hard.


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Jun 10, 2013
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In the snowbelt north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sorry but I want to see us play as hard as possible. One more loss and we sit anyone with a risk of further injury, maybe get a better look at backups and continue to try hard.

^ That's what a fan sounds like.

Great post Bearly!


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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LOL still with the hash tags huh?

Such predictable eloquence ... weren't you hugging Bearswillwin yesterday? What happened in the interim ... did you two have a quarrel?

Lurk moar.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
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Their reasoning is flawed you twit.

It's wrong. Not correct.

Get it?

No, it isn't. There are many more options available with higher picks, one of them being you can trade down and remain in the first round, while adding additional "high" picks (2nd/3rd), not to mention that picking high in the 2nd and 3rd rounds also gives you a better chance of selecting a better player since the pool is greater to choose from. It's common sense. If making the playoffs isn't feasible, the better option for the future is losing, no matter how much we all may hate to see said result.


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Dec 1, 2013
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Get the best pick we can and trade it for the rights to Aaron Hernadez. They say he's a killer tight end.


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Aug 22, 2012
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Where in anything I typed did I ever imply I had an eye for talent?

How about arguing the things I actually said? Maybe we could do that rather than just making shit up. Funny idea, I know.

I think Emery should take the best player available at every pick he has at his disposal. Silly me.

I'm against losing games, or rooting for the team to lose, in order to get a better draft spot because there is zero proof that it will make the team better next season.

And once again, even though I have said that a ton of times, you try to argue something else I didn't say.

You keep re-iterating this point, as if everyone arguing for improving draft position holds the stance that better draft position = better pick/team. That's not what I've been reading. What I've read is completely valid, however: That the higher your draft pick, the bigger your pool of available players (in every round, not just the first) of which to select an impact player. The higher pick doesn't GUARANTEE anything, except that the odds of you picking an impact player are higher, specifically because there are more players available from which to choose from.

You (and others) seem to be held up on it being a guarantee of future success, which it is not--but the stats shown in this article: http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/Digging-deeper-into-draft-probabilities.html do indicate that the higher the draft pick, the higher the likelihood of that player being an impact, long-term player.

Of course, it all comes down to scouting and making the correct pick, regardless of where you are choosing; but to say that having a higher pick has no bearing on the probability of making that correct pick is silly and counter-factual.

I will not actively root for the Bears to lose, but if they do lose out, you can't deny that's potentially better for the overall long-term health of the organization...or maybe you can keep going on to deny it, but repeating something over and over again doesn't make you correct


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
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Once again I will repeat something no one has been able to challenge......................having a higher pick doesn't equal getting the better player nor does it ensure the team will be better next year.

There is no logic or common sense in saying that a higher pick will make the team better.

Proof: look at the hall-of-fame players and the largest percentage comes from picks 1-5 in a draft. After that, the percentages drop. There is a difference in a player picked from 7 to 10 and a player picked after that (look at the hall-of-fame numbers). However; there is not that great a difference in a player picked 15 to 20 and one drafted around 50.

The Tom Brady's and Richard Dent's of the world are few and far between, so it is not worth talking about them in the equation.

There will always be busts high in the draft, be it due to over-hype, injury, or character issues. The reason that GMs want to draft higher is because the higher they draft, the more chance they have of picking someone who does not have any of these issues. As you get later in the 1st round, you are willing to overlook some flaws, hoping to not be bit by that flaw (Chris Williams' back because Clady was drafted before the Bears picked).

Was Warren Sapp not talented enough to be a top 5 player? Of course he was, yet he fell due to perceived character issues. Randy Moss? Same thing.

The Draft is great because GMs can risk drafting someone with a red flag but a ton of talent or risk not drafting the same person and having him become an all-pro.

Often a GM will pick a "safe" but less talented player because he is scared of the better player's flaws. In a few years, the player that was passed up is a pro-bowl regular and the "safe" player is ... a safe player, not terrible but not great.

Chris Sojka

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Aug 25, 2012
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Brett Favre must have been the most overrated quarterback in the league in 1996 when the packers had the #1 defense in the league then, by this masterful logic. Dude totally shouldn't have gotten paid because that defense made him look better, right?

Do you even watch football, bro?

I just posted Russell Wilsons stats... he has 22 TDs 6 ints

In 1996 Brett Favre had 39 TDs 13 ints

LOL... what the fuck are you talking about... Both had #1 defenses...

Brett Favre shits all over Russell Wilson and his 3 games of less than 150 yards this season... and 8 with less than 250... HA HA HA HA HA

Chris Sojka

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
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So what happened to Bearswillwin?

His ratings have dropped to a negative level. Was it something he said?

Or was it something he didn't say ...

In case you couldn't tell he made absolutely no sense and ended up contradicting himself...


New member
Jun 10, 2013
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In the snowbelt north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
In case you couldn't tell he made absolutely no sense and ended up contradicting himself...


Hmmm ...

That's not what I got out of it. What I read from Bww made perfectly good sense. In fact his arguments were, without question, far more logical than some of the other posts I read.

Another thing I've noticed here is that when some posters feel intimidated by Bww's obviously superior knowledge about football they tend to get personal in their responses to him. It does make it more entertaining to read but really ... they don't come off as being anything but childish.

Oh and one question ... what does 'lurk moar' mean? My background is in education but I don't recognize that second word.
